26-8A-33.Proceeding involving child covered by Indian Child Welfare Act.
In any abuse or neglect proceeding involving a child covered by the Indian Child Welfare Act (25 U.S. C. §§1901-1963), as amended to January1, 2005, the tribe may appear by counsel or by a representative of the tribe designated by the tribe to intervene on behalf of the tribe. When the tribe appears as a party by a representative of the tribe, the name of the representative and a statement of authorization for that individual or agency to appear as the tribe must be submitted to the court in the form of a tribal resolution or other document evidencing an official act of the tribe.
Source: SL 2005, ch 296 (Supreme Court Rule 05-10), effective Feb. 25, 2005.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 08A - Protection Of Children From Abuse Or Neglect
Section 26-8A-1 - Purpose of chapter.
Section 26-8A-2 - Abused or neglected child.
Section 26-8A-5 - Application of terms.
Section 26-8A-8 - Oral report of abuse or neglect--To whom made--Response report.
Section 26-8A-10 - Report to social services--Content.
Section 26-8A-10.2 - Exception to notice requirement.
Section 26-8A-11 - Request to amend or remove record--Administrative hearing--Decision.
Section 26-8A-12 - Operation of central registry for abuse and neglect--Adoption of rules.
Section 26-8A-13.2 - Consent of possible caretaker required for central registry screenings.
Section 26-8A-14 - Immunity from liability.
Section 26-8A-15 - Communications not privileged in child abuse or neglect cases.
Section 26-8A-17 - Child protection teams.
Section 26-8A-18 - Appointment of counsel--Compensation--Assistance.
Section 26-8A-19 - Abused and neglected child defense fund--Distribution to counties--Pro rata.
Section 26-8A-20 - Appointment of representative of child's best interest--Duties.
Section 26-8A-21.1 - Exceptions to §26-8A-21.
Section 26-8A-24 - Periodic review hearings of foster care status--Petition for judicial action.
Section 26-8A-25 - Criteria for determining continued placement of child separate from home.
Section 26-8A-26.1 - Additional reasons for termination of parental rights.
Section 26-8A-28 - Notice of order or final decree--Service--Appeal.
Section 26-8A-29 - Continuing jurisdiction over abused or neglected child.
Section 26-8A-30 - Testimony of child by closed circuit television--Hearing to determine necessity.
Section 26-8A-32 - Due regard to be afforded Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 26-8A-33 - Proceeding involving child covered by Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 26-8A-34 - Alcohol or drug testing as condition of child placement or return.
Section 26-8A-36 - Immunity from liability for administering or not administering toxicology test.