58-2-12. Oath of office and bond of director--Bonds of insurance examiners, actuaries, and attorney for division--Bond premiums paid from state insurance fund.
The director shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and shall give the state a bond in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, and each insurance examiner, the actuary and the attorney shall each give bond to the state in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, all such bonds to be conditioned for the faithful and impartial discharge of the duties imposed upon such director and employees by this title, and all such bonds to be approved by the attorney general, and recorded and filed as provided by law.
The premium of such bonds shall be paid by the state treasurer out of the insurance fund of this state upon warrants drawn on such fund by the state auditor.
Source: SL 1966, ch 111, ch 2, ยง6.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 02 - Division Of Insurance
Section 58-2-2.1 - Appointment of director--Removal.
Section 58-2-3 - Qualifications of director.
Section 58-2-9 - Legal adviser to division--Employment--Duties.
Section 58-2-10 - Actuaries--Employment by department--Duties.
Section 58-2-11 - Examiners for examination of insurers and others--Employment by department.
Section 58-2-13 - Chief clerk and employees--Appointment.
Section 58-2-14 - Division personnel--Termination of employment by department.
Section 58-2-17 - Compensation of personnel.
Section 58-2-19 - Interests of personnel in insurance transactions prohibited--Misdemeanor.
Section 58-2-21 - Enforcement of provisions of this title.
Section 58-2-22 - Power and authority of director--Examinations and investigations.
Section 58-2-23 - Additional powers and duties of director provided by other laws.
Section 58-2-24 - Delegation of powers by director.
Section 58-2-26 - Records--Keeping by director--Public inspection.
Section 58-2-27 - Director's certificate of authority--Evidence.
Section 58-2-28 - Certified copies of records in office of director as evidence.
Section 58-2-29 - Fees, licenses, and charges--Collection by director in advance.
Section 58-2-30 - Disposition of money received by director.
Section 58-2-40 - Promulgation of rules to protect privacy of medical records.