8-3-1.2. Filing nominating petition--Contents--Circulation prior to meeting.
If the board of supervisors requires nominating petitions pursuant to §8-3-1.1, no candidate for elective township office may be nominated unless a nominating petition is filed with the township clerk no later than five p.m. of the day twenty-five days prior to the annual township meeting at which such officer is to be elected. The nominating petition shall be signed by no less than ten registered voters of the township and shall be on a form approved by the state board of elections. The nominating petition shall contain the name of the candidate, his residence and business address, and the office for which he is nominated. A formal declaration of the candidate shall be signed by him prior to the circulation of petitions. The signed declaration of the candidate, or a facsimile thereof, may accompany and be part of the petition. The original signed declaration shall accompany and be a part of the petition. The signer or the circulator of the petition shall add the signer's residence address and the date of the signing. No petition may be circulated until forty-five days prior to the annual meeting.
Source: SL 1990, ch 56, §2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Township Meetings And Elections
Section 8-3-1 - Time and place of annual meeting--Publication of notice.
Section 8-3-1.1 - Authority to require nominating petition.
Section 8-3-1.2 - Filing nominating petition--Contents--Circulation prior to meeting.
Section 8-3-1.3 - Publication of election notice.
Section 8-3-1.4 - Notice in township of twenty or fewer resident voters.
Section 8-3-2 - Powers of voters at annual meeting.
Section 8-3-3 - Special meetings of township electors--Statement calling meeting.
Section 8-3-4 - Recording and publication of notice of special meeting--Exception.
Section 8-3-5 - Contents of notice of special meeting--Business restricted to stated purposes.
Section 8-3-6 - Organization and officers of township meeting.
Section 8-3-7 - Registration and residence required to vote at township meeting.
Section 8-3-8 - Unlawful voting at meeting as misdemeanor.
Section 8-3-9 - Determination of challenge to voter.
Section 8-3-10 - Order of business at meeting--Procedural rules.
Section 8-3-11 - Filing of minutes of meeting.
Section 8-3-12 - Supervisor elected at annual meeting--Representation of county seat town.
Section 8-3-13 - Additional officers elected at annual meeting--Term of constable.
Section 8-3-14 - Proclamation of opening of polls, adjournment and closing of polls.
Section 8-3-15 - Method of electing officers.
Section 8-3-16 - Conduct of voting by ballot.
Section 8-3-17 - Canvass and return of voting by ballot.
Section 8-3-17.1 - Absentee voting.
Section 8-3-18 - Notice to persons elected to township office.
Section 8-3-20 - Appointment of officers by county commissioners after failure of township to elect.