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Section 58-6-1 - Certificate of authority required for transaction of insurance business--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 58-6-1. Certificate of authority required for transaction of insurance business--Exceptions--Violation...
Section 58-6-2 - Solicitation of insurance or transacting business in another state by insurer in this state without certificate of authority prohibited--Misdemeanor. - 58-6-2. Solicitation of insurance or transacting business in another state...
Section 58-6-3 - Preemption of field of insurance regulation by state--Licensing by political subdivisions prohibited. - 58-6-3. Preemption of field of insurance regulation by state--Licensing by...
Section 58-6-4 - Activities excepted from certificate of authority requirements. - 58-6-4. Activities excepted from certificate of authority requirements. A certificate...
Section 58-6-5 - Foreign insurer--Investments in state without a certificate of authority. - 58-6-5. Foreign insurer--Investments in state without a certificate of authority....
Section 58-6-6 - Eligibility of insurer for certificate of authority. - 58-6-6. Eligibility of insurer for certificate of authority. To qualify...
Section 58-6-7 - Eligibility of insurer for certificate of authority--Necessity for maintenance of required reserves. - 58-6-7. Eligibility of insurer for certificate of authority--Necessity for maintenance...
Section 58-6-8 - Denial of authority to engage in business when contrary to public interest--Denial when managed by unqualified personnel--Affiliates. - 58-6-8. Denial of authority to engage in business when contrary...
Section 58-6-9 - Continuance of authorization of prior authorized mutual and stock insurers--Participating policyholders--Quorum--Proxies--Issuance of nonvoting participating policies. - 58-6-9. Continuance of authorization of prior authorized mutual and stock...
Section 58-6-10 - Governmentally owned insurers prohibited--Exceptions. - 58-6-10. Governmentally owned insurers prohibited--Exceptions. Except for instrumentalities of the...
Section 58-6-11 - Readmission to state as an authorized insurer--Requirements--Payment of back premium taxes. - 58-6-11. Readmission to state as an authorized insurer--Requirements--Payment of back...
Section 58-6-12 - Unauthorized insurers--Application of insurer violating insurance laws for authority to transact insurance in state--Payment of back premium taxes. - 58-6-12. Unauthorized insurers--Application of insurer violating insurance laws for authority...
Section 58-6-13 - Foreign insurance companies--Compliance with requirements for admission to do business in state--Waiver. - 58-6-13. Foreign insurance companies--Compliance with requirements for admission to do...
Section 58-6-14 - Use of deceptively similar name prohibited. - 58-6-14. Use of deceptively similar name prohibited. No insurer shall...
Section 58-6-15 - Use of deceptively similar name by life insurer prohibited for ten years. - 58-6-15. Use of deceptively similar name by life insurer prohibited...
Section 58-6-16 - Use of name deceptively similar to name of foreign insurer prohibited. - 58-6-16. Use of name deceptively similar to name of foreign...
Section 58-6-17 - Name tending to deceive or mislead as to type of organization of insurer prohibited. - 58-6-17. Name tending to deceive or mislead as to type...
Section 58-6-18 - Prevention of confusing similarity of names by director. - 58-6-18. Prevention of confusing similarity of names by director. In...
Section 58-6-19 - Combination of insuring power of one insurer--Exception. - 58-6-19. Combination of insuring power of one insurer--Exception. An insurer...
Section 58-6-20 - Life insurer--Kinds of business authorized, exception. - 58-6-20. Life insurer--Kinds of business authorized, exception. An insurer authorized...
Section 58-6-21 - Reciprocal insurer--Transaction of life or title insurance prohibited. - 58-6-21. Reciprocal insurer--Transaction of life or title insurance prohibited. A...
Section 58-6-22 - Title insurer--Transaction of other insurance prohibited. - 58-6-22. Title insurer--Transaction of other insurance prohibited. A title insurer...
Section 58-6-23 - Paid-in capital and surplus requirements for certificate of authority. - 58-6-23. Paid-in capital and surplus requirements for certificate of authority....
Section 58-6-24 - Determination of capital and surplus requirements for certificate of authority. - 58-6-24. Determination of capital and surplus requirements for certificate of...
Section 58-6-25 - Additional types of insurance--Request for authority to transact within three years after issuance of initial certificate--Basic surplus or additional surplus required. - 58-6-25. Additional types of insurance--Request for authority to transact within...
