8-3-7. Registration and residence required to vote at township meeting.
No person may vote at any township meeting unless the person is registered to vote pursuant to chapter 12-4 and resides in the township. For the purposes of this section, a person resides in the township if the person actually lives in the township for at least thirty consecutive days each year, is a full-time postsecondary education student who resided in the township immediately prior to leaving for the postsecondary education, or is on active duty as a member of the armed forces whose home of record is within the township. A voter's qualification as a resident may be challenged in the manner provided in §12-18-10. No election may be contested on the grounds that any nonresident was allowed to vote if the nonresident was not challenged in the manner provided in §12-18-10.
Source: SDC 1939, §58.0312; SL 1973, ch 69, §1; SL 1984, ch 50, §1; SL 2002, ch 43, §3.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Township Meetings And Elections
Section 8-3-1 - Time and place of annual meeting--Publication of notice.
Section 8-3-1.1 - Authority to require nominating petition.
Section 8-3-1.2 - Filing nominating petition--Contents--Circulation prior to meeting.
Section 8-3-1.3 - Publication of election notice.
Section 8-3-1.4 - Notice in township of twenty or fewer resident voters.
Section 8-3-2 - Powers of voters at annual meeting.
Section 8-3-3 - Special meetings of township electors--Statement calling meeting.
Section 8-3-4 - Recording and publication of notice of special meeting--Exception.
Section 8-3-5 - Contents of notice of special meeting--Business restricted to stated purposes.
Section 8-3-6 - Organization and officers of township meeting.
Section 8-3-7 - Registration and residence required to vote at township meeting.
Section 8-3-8 - Unlawful voting at meeting as misdemeanor.
Section 8-3-9 - Determination of challenge to voter.
Section 8-3-10 - Order of business at meeting--Procedural rules.
Section 8-3-11 - Filing of minutes of meeting.
Section 8-3-12 - Supervisor elected at annual meeting--Representation of county seat town.
Section 8-3-13 - Additional officers elected at annual meeting--Term of constable.
Section 8-3-14 - Proclamation of opening of polls, adjournment and closing of polls.
Section 8-3-15 - Method of electing officers.
Section 8-3-16 - Conduct of voting by ballot.
Section 8-3-17 - Canvass and return of voting by ballot.
Section 8-3-17.1 - Absentee voting.
Section 8-3-18 - Notice to persons elected to township office.
Section 8-3-20 - Appointment of officers by county commissioners after failure of township to elect.