South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Administration And Enforcement
Section 61-3-10 - Judicial enforcement of departmental subpoena--Disobedience as contempt.

61-3-10. Judicial enforcement of departmental subpoena--Disobedience as contempt.
In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpoena issued to any person pursuant to §61-3-7, any court of this state within the jurisdiction of which the inquiry is carried on or within the jurisdiction of which the person guilty of contumacy or refusal to obey is found or resides or transacts business, upon application by the secretary of labor and regulation or the secretary's duly authorized representative, may issue to the person an order requiring the person to appear before the secretary or the secretary's duly authorized representative, there to produce evidence if so ordered or there to give testimony touching the matter under investigation or in question; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt thereof.

Source: SL 1936 (SS), ch 3, §11 (i); SDC 1939, §17.0815; SL 2008, ch 277, §55; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), §33, eff. Apr. 12, 2011.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 61 - Reemployment Assistance

Chapter 03 - Administration And Enforcement

Section 61-3-1 - General purposes of departmental programs--Assistance, investigations, and research.

Section 61-3-2 - Work record maintained by employing unit--Inspection by department.

Section 61-3-3 - Report required of employers by secretary.

Section 61-3-4 - Information confidential--Use by claimant at hearing--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 61-3-5 - Reports and communications privileged in actions for defamation.

Section 61-3-6 - Preservation and destruction of departmental records.

Section 61-3-7 - Powers of departmental personnel in conduct of investigations and hearings.

Section 61-3-8 - Disobedience of subpoena not excused by privilege against self-incrimination--Immunity from prosecution after claim of privilege.

Section 61-3-9 - Disobedience of departmental subpoena--Misdemeanor--Separate offenses.

Section 61-3-10 - Judicial enforcement of departmental subpoena--Disobedience as contempt.

Section 61-3-14 - Availability of laws, rules, and reports.

Section 61-3-16 - Criminal prosecutions by attorney general or state's attorney.

Section 61-3-17 - Representation of department in civil actions.

Section 61-3-18 - Promulgation of rules to secure federal benefits.

Section 61-3-19 - Arrangements with other states for coordinated administration of benefits.

Section 61-3-20 - Agreements with federal government and other states for coordinated collection of contributions.

Section 61-3-21 - Cooperation and compliance with federal requirements--Reports and information.

Section 61-3-22 - Records made available to railroad retirement board.

Section 61-3-23 - Information furnished to federal public works agencies.

Section 61-3-24 - Employment security administration fund created--Moneys paid into fund--Purposes for which used.

Section 61-3-25 - Separate administration and accounting for administration fund--Security provided by depository.

Section 61-3-26 - Administration fund covered by state treasurer's bond--Deposit of recoveries on bond.

Section 61-3-27 - State obligation to replace federal contributions expended in unauthorized manner.

Section 61-3-28 - Employment security contingency fund established--Interest, penalty, and fine payments paid into fund--Restrictions on expenditures--Use of fund.

Section 61-3-29 - Refunds of interest, penalties, and fines paid from employment security contingency fund.

Section 61-3-30 - Expenditures and refunds from employment security contingency fund--Deposit, administration, and disbursement of fund.

Section 61-3-31 - Transfer of contingency fund balance to unemployment compensation fund.