Section 58-6-26 - Surplus to qualify to transact one or more kinds of insurance by domestic mutual and reciprocal insurers--Laws governing. - 58-6-26. Surplus to qualify to transact one or more kinds...
Section 58-6-27 - Continuation of authority of insurer holding prior certificate--Maintenance of capital stock or surplus requirements. - 58-6-27. Continuation of authority of insurer holding prior certificate--Maintenance of...
Section 58-6-28 - Additional kinds of insurance authorized for insurer holding prior certificate--Capital and surplus requirements. - 58-6-28. Additional kinds of insurance authorized for insurer holding prior...
Section 58-6-29 - Annuities--Granting by life insurer without additional capital or surplus. - 58-6-29. Annuities--Granting by life insurer without additional capital or surplus....
Section 58-6-30 - Health insurer issuing insurance against congenital defects without additional capital or surplus. - 58-6-30. Health insurer issuing insurance against congenital defects without additional...
Section 58-6-31 - Casualty insurer transacting health insurance without additional capital or surplus. - 58-6-31. Casualty insurer transacting health insurance without additional capital or...
Section 58-6-32 - Property insurer including additional kinds of insurance without additional capital or surplus. - 58-6-32. Property insurer including additional kinds of insurance without additional...
Section 58-6-33 - Deposit by all insurers--Exceptions. - 58-6-33. Deposit by all insurers--Exceptions. Sections 58-6-34 and 58-6-35 shall...
Section 58-6-34 - Deposits through director--Purpose--Amounts required--Deposits in other states in lieu of deposit with director. - 58-6-34. Deposits through director--Purpose--Amounts required--Deposits in other states in lieu...
Section 58-6-35 - Deposits of foreign or alien insurers in another state--Quality of cash or securities. - 58-6-35. Deposits of foreign or alien insurers in another state--Quality...
Section 58-6-36 - Deposit of title insurer--Amount required. - 58-6-36. Deposit of title insurer--Amount required. No title insurer shall...
Section 58-6-37 - Deposit of title insurer as guaranty fund--Purpose. - 58-6-37. Deposit of title insurer as guaranty fund--Purpose. The deposit...
Section 58-6-38 - Application for initial certificate of authority--Documents accompanying. - 58-6-38. Application for initial certificate of authority--Documents accompanying. Every insurer...
Section 58-6-39 - Service of process through director. - 58-6-39. Service of process through director. Each insurer applying for...
Section 58-6-40 - Time for approval or disapproval of original certificate--Extension--Failure to disapprove deemed approval. - 58-6-40. Time for approval or disapproval of original certificate--Extension--Failure to...
Section 58-6-41 - Kinds of insurance specified in certificate--Limitations within class. - 58-6-41. Kinds of insurance specified in certificate--Limitations within class. The...
Section 58-6-42 - Annual reissuance of certificate not required--Annual renewal fee--Expiration of certificate. - 58-6-42. Annual reissuance of certificate not required--Annual renewal fee--Expiration of...
Section 58-6-43 - Foreign insurer exempt from foreign corporation laws. - 58-6-43. Foreign insurer exempt from foreign corporation laws. A foreign...
Section 58-6-44 - Refusal to renew or suspension or revocation of certificate, grounds. - 58-6-44. Refusal to renew or suspension or revocation of certificate,...
Section 58-6-45 - Hearing required on refusal to issue, suspension or revocation of certificate. - 58-6-45. Hearing required on refusal to issue, suspension or revocation...
Section 58-6-46 - Grounds for refusal to renew, suspension, or revocation of certificate. - 58-6-46. Grounds for refusal to renew, suspension, or revocation of...
Section 58-6-47 - Suspension or revocation of certificate after hearing, grounds. - 58-6-47. Suspension or revocation of certificate after hearing, grounds. The...
Section 58-6-48 - Suspension of certificate on commencement of delinquency proceedings. - 58-6-48. Suspension of certificate on commencement of delinquency proceedings. The...
Section 58-6-49 - Order of suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew certificate--Replacement of policies. - 58-6-49. Order of suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew certificate--Replacement...
Section 58-6-50 - Notice to insurance producers of suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew certificate--Insurance Producers' authority. - 58-6-50. Notice to insurance producers of suspension, revocation, or refusal...
