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Section 31-3-1 - Dedication to public by continuous use, work, and repair of road--Width--Obtaining right-of-way. - 31-3-1. Dedication to public by continuous use, work, and repair...
Section 31-3-2 - Public highway not established by mere use. - 31-3-2. Public highway not established by mere use. Notwithstanding §31-3-1,...
Section 31-3-3 - Rights of settlers on public lands. - 31-3-3. Rights of settlers on public lands. In all applications...
Section 31-3-4 - Location on boundary line--Half of highway taken from each side. - 31-3-4. Location on boundary line--Half of highway taken from each...
Section 31-3-5 - Damages assessed--Payment before use of road. - 31-3-5. Damages assessed--Payment before use of road. No public highway...
Section 31-3-6 - Petition to locate, change, or vacate a highway. - 31-3-6. Petition to locate, change, or vacate a highway. Upon...
Section 31-3-6.1 - Access to public lands or public waters. - 31-3-6.1. Access to public lands or public waters. Notwithstanding any...
Section 31-3-7 - Public hearing--Notice--Affirmative resolution of board--Order. - 31-3-7. Public hearing--Notice--Affirmative resolution of board--Order. In case of the...
Section 31-3-8 - Resolution and order of board--Description of land--Map maintained by county auditor--Recording. - 31-3-8. Resolution and order of board--Description of land--Map maintained by...
Section 31-3-9 - Resolution and order--Entry in minutes--Publication. - 31-3-9. Resolution and order--Entry in minutes--Publication. Such resolution and order...
Section 31-3-10 - Discontinuance and vacation--Reversion of title to land--Removal of improvements. - 31-3-10. Discontinuance and vacation--Reversion of title to land--Removal of improvements....
Section 31-3-11 - Validation of vacation of highway not within municipality. - 31-3-11. Validation of vacation of highway not within municipality. Whenever...
Section 31-3-12 - Limitation of jurisdiction of township supervisors. - 31-3-12. Limitation of jurisdiction of township supervisors. The board of...
Section 31-3-13 - Highway on township line--Joint resolution. - 31-3-13. Highway on township line--Joint resolution. In case the highway...
Section 31-3-14 - Appeal from township board to vote of voters. - 31-3-14. Appeal from township board to vote of voters. Six...
Section 31-3-17 - Reopening vacated section lines without payment of damages. - 31-3-17. Reopening vacated section lines without payment of damages. Nothing...
Section 31-3-18 - Width of highway. - 31-3-18. Width of highway. Any public highway located under §§31-3-6...
Section 31-3-19 - County location proceedings--Highways to which applicable. - 31-3-19. County location proceedings--Highways to which applicable. The provisions of...
Section 31-3-20 - Municipal boundary highways--County and trunk highway systems. - 31-3-20. Municipal boundary highways--County and trunk highway systems. The provisions...
Section 31-3-23 - Proceedings on short highway without usual number of petitioners--Payment of damages. - 31-3-23. Proceedings on short highway without usual number of petitioners--Payment...
Section 31-3-28 - Benefits considered in assessing damages. - 31-3-28. Benefits considered in assessing damages. The benefits to accrue...
Section 31-3-30 - Owner opposed to petition to set forth damages in writing--Determination by county commissioners. - 31-3-30. Owner opposed to petition to set forth damages in...
Section 31-3-33 - Assessment and payment of damages. - 31-3-33. Assessment and payment of damages. All damages sustained by...
Section 31-3-34 - Appeal to circuit court--Time allowed. - 31-3-34. Appeal to circuit court--Time allowed. Any person who is...
Section 31-3-36 - Location by consent. - 31-3-36. Location by consent. Public highways may be located without...
Section 31-3-37 - Expenses of survey--Payment by person seeking location of highway. - 31-3-37. Expenses of survey--Payment by person seeking location of highway....
Section 31-3-39 - Field notes--Furnishing to board of supervisors of township. - 31-3-39. Field notes--Furnishing to board of supervisors of township. Upon...
Section 31-3-40 - Field notes--Recording in township highway record. - 31-3-40. Field notes--Recording in township highway record. Upon the filing...
Section 31-3-41 - Relocation of highways--Contract of political subdivision with United States--Reimbursement. - 31-3-41. Relocation of highways--Contract of political subdivision with United States--Reimbursement....
Section 31-3-42 - Change in location of highway by political subdivision contracting with the United States. - 31-3-42. Change in location of highway by political subdivision contracting...
Section 31-3-43 - Notice of proposed change--Publication. - 31-3-43. Notice of proposed change--Publication. No changes in the location...
Section 31-3-44 - Highways within extraterritorial area of municipality. - 31-3-44. Highways within extraterritorial area of municipality. Any resolution and...
Section 31-3-45 - Rights of utilities and rural water systems unaffected. - 31-3-45. Rights of utilities and rural water systems unaffected. No...
Section 31-3-46 - Procedures for highway appeals from township board of supervisors. - 31-3-46. Procedures for highway appeals from township board of supervisors....