South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 07A - Collection Of Child Support
Section 25-7A-1 - Definition of terms.

25-7A-1. Definition of terms.
Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1)"Administrative order," a judgment or order of an agency of the executive branch of state government, or an agency of comparable jurisdiction of another state, ordering payment of a set or determinable amount of support money, or ordering withholding of income;
(2)"Arrearage," the total amount of unpaid support obligations;
(3)"Assistance," money payments made by the Department of Social Services which are paid to, or for the benefit of, any dependent child, including payments made so that food, shelter, medical care, clothing, transportation, education, or other necessary goods, services, or items may be provided, and payments made to compensate for the provision of those necessities;
(4)"Court order," a judgment or order of a circuit court of this state or a court of comparable jurisdiction of another state ordering payment of a set or determinable amount of support money;
(4A)"Custodian," a person who has either legal or physical custody, or both, of a dependent child;
(5)"Delinquency," any payment under an order for support which becomes due and remains unpaid;
(6)"Department," the Department of Social Services;
(7)"Dependent child," a needy child under the age of eighteen or under the age of nineteen and a full-time student in a secondary school if, before the child attains the age of nineteen, it is determined that the child may reasonably be expected to complete the program at the secondary school, who has been deprived of support or care by a natural parent, an adoptive parent, or a stepparent, by reason of the death, continued absence from the home, or physical or mental incapacity of a parent, or who is a child of an unemployed parent and who is living with a person in a place of residence maintained by such person as his home;
(8)"Income," any form of payment to a person, regardless of source, including wages, salary, commission, bonuses, compensation as an independent contractor, workers' compensation, state reemployment assistance or unemployment compensation, disability, annuity and retirement benefits, gift or inheritance, all gain derived from capital or labor, profit gained through the sale or conversion of capital assets, and any other payments, including personal property, money and credits on deposit with or in the possession of, or made by any person, private entity, federal or state government, any unit of local government, school district or any entity created by public act. However, for the purposes of income withholding, the term excludes:
(a)Any amount required by law or as a condition of employment to be withheld, other than creditor claims, including federal, state, and local taxes, social security, and other retirement contributions;
(b)Any amount exempted by federal law; and
(c)Public assistance payments;
(9)"Need," the necessary costs of food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care for the support of a dependent child;
(9A)"Noncustodial parent," the parent who does not have primary care, custody, or control of the child, and has an obligation to pay child support;
(10)"Obligee," any person or entity to whom a duty of support is owed;
(11)"Obligor," any person who owes a duty to make payments under an order for support;

(12)"Order for support," a judgment, decree, or order, whether temporary, final, or subject to modification, issued by a court or an administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, which provides for the support and maintenance of a child, including a child who has attained the age of majority under the law of the issuing state, or of the parent with whom the child is living, which provides for monetary support, health care, medical support, arrearages, or reimbursement, and which may include costs and fees, interest, and penalties, income withholding, attorney's fees, and other relief;
(13)"Parent," the natural parent, adoptive parent, or stepparent of a dependent child;
(14)"Payor," any person or other entity owing income or having personal property or money and credits belonging to an obligor;
(15)"Person," a natural person, firm, limited liability company, corporation, association, political subdivision, or agency of government;
(16)"Secretary," the secretary of social services;
(17)Deleted by SL 2013, ch 119, §5;
(18)"Standard of need," the need established by the Department of Social Services;
(19)"Support enforcement services," establishing and enforcing support obligations, locating support obligors, and establishing paternity under the Title IV-D state plan;
(20)"Title IV-D agency," the agency established by Part D of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§651 to 667) for the purpose of administering the state's plan for establishing and enforcing support obligations, locating support obligors, and establishing paternity;
(21)"Medical support," the provision of a health insurance benefit plan or cash medical support payment, including any employer sponsored group health plan or self-insured plan, any individual health insurance policy, or public health care coverage, to meet the medical needs of a dependent child including the cost of any premium required by a health insurance benefit plan, an amount ordered to be paid toward the cost of health insurance provided by a public entity or by another parent through employment or otherwise, or for other medical costs not covered by insurance;
(22)"Business day," a day on which state offices are open for regular business;
(23)"Employee," any person who is an employee within the meaning of chapter 24 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. §3401-3406, as of January 1, 1997;
(24)"Employer," any person or entity who is an employer as defined in section 3401(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. §3401-3406, as of January 1, 1997, and includes any governmental entity and any labor organization;
(25)"Labor organization," the meaning given the term in section 2(5) of the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. §151 et seq., as of January 1, 1997, and includes any entity or hiring hall which is used by the organization and an employer to carry out the requirements described in section 8(f)(3) of the act;
(26)"Date of hire," the date a person first provides services for an employer for pay;
(27)"Newly hired employee" or "new hire," any person hired to provide services for an employer and required to provide an Internal Revenue Service W-4 form to the employer, including a person who is rehired, reemployed, or reinstated following thirty consecutive days of termination or layoff even if the person does not provide a new or revised W-4 form to the employer;
(28)"Recreational or sporting license," any state issued hunting or fishing license.