Section 58-6-51 - Publication of notice of suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew certificate of authority. - 58-6-51. Publication of notice of suspension, revocation, or refusal to...
Section 58-6-52 - Duration of suspension of certificate of authority--Rescission or shortening. - 58-6-52. Duration of suspension of certificate of authority--Rescission or shortening....
Section 58-6-53 - Rights and obligations of insurer during suspension. - 58-6-53. Rights and obligations of insurer during suspension. During the...
Section 58-6-54 - Reinstatement of certificate of authority which has not terminated where cause for suspension no longer exists. - 58-6-54. Reinstatement of certificate of authority which has not terminated...
Section 58-6-55 - Reinstatement of authority of insurance producers--Notice to insurer and insurance producers. - 58-6-55. Reinstatement of authority of insurance producers--Notice to insurer and...
Section 58-6-56 - Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew certificate because of deficiency of assets or impairment of capital or surplus--Cessation of business in state. - 58-6-56. Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew certificate because of...
Section 58-6-57 - Failure to notify or continuation of business after notice as felony. - 58-6-57. Failure to notify or continuation of business after notice...
Section 58-6-58 - Impairment of assets, capital, or surplus--Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew certificate of authority--Rehabilitator or receiver of insurer not required to notify agents. - 58-6-58. Impairment of assets, capital, or surplus--Suspension, revocation, or refusal...
Section 58-6-59 - Liability of officers and directors of impaired insurers. - 58-6-59. Liability of officers and directors of impaired insurers. The...
Section 58-6-60 - Notice to insurer and insurance producers of refusal, suspension, or revocation of certificate. - 58-6-60. Notice to insurer and insurance producers of refusal, suspension,...
Section 58-6-61 - Suspension or revocation of authority of insurance producers--Notice by director. - 58-6-61. Suspension or revocation of authority of insurance producers--Notice by...
Section 58-6-67 - Contract not invalidated by violation of countersignature requirements. - 58-6-67. Superseded.
Section 58-6-68 - Insurers subject to taxation--Filing of returns and reports--Exemption of qualified pension, annuity, or profit-sharing plans. - 58-6-68. Insurers subject to taxation--Filing of returns and reports--Exemption of...
Section 58-6-69 - Report and payment of tax by surplus line brokers. - 58-6-69. Report and payment of tax by surplus line brokers....
Section 58-6-70 - Retaliatory tax provisions--Exception. - 58-6-70. Retaliatory tax provisions--Exception. If any other state or foreign...
Section 58-6-71 - Exemption from retaliatory tax provisions. - 58-6-71. Exemption from retaliatory tax provisions. Section 58-6-70 shall not...
Section 58-6-72 - Domicile of alien insurer for retaliatory tax purposes. - 58-6-72. Domicile of alien insurer for retaliatory tax purposes. For...
Section 58-6-73 - Domicile of Canadian insurer for retaliatory tax purposes. - 58-6-73. Domicile of Canadian insurer for retaliatory tax purposes. In...
Section 58-6-74 - Dissolution or retirement of insurer during year--Filing of reports and collection of taxes not defeated. - 58-6-74. Dissolution or retirement of insurer during year--Filing of reports...
Section 58-6-75 - Annual and quarterly statement of financial condition of insurer--Filing with director--Form and contents--Timeliness of filing. - 58-6-75. Annual and quarterly statement of financial condition of insurer--Filing...
Section 58-6-76 - Summary of statement of financial condition of insurer--Publication by director. - 58-6-76. Summary of statement of financial condition of insurer--Publication by...
Section 58-6-77 - Time for publication of summary statement by director--Publication in judicial circuits. - 58-6-77. Time for publication of summary statement by director--Publication in...
Section 58-6-78 - Director to supply summary statement to each legal newspaper published in each judicial circuit--Recognition of legal newspaper. - 58-6-78. Director to supply summary statement to each legal newspaper...
Section 58-6-79 - Publication requirements do not apply to fraternal or benevolent life association transactions nor to mutual insurance companies or associations. - 58-6-79. Publication requirements do not apply to fraternal or benevolent...
Section 58-6-80 - Confidentiality of analysis ratios and examination synopses--Participation in regulatory information system. - 58-6-80. Confidentiality of analysis ratios and examination synopses--Participation in regulatory...