34-20A-83. Number of recommitment orders permitted.
Only two recommitment orders under §§34-20A-81 and 34-20A-82 are permitted.
Source: SL 1974, ch 240, §12 (f).
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 34 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 20A - Treatment And Prevention Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse
Section 34-20A-2 - Definition of terms.
Section 34-20A-2.1 - Accredited facility deemed approved.
Section 34-20A-18 - Solicitation and acceptance of gifts, grants and services.
Section 34-20A-27 - Standards for accredited prevention or treatment facilities--Fees.
Section 34-20A-34 - Real property acquisition and provision of facilities.
Section 34-20A-40 - Procedure for standards, rules, and regulations.
Section 34-20A-44 - Inspection of facilities.
Section 34-20A-44.1 - Access to public and private prevention and treatment facilities and records.
Section 34-20A-50 - Application for voluntary treatment by minor or incompetent.
Section 34-20A-51 - Determination of admission for treatment--Referral to other facilities.
Section 34-20A-55 - Protective custody of intoxicated or incapacitated person--Emergency detainment.
Section 34-20A-56 - Protective custody procedure--Duty of detaining officer--No arrest or record.
Section 34-20A-63 - Emergency detainment--Grounds.
Section 34-20A-64 - Written application--Contents.
Section 34-20A-64.1 - Confinement of disruptive detainee.
Section 34-20A-66 - Approval of application--Intake procedure--Retention or transfer.
Section 34-20A-66.1 - Payment for treatment under emergency detainment or protective custody.
Section 34-20A-67 - Person to receive copy of application--Right to counsel.
Section 34-20A-68 - Discharge from emergency detainment.
Section 34-20A-69.1 - Immunity of facility operators for acts in compliance with chapter.
Section 34-20A-73 - Hearing on petition--Service of notice.
Section 34-20A-74 - Presence in court of person or guardian ad litem--Examination by court.
Section 34-20A-75 - Testimony presented at hearing.
Section 34-20A-77 - Order of involuntary commitment--Adequacy of treatment.
Section 34-20A-78 - Transfer to another facility--Reports--Notice.
Section 34-20A-79 - Refusal of commitment by facility.
Section 34-20A-80 - Discharge before end of commitment period.
Section 34-20A-81 - Maximum period of involuntary commitment--Discharge or recommitment.
Section 34-20A-82 - Discharge from recommitment--Second period of recommitment.
Section 34-20A-83 - Number of recommitment orders permitted.
Section 34-20A-84 - Hearing on petition for recommitment--Service and notice--Procedure.
Section 34-20A-87 - Habeas corpus available at any time.
Section 34-20A-89 - Payment for treatment under involuntary commitment.
Section 34-20A-98 - Possession and administration of opioid antagonists by first responders.
Section 34-20A-99 - Opioid antagonist defined.
Section 34-20A-100 - First responder defined.
Section 34-20A-101 - Training of first responders.
Section 34-20A-105 - Prescription for opioid antagonist.
Section 34-20A-106 - Health care professional immunity from liability.
Section 34-20A-107 - Prescription deemed issued for legitimate medical purpose.
Section 34-20A-108 - Duty or standard of care regarding opioid antagonists unaffected.