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Section 34-20A-2 - Definition of terms. - 34-20A-2. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 34-20A-2.1 - Accredited facility deemed approved. - 34-20A-2.1. Accredited facility deemed approved. An accredited prevention or treatment...
Section 34-20A-18 - Solicitation and acceptance of gifts, grants and services. - 34-20A-18. Solicitation and acceptance of gifts, grants and services. The...
Section 34-20A-27 - Standards for accredited prevention or treatment facilities--Fees. - 34-20A-27. Standards for accredited prevention or treatment facilities--Fees. The division...
Section 34-20A-34 - Real property acquisition and provision of facilities. - 34-20A-34. Real property acquisition and provision of facilities. The division...
Section 34-20A-40 - Procedure for standards, rules, and regulations. - 34-20A-40. Procedure for standards, rules, and regulations. The division in...
Section 34-20A-44 - Inspection of facilities. - 34-20A-44. Inspection of facilities. The division shall inspect accredited prevention...
Section 34-20A-44.1 - Access to public and private prevention and treatment facilities and records. - 34-20A-44.1. Access to public and private prevention and treatment facilities...
Section 34-20A-50 - Application for voluntary treatment by minor or incompetent. - 34-20A-50. Application for voluntary treatment by minor or incompetent. If...
Section 34-20A-51 - Determination of admission for treatment--Referral to other facilities. - 34-20A-51. Determination of admission for treatment--Referral to other facilities. Subject...
Section 34-20A-55 - Protective custody of intoxicated or incapacitated person--Emergency detainment. - 34-20A-55. Protective custody of intoxicated or incapacitated person--Emergency detainment. Any...
Section 34-20A-56 - Protective custody procedure--Duty of detaining officer--No arrest or record. - 34-20A-56. Protective custody procedure--Duty of detaining officer--No arrest or record....
Section 34-20A-57 - Law enforcement authorities not criminally or civilly liable for protective custody actions. - 34-20A-57. Law enforcement authorities not criminally or civilly liable for...
Section 34-20A-63 - Emergency detainment--Grounds. - 34-20A-63. Emergency detainment--Grounds. An intoxicated person may be detained in...
Section 34-20A-64 - Written application--Contents. - 34-20A-64. Written application--Contents. Any law enforcement officer, physician, spouse, guardian,...
Section 34-20A-64.1 - Confinement of disruptive detainee. - 34-20A-64.1. Confinement of disruptive detainee. If any person taken into...
Section 34-20A-65 - Administrator to observe--Refusal of application--Disposition of detained person. - 34-20A-65. Administrator to observe--Refusal of application--Disposition of detained person. The...
Section 34-20A-66 - Approval of application--Intake procedure--Retention or transfer. - 34-20A-66. Approval of application--Intake procedure--Retention or transfer. Upon approval of...
Section 34-20A-66.1 - Payment for treatment under emergency detainment or protective custody. - 34-20A-66.1. Payment for treatment under emergency detainment or protective custody....
Section 34-20A-67 - Person to receive copy of application--Right to counsel. - 34-20A-67. Person to receive copy of application--Right to counsel. A...
Section 34-20A-68 - Discharge from emergency detainment. - 34-20A-68. Discharge from emergency detainment. If the administrator or an...
Section 34-20A-69 - Maximum period of detainment--Extension if petition for involuntary commitment filed. - 34-20A-69. Maximum period of detainment--Extension if petition for involuntary commitment...
Section 34-20A-69.1 - Immunity of facility operators for acts in compliance with chapter. - 34-20A-69.1. Immunity of facility operators for acts in compliance with...
Section 34-20A-70 - Petition for involuntary commitment--Appointment of attorney for applicant--Procedure--Grounds. - 34-20A-70. Petition for involuntary commitment--Appointment of attorney for applicant--Procedure--Grounds. A...
Section 34-20A-70.1 - Duties and compensation of attorney appointed to represent petitioners--Reimbursement of county. - 34-20A-70.1. Duties and compensation of attorney appointed to represent petitioners--Reimbursement...
Section 34-20A-70.2 - Commitment petition application and report to be sealed--State may seek access to documents--Information not to be used in certain prosecutions. - 34-20A-70.2. Commitment petition application and report to be sealed--State may...
Section 34-20A-72 - Certificate of physician or addiction counselor--Refusal of examination or assessment--Eligible physicians and counselors. - 34-20A-72. Certificate of physician or addiction counselor--Refusal of examination or...
Section 34-20A-73 - Hearing on petition--Service of notice. - 34-20A-73. Hearing on petition--Service of notice. Upon filing of a...
Section 34-20A-74 - Presence in court of person or guardian ad litem--Examination by court. - 34-20A-74. Presence in court of person or guardian ad litem--Examination...
Section 34-20A-75 - Testimony presented at hearing. - 34-20A-75. Testimony presented at hearing. At the hearing the court...
Section 34-20A-76 - Court-appointed physician or addiction counselor--Refusal of examination--Temporary commitment for examination. - 34-20A-76. Court-appointed physician or addiction counselor--Refusal of examination--Temporary commitment for...
