34-26A-17. Unauthorized persons not permitted in crematory area.
No unauthorized person may be permitted in the crematory area while any human remains are in the crematory area awaiting cremation, being cremated, or being removed from the cremation chamber.
Source: SL 1988, ch 283, ยง17.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 34 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 26A - Crematories And Cremations
Section 34-26A-1 - Definition of terms.
Section 34-26A-5 - Cremation prohibited except in licensed crematory--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 34-26A-8 - Receipt upon receiving human remains--Contents--Signatures.
Section 34-26A-9 - Record of cremations.
Section 34-26A-11 - Filing of burial permit on completion of cremation.
Section 34-26A-15 - Removal of pacemaker or hazardous implants.
Section 34-26A-17 - Unauthorized persons not permitted in crematory area.
Section 34-26A-19 - Verification of identification before cremation.
Section 34-26A-20 - Removal and processing of residue.
Section 34-26A-21 - Packing of cremated remains--Temporary container--Shipping.
Section 34-26A-24 - Where cremated remains may be disposed of--Consent of property owner.
Section 34-26A-25 - Commingling of cremated remains prohibited--Exceptions.
Section 34-26A-26 - Delivery of cremated remains--Receipt--Transportation of remains.
Section 34-26A-30 - Crematory authority not responsible for valuables.
Section 34-26A-34 - Maintenance of crematory in violation of chapter as nuisance--Abatement.
Section 34-26A-36 - Knowingly signing false authorization form as misdemeanor.
Section 34-26A-41 - Employment of licensed funeral director.