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Section 58-2-1.1 - Division within Department of Labor and Regulation--Direction and supervision by department--Independent functions retained by division. - 58-2-1.1. Division within Department of Labor and Regulation--Direction and supervision...
Section 58-2-2.1 - Appointment of director--Removal. - 58-2-2.1. Appointment of director--Removal. The director of the Division of...
Section 58-2-3 - Qualifications of director. - 58-2-3. Qualifications of director. The director must have had at...
Section 58-2-9 - Legal adviser to division--Employment--Duties. - 58-2-9. Legal adviser to division--Employment--Duties. The Department of Labor and...
Section 58-2-10 - Actuaries--Employment by department--Duties. - 58-2-10. Actuaries--Employment by department--Duties. The Department of Labor and Regulation...
Section 58-2-11 - Examiners for examination of insurers and others--Employment by department. - 58-2-11. Examiners for examination of insurers and others--Employment by department....
Section 58-2-12 - Oath of office and bond of director--Bonds of insurance examiners, actuaries, and attorney for division--Bond premiums paid from state insurance fund. - 58-2-12. Oath of office and bond of director--Bonds of insurance...
Section 58-2-13 - Chief clerk and employees--Appointment. - 58-2-13. Chief clerk and employees--Appointment. The Department of Labor and...
Section 58-2-14 - Division personnel--Termination of employment by department. - 58-2-14. Division personnel--Termination of employment by department. The Department of...
Section 58-2-15 - Actuarial, technical, or other professional services--Department authorized to contract for on a fee or part-time basis. - 58-2-15. Actuarial, technical, or other professional services--Department authorized to contract...
Section 58-2-16 - Technical or professional personnel--Bond required, amount, approval and filing, payment of premium. - 58-2-16. Technical or professional personnel--Bond required, amount, approval and filing,...
Section 58-2-17 - Compensation of personnel. - 58-2-17. Compensation of personnel. The compensation of all such personnel...
Section 58-2-18 - Additional compensation for services rendered by personnel prohibited--Misdemeanor. - 58-2-18. Additional compensation for services rendered by personnel prohibited--Misdemeanor. The...
Section 58-2-19 - Interests of personnel in insurance transactions prohibited--Misdemeanor. - 58-2-19. Interests of personnel in insurance transactions prohibited--Misdemeanor. The director...
Section 58-2-20 - Procurement of loan secured by mortgage on real estate permitted to division personnel. - 58-2-20. Procurement of loan secured by mortgage on real estate...
Section 58-2-21 - Enforcement of provisions of this title. - 58-2-21. Enforcement of provisions of this title. The director shall...
Section 58-2-22 - Power and authority of director--Examinations and investigations. - 58-2-22. Power and authority of director--Examinations and investigations. The director...
Section 58-2-23 - Additional powers and duties of director provided by other laws. - 58-2-23. Additional powers and duties of director provided by other...
Section 58-2-24 - Delegation of powers by director. - 58-2-24. Delegation of powers by director. The director may delegate...
Section 58-2-26 - Records--Keeping by director--Public inspection. - 58-2-26. Records--Keeping by director--Public inspection. The director shall keep permanent...
Section 58-2-27 - Director's certificate of authority--Evidence. - 58-2-27. Director's certificate of authority--Evidence. The director shall furnish, when...
Section 58-2-28 - Certified copies of records in office of director as evidence. - 58-2-28. Certified copies of records in office of director as...
Section 58-2-29 - Fees, licenses, and charges--Collection by director in advance. - 58-2-29. Fees, licenses, and charges--Collection by director in advance. The...
Section 58-2-30 - Disposition of money received by director. - 58-2-30. Disposition of money received by director. All fees received...
Section 58-2-39 - Promulgation of rules regarding definitions, enrollment, disclosure, notice, claims, and records. - 58-2-39. Promulgation of rules regarding definitions, enrollment, disclosure, notice, claims,...
Section 58-2-40 - Promulgation of rules to protect privacy of medical records. - 58-2-40. Promulgation of rules to protect privacy of medical records....
Section 58-2-41 - Promulgation of rules to protect privacy of personal nonpublic financial information--Applicability--Construction. - 58-2-41. Promulgation of rules to protect privacy of personal nonpublic...