58-6-47. Suspension or revocation of certificate after hearing, grounds.
The director shall suspend or revoke an insurer's certificate of authority on any of the following grounds if he finds after a hearing thereon that the insurer:
(1)Is in unsound condition, or in such condition or using such methods and practices in the conduct of its business, as to render its further transaction of business in this state hazardous or injurious to its policyholders or to the public;
(2)Has failed, after written request therefor by the director, to remove or discharge an officer or director who has been convicted of any crime involving fraud, dishonesty, or moral turpitude;
(3)With such frequency as to indicate its general business practice in this state, has without just cause refused to pay claims arising under coverages provided by its policies, whether the claim is in favor of an insured or is in favor of a third person with respect to the liability of an insured to such third person, or, with like frequency, without just cause compels insureds or claimants to accept less than the amount due them or to employ attorneys or to bring suit against the insurer or such an insured to obtain full payment or settlement of such claims;
(4)Is affiliated with and under the same general management, or interlocking directorate, or ownership as another insurer which transacts direct insurance in this state without having a certificate of authority therefor, except as permitted under this title.
(5)Refuses to be examined, or if its directors, officers, employees, or representatives refuse to submit to examination relative to its affairs, or to produce its accounts, records, and files for examination by the director when required, or refuse to perform any legal obligation relative to the examination;
(6)Has failed to pay any final judgment rendered against it in this state upon any policy, bond, recognizance, or undertaking issued or guaranteed by it, within thirty days after the judgment became final, or within thirty days after time for taking an appeal has expired, or within thirty days after dismissal of an appeal before final determination, whichever date is the later.
Source: SL 1966, ch 111, ch 3, ยง19 (2).
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 06 - Authority To Transact Insurance In State
Section 58-6-4 - Activities excepted from certificate of authority requirements.
Section 58-6-5 - Foreign insurer--Investments in state without a certificate of authority.
Section 58-6-6 - Eligibility of insurer for certificate of authority.
Section 58-6-10 - Governmentally owned insurers prohibited--Exceptions.
Section 58-6-14 - Use of deceptively similar name prohibited.
Section 58-6-15 - Use of deceptively similar name by life insurer prohibited for ten years.
Section 58-6-16 - Use of name deceptively similar to name of foreign insurer prohibited.
Section 58-6-18 - Prevention of confusing similarity of names by director.
Section 58-6-19 - Combination of insuring power of one insurer--Exception.
Section 58-6-20 - Life insurer--Kinds of business authorized, exception.
Section 58-6-21 - Reciprocal insurer--Transaction of life or title insurance prohibited.
Section 58-6-22 - Title insurer--Transaction of other insurance prohibited.
Section 58-6-23 - Paid-in capital and surplus requirements for certificate of authority.
Section 58-6-24 - Determination of capital and surplus requirements for certificate of authority.
Section 58-6-29 - Annuities--Granting by life insurer without additional capital or surplus.
Section 58-6-33 - Deposit by all insurers--Exceptions.
Section 58-6-36 - Deposit of title insurer--Amount required.
Section 58-6-37 - Deposit of title insurer as guaranty fund--Purpose.
Section 58-6-38 - Application for initial certificate of authority--Documents accompanying.
Section 58-6-39 - Service of process through director.
Section 58-6-41 - Kinds of insurance specified in certificate--Limitations within class.
Section 58-6-43 - Foreign insurer exempt from foreign corporation laws.
Section 58-6-44 - Refusal to renew or suspension or revocation of certificate, grounds.
Section 58-6-45 - Hearing required on refusal to issue, suspension or revocation of certificate.
Section 58-6-46 - Grounds for refusal to renew, suspension, or revocation of certificate.
Section 58-6-47 - Suspension or revocation of certificate after hearing, grounds.
Section 58-6-48 - Suspension of certificate on commencement of delinquency proceedings.
Section 58-6-52 - Duration of suspension of certificate of authority--Rescission or shortening.
Section 58-6-53 - Rights and obligations of insurer during suspension.
Section 58-6-57 - Failure to notify or continuation of business after notice as felony.
Section 58-6-59 - Liability of officers and directors of impaired insurers.
Section 58-6-61 - Suspension or revocation of authority of insurance producers--Notice by director.
Section 58-6-67 - Contract not invalidated by violation of countersignature requirements.
Section 58-6-69 - Report and payment of tax by surplus line brokers.
Section 58-6-70 - Retaliatory tax provisions--Exception.
Section 58-6-71 - Exemption from retaliatory tax provisions.
Section 58-6-72 - Domicile of alien insurer for retaliatory tax purposes.
Section 58-6-73 - Domicile of Canadian insurer for retaliatory tax purposes.
Section 58-6-76 - Summary of statement of financial condition of insurer--Publication by director.