Section 34-20A-76.1 - Compensation of court-appointed physician and counselor by county--Reimbursement. - 34-20A-76.1. Compensation of court-appointed physician and counselor by county--Reimbursement. A...
Section 34-20A-77 - Order of involuntary commitment--Adequacy of treatment. - 34-20A-77. Order of involuntary commitment--Adequacy of treatment. If after hearing...
Section 34-20A-77.1 - Provision for committed person who cannot be admitted at once to facility--Maximum period of detention--Payment of costs. - 34-20A-77.1. Provision for committed person who cannot be admitted at...
Section 34-20A-78 - Transfer to another facility--Reports--Notice. - 34-20A-78. Transfer to another facility--Reports--Notice. The administrator of the facility...
Section 34-20A-79 - Refusal of commitment by facility. - 34-20A-79. Refusal of commitment by facility. An accredited treatment facility...
Section 34-20A-80 - Discharge before end of commitment period. - 34-20A-80. Discharge before end of commitment period. A person committed...
Section 34-20A-81 - Maximum period of involuntary commitment--Discharge or recommitment. - 34-20A-81. Maximum period of involuntary commitment--Discharge or recommitment. Any person...
Section 34-20A-82 - Discharge from recommitment--Second period of recommitment. - 34-20A-82. Discharge from recommitment--Second period of recommitment. A person recommitted...
Section 34-20A-83 - Number of recommitment orders permitted. - 34-20A-83. Number of recommitment orders permitted. Only two recommitment orders...
Section 34-20A-84 - Hearing on petition for recommitment--Service and notice--Procedure. - 34-20A-84. Hearing on petition for recommitment--Service and notice--Procedure. Upon the...
Section 34-20A-85 - Rights to contest proceedings and to assistance of counsel--Court to require counsel if necessary. - 34-20A-85. Rights to contest proceedings and to assistance of counsel--Court...
Section 34-20A-85.1 - Compensation of attorney appointed to represent person being committed--Reimbursement of county. - 34-20A-85.1. Compensation of attorney appointed to represent person being committed--Reimbursement...
Section 34-20A-86 - Right to examination by physician and counselor of choice--Employment by court when necessary. - 34-20A-86. Right to examination by physician and counselor of choice--Employment...
Section 34-20A-87 - Habeas corpus available at any time. - 34-20A-87. Habeas corpus available at any time. A person committed...
Section 34-20A-89 - Payment for treatment under involuntary commitment. - 34-20A-89. Payment for treatment under involuntary commitment. If treatment of...
Section 34-20A-98 - Possession and administration of opioid antagonists by first responders. - 34-20A-98. Possession and administration of opioid antagonists by first responders....
Section 34-20A-99 - Opioid antagonist defined. - 34-20A-99. Opioid antagonist defined. For the purposes of §§34-20A-98 to...
Section 34-20A-100 - First responder defined. - 34-20A-100. First responder defined. For the purposes of §§34-20A-98 to...
Section 34-20A-101 - Training of first responders. - 34-20A-101. Training of first responders. Each first responder authorized to...
Section 34-20A-102 - Promulgation of rules for training, possession, and administration of opioid antagonists. - 34-20A-102. Promulgation of rules for training, possession, and administration of...
Section 34-20A-103 - Immunity from civil liability for injuries or death associated with administration of opioid antagonists. - 34-20A-103. Immunity from civil liability for injuries or death associated...
Section 34-20A-104 - Possession and administration of opioid antagonists by person close to person at risk of overdose. - 34-20A-104. Possession and administration of opioid antagonists by person close...
Section 34-20A-105 - Prescription for opioid antagonist. - 34-20A-105. Prescription for opioid antagonist. A licensed health care professional...
Section 34-20A-106 - Health care professional immunity from liability. - 34-20A-106. Health care professional immunity from liability. A health care...
Section 34-20A-107 - Prescription deemed issued for legitimate medical purpose. - 34-20A-107. Prescription deemed issued for legitimate medical purpose. For the...
Section 34-20A-108 - Duty or standard of care regarding opioid antagonists unaffected. - 34-20A-108. Duty or standard of care regarding opioid antagonists unaffected....
Section 34-20A-109 - Definitions related to reporting person in need of emergency assistance for drug-related overdose. - 34-20A-109. Definitions related to reporting person in need of emergency...
Section 34-20A-110 - Immunity from arrest or prosecution for reporting person in need of emergency medical assistance for drug-related overdose. - 34-20A-110. Immunity from arrest or prosecution for reporting person in...
Section 34-20A-111 - Immunity from arrest or prosecution for reporting one's own need for emergency medical assistance for drug-related overdose. - 34-20A-111. Immunity from arrest or prosecution for reporting one's own...
Section 34-20A-112 - Providing first aid or other medical assistance as mitigating factor--Limitations on immunity. - 34-20A-112. Providing first aid or other medical assistance as mitigating...
Section 34-20A-113 - One-time immunity. - 34-20A-113. One-time immunity. Any person seeking medical assistance or who...