South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Negotiable Instruments
Section 57A-3-605 - Discharge of indorsers and accommodation parties.

57A-3-605. Discharge of indorsers and accommodation parties.
(a) In this section, the term "indorser" includes a drawer having the obligation described in §57A-3-414(d).
(b) Discharge, under §57A-3-604, of the obligation of a party to pay an instrument does not discharge the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse against the discharged party.
(c) If a person entitled to enforce an instrument agrees, with or without consideration, to an extension of the due date of the obligation of a party to pay the instrument, the extension discharges an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse against the party whose obligation is extended to the extent the indorser or accommodation party proves that the extension caused loss to the indorser or accommodation party with respect to the right of recourse.
(d) If a person entitled to enforce an instrument agrees, with or without consideration, to a material modification of the obligation of a party other than an extension of the due date, the modification discharges the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse against the person whose obligation is modified to the extent the modification causes loss to the indorser or accommodation party with respect to the right of recourse. The loss suffered by the indorser or accommodation party as a result of the modification is equal to the amount of the right of recourse unless the person enforcing the instrument proves that no loss was caused by the modification or that the loss caused by the modification was an amount less than the amount of the right of recourse.
(e) If the obligation of a party to pay an instrument is secured by an interest in collateral and a person entitled to enforce the instrument impairs the value of the interest in collateral, the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse against the obligor is discharged to the extent of the impairment. The value of an interest in collateral is impaired to the extent (i) the value of the interest is reduced to an amount less than the amount of the right of recourse of the party asserting discharge, or (ii) the reduction in value of the interest causes an increase in the amount by which the amount of the right of recourse exceeds the value of the interest. The burden of proving impairment is on the party asserting discharge.
(f) If the obligation of a party is secured by an interest in collateral not provided by an accommodation party and a person entitled to enforce the instrument impairs the value of the interest in collateral, the obligation of any party who is jointly and severally liable with respect to the secured obligation is discharged to the extent the impairment causes the party asserting discharge to pay more than that party would have been obliged to pay, taking into account rights of contribution, if impairment had not occurred. If the party asserting discharge is an accommodation party not entitled to discharge under subsection (e), the party is deemed to have a right to contribution based on joint and several liability rather than a right to reimbursement. The burden of proving impairment is on the party asserting discharge.
(g) Under subsection (e) or (f), impairing value of an interest in collateral includes (i) failure to obtain or maintain perfection or recordation of the interest in collateral, (ii) release of collateral without substitution of collateral of equal value, (iii) failure to perform a duty to preserve the value of collateral owed, under article 9 or other law, to a debtor or surety or other person secondarily liable, or (iv) failure to comply with applicable law in disposing of collateral.
(h) An accommodation party is not discharged under subsection (c), (d), or (e) unless the person entitled to enforce the instrument knows of the accommodation or has notice under §57A-3-419(c) that the instrument was signed for accommodation.
(i) A party is not discharged under this section if (i) the party asserting discharge consents to the event or conduct that is the basis of the discharge, or (ii) the instrument or a separate agreement of the party provides for waiver of discharge under this section either specifically or by general language indicating that parties waive defenses based on suretyship or impairment of collateral.

Source: SL 1994, ch 367, §3-605.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 57A - Uniform Commercial Code

Chapter 03 - Negotiable Instruments

Section 57A-3-101 - Short title.

Section 57A-3-102 - Subject matter.

Section 57A-3-103 - Definitions.

Section 57A-3-104 - Negotiable instrument.

Section 57A-3-105 - Issue of instrument.

Section 57A-3-106 - Unconditional promise or order.

Section 57A-3-107 - Instrument payable in foreign money.

Section 57A-3-108 - Payable on demand or at definite time.

Section 57A-3-109 - Payable to bearer or to order.

Section 57A-3-110 - Identification of person to whom instrument is payable.

Section 57A-3-111 - Place of payment.

Section 57A-3-112 - Interest.

Section 57A-3-113 - Date of instrument.

Section 57A-3-114 - Contradictory terms of instrument.

Section 57A-3-115 - Incomplete instrument.

Section 57A-3-116 - Joint and several liability--Contribution.

Section 57A-3-117 - Other agreements affecting instrument.

Section 57A-3-118 - Statute of limitations.

Section 57A-3-119 - Notice of right to defend action.

Section 57A-3-201 - Negotiation.

Section 57A-3-202 - Negotiation subject to rescission.

Section 57A-3-203 - Transfer of instrument--Rights acquired by transfer.

Section 57A-3-204 - Indorsement.

Section 57A-3-205 - Special indorsement--Blank indorsement--Anomalous indorsement.

Section 57A-3-206 - Restrictive indorsement.

Section 57A-3-207 - Reacquisition.

Section 57A-3-301 - Person entitled to enforce instrument.

Section 57A-3-302 - Holder in due course.

Section 57A-3-303 - Value and consideration.

Section 57A-3-304 - Overdue instrument.

Section 57A-3-305 - Defenses and claims in recoupment.

Section 57A-3-306 - Claims to an instrument.

Section 57A-3-307 - Notice of breach of fiduciary duty.

Section 57A-3-308 - Proof of signatures and status as holder in due course.

Section 57A-3-309 - Enforcement of lost, destroyed, or stolen instrument.

Section 57A-3-310 - Effect of instrument on obligation for which taken.

Section 57A-3-311 - Accord and satisfaction by use of instrument.

Section 57A-3-312 - Lost, destroyed, or stolen cashier's check, teller's check or certified check.

Section 57A-3-401 - Signature.

Section 57A-3-402 - Signature by representative.

Section 57A-3-403 - Unauthorized signature.

Section 57A-3-404 - Impostors--Fictitious payees.

Section 57A-3-405 - Employer's responsibility for fraudulent indorsement by employee.

Section 57A-3-406 - Negligence contributing to forged signature or alteration of instrument.

Section 57A-3-407 - Alteration.

Section 57A-3-408 - Drawee not liable on unaccepted draft.

Section 57A-3-409 - Acceptance of draft--Certified check.

Section 57A-3-410 - Acceptance varying draft.

Section 57A-3-411 - Refusal to pay cashier's checks, teller's checks, and certified checks.

Section 57A-3-412 - Obligation of issuer of note or cashier's check.

Section 57A-3-413 - Obligation of acceptor.

Section 57A-3-414 - Obligation of drawer.

Section 57A-3-415 - Obligation of indorser.

Section 57A-3-416 - Transfer warranties.

Section 57A-3-417 - Presentment warranties.

Section 57A-3-418 - Payment or acceptance by mistake.

Section 57A-3-419 - Instruments signed for accommodation.

Section 57A-3-420 - Conversion of instrument.

Section 57A-3-421 - Collection costs and expenses--Liability of issuer of dishonored check.

Section 57A-3-422 - Circumstances under which issuer of dishonored check liable--Reasonable costs and expenses.

Section 57A-3-501 - Presentment.

Section 57A-3-502 - Dishonor.

Section 57A-3-503 - Notice of dishonor.

Section 57A-3-504 - Excused presentment and notice of dishonor.

Section 57A-3-505 - Evidence of dishonor.

Section 57A-3-601 - Discharge and effect of discharge.

Section 57A-3-602 - Payment.

Section 57A-3-603 - Tender of payment.

Section 57A-3-604 - Discharge by cancellation or renunciation.

Section 57A-3-605 - Discharge of indorsers and accommodation parties.