South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 02 - Administration Of State Highways
Section 31-2-36 - Service of process on state.

31-2-36. Service of process on state.
Service upon the State of South Dakota shall be made by serving a copy of the summons, with the complaint attached, upon any authorized representative of the South Dakota Department of Transportation and also by serving copies of the summons and complaint upon the Governor and attorney general of the State of South Dakota, in the manner provided for the service of process in actions brought in the circuit courts of the State of South Dakota, or by serving a copy of the summons, with the complaint attached, upon any authorized representative of the South Dakota Department of Transportation and also by serving copies of the summons and complaint upon the Governor and attorney general of the State of South Dakota in the manner provided for service of process in actions brought in United States district courts, except only that the state shall be required to appear within thirty days after the day such process is served in the manner herein provided.

Source: SL 1964, ch 110, ยง3.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 31 - Highways and Bridges

Chapter 02 - Administration Of State Highways

Section 31-2-13.1 - Rules--Promulgation.

Section 31-2-13.2 - State highway fund--Use and expenditure of moneys--Purpose.

Section 31-2-14 - Appropriations required for salaries, expenses, and maintenance costs--Annual appropriation for construction and right-of-way.

Section 31-2-14.1 - Rules to define "administrative purposes".

Section 31-2-14.2 - Use of state highway fund.

Section 31-2-14.3 - Annual appropriation to Department of Revenue--Distribution.

Section 31-2-18 - Employment of persons with developmental disabilities.

Section 31-2-19 - Construction and improvement of roads--Location of material--Public meetings.

Section 31-2-20 - Adoption of standard plans and specifications.

Section 31-2-20.1 - Performance standards to measure overall condition of highways and bridges--Goals for maintenance.

Section 31-2-21 - Supervision of construction and maintenance of state trunk highway system, bridges, and culverts.

Section 31-2-22 - Advice at county's request on maintaining its highway system.

Section 31-2-23 - Dissemination of highway information--Tourism publications.

Section 31-2-24 - Contracts for tourist publicity.

Section 31-2-27 - Disposition of property no longer useful.

Section 31-2-32 - Auction sale of passenger automobiles.

Section 31-2-33 - Cooperation in research projects for road development.

Section 31-2-34 - Action against state on construction contract--Venue of trial.

Section 31-2-35 - Hearing and determination of action against state--Right of appeal.

Section 31-2-36 - Service of process on state.

Section 31-2-37 - Time for actions against state.

Section 31-2-38 - Award of damages and costs--Payment by state.

Section 31-2-39 - Final judgment against state--Payment from state highway fund.