South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Location, Change And Vacation Of Highways
Section 31-3-7 - Public hearing--Notice--Affirmative resolution of board--Order.

31-3-7. Public hearing--Notice--Affirmative resolution of board--Order.
In case of the filing of a petition described in §31-3-6, the board shall, after giving notice of a public hearing, hold a public hearing called for the purpose of receiving public testimony about the action proposed by the petition. The board shall give notice of the public hearing by publication in the official newspaper of said township, if any, otherwise in the nearest legal newspaper of said county, once each week for at least two consecutive weeks. The notice of the public hearing shall state the purpose, date, time, and location of the hearing and a legal description of the location of the highway and the action proposed by the petition and how information, opinions, and arguments may be presented by any person unable to attend the hearing. The board shall, by resolution, determine whether the public interest will be better served by such proposed vacating, changing, or locating of the highway in question, and upon resolution in the affirmative, shall make its order that such highway be vacated, changed, or located.

Source: SDC 1939, §28.0411; SL 1951, ch 138, §1; SL 1985, ch 233, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 31 - Highways and Bridges

Chapter 03 - Location, Change And Vacation Of Highways

Section 31-3-1 - Dedication to public by continuous use, work, and repair of road--Width--Obtaining right-of-way.

Section 31-3-2 - Public highway not established by mere use.

Section 31-3-3 - Rights of settlers on public lands.

Section 31-3-4 - Location on boundary line--Half of highway taken from each side.

Section 31-3-5 - Damages assessed--Payment before use of road.

Section 31-3-6 - Petition to locate, change, or vacate a highway.

Section 31-3-6.1 - Access to public lands or public waters.

Section 31-3-7 - Public hearing--Notice--Affirmative resolution of board--Order.

Section 31-3-8 - Resolution and order of board--Description of land--Map maintained by county auditor--Recording.

Section 31-3-9 - Resolution and order--Entry in minutes--Publication.

Section 31-3-10 - Discontinuance and vacation--Reversion of title to land--Removal of improvements.

Section 31-3-11 - Validation of vacation of highway not within municipality.

Section 31-3-12 - Limitation of jurisdiction of township supervisors.

Section 31-3-13 - Highway on township line--Joint resolution.

Section 31-3-14 - Appeal from township board to vote of voters.

Section 31-3-17 - Reopening vacated section lines without payment of damages.

Section 31-3-18 - Width of highway.

Section 31-3-19 - County location proceedings--Highways to which applicable.

Section 31-3-20 - Municipal boundary highways--County and trunk highway systems.

Section 31-3-23 - Proceedings on short highway without usual number of petitioners--Payment of damages.

Section 31-3-28 - Benefits considered in assessing damages.

Section 31-3-30 - Owner opposed to petition to set forth damages in writing--Determination by county commissioners.

Section 31-3-33 - Assessment and payment of damages.

Section 31-3-34 - Appeal to circuit court--Time allowed.

Section 31-3-36 - Location by consent.

Section 31-3-37 - Expenses of survey--Payment by person seeking location of highway.

Section 31-3-39 - Field notes--Furnishing to board of supervisors of township.

Section 31-3-40 - Field notes--Recording in township highway record.

Section 31-3-41 - Relocation of highways--Contract of political subdivision with United States--Reimbursement.

Section 31-3-42 - Change in location of highway by political subdivision contracting with the United States.

Section 31-3-43 - Notice of proposed change--Publication.

Section 31-3-44 - Highways within extraterritorial area of municipality.

Section 31-3-45 - Rights of utilities and rural water systems unaffected.

Section 31-3-46 - Procedures for highway appeals from township board of supervisors.