Source: SL 1982, ch 196, §1; SL 1986, ch 218, §1; SL 1989, ch 220, §18; SL 1994, ch 351, §45; SL 1994, ch 387, §15; SL 1997, ch 155, §5; SL 1998, ch 157, §1; SL 2009, ch 130, §12; SL 2013, ch 119, §5; SL 2018, ch 162, §1; SL 2019, ch 216, §30.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 25 - Domestic Relations

Chapter 07A - Collection Of Child Support

Section 25-7A-1 - Definition of terms.

Section 25-7A-2 - Public assistance to dependent child deemed debt of person responsible for support--Establishment of amount of debt--Public assistance recipient does not incur debt.

Section 25-7A-3 - Subrogation right of department.

Section 25-7A-3.1 - Designation of Department of Social Services as state child support case registry--Duties.

Section 25-7A-3.2 - Designation of Department of Social Services as state child disbursement unit--Collection and disbursement procedures.

Section 25-7A-3.3 - State directory of new hires--Reporting requirements--Multistate employers--Use of information by department.

Section 25-7A-4 - Statement required of certain parents.

Section 25-7A-5 - Notice of support debt--Service on parent--Contents of notice.

Section 25-7A-6 - Hearing requested by parent--Referee's report--Objections--Order of court--Service--Objection to court's modification.

Section 25-7A-6.1 - Notice to department of parent's address and employment information.

Section 25-7A-6.2 - Time for furnishing documents required by referee--Inspection and copying by parties.

Section 25-7A-7 - Secretary's application for support order--Court order--Service.

Section 25-7A-8 - Circuit court action to contest paternity or custody.

Section 25-7A-10.1 - Filing of action involving previous support order.

Section 25-7A-14 - Interest on support debt or judgment.

Section 25-7A-15 - Payor holding amount in excess of debt--Release of excess to obligor.

Section 25-7A-16 - Grounds for release of lien.

Section 25-7A-17 - Agreement between parents relieving duty of support--Rights of department or support obligee not terminated.

Section 25-7A-18 - Cooperation between public agencies.

Section 25-7A-19 - Department as administrator.

Section 25-7A-20 - Enforcement of spousal support obligation.

Section 25-7A-21 - Judgment for arrearage due obligee in absence of court order.

Section 25-7A-21.1 - Order establishment case--Limitation on prior-period support obligations or arrearages.

Section 25-7A-22 - Petition for modification of child support--Hearing--Referee's report--Objections--Service--Objection to modification of report.

Section 25-7A-23 - Order for withholding of income or property--Written agreement in lieu of order.

Section 25-7A-24 - Order for withholding of income served upon obligor where delinquent or support arrearage owed.

Section 25-7A-26 - Petition to stay service of order for withholding--Grounds.

Section 25-7A-30 - Service of order for withholding.

Section 25-7A-31 - Order for withholding--Contents.

Section 25-7A-32 - Amount withheld for support and arrearage.

Section 25-7A-33 - Order for withholding not conclusive on issue of arrearage.

Section 25-7A-34 - Deduction and transmittal of income by payor.

Section 25-7A-35 - Compliance by payor where multiple orders for withholding or multiple obligors.

Section 25-7A-36 - Duty of payor where obligor terminated--Service of order upon new payor.

Section 25-7A-37 - Withholding made without regard to other claims--Complete defense by payor to claims of obligor.

Section 25-7A-38 - Modification, suspension or termination of order for withholding.

Section 25-7A-39 - Notice to payor.

Section 25-7A-40 - Binding effect of order for withholding.

Section 25-7A-41 - Notice of change of address of obligee.

Section 25-7A-42 - Notice of new payor to department by obligee--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 25-7A-43 - Notice of other support payments to department by obligee.

Section 25-7A-44 - Collection, apportionment, and disbursements of payments by department--Payment records.

Section 25-7A-45 - Actions against payor by department.

Section 25-7A-46 - Intentional violation by payor as petty offense.

Section 25-7A-47 - Request to another state to withhold income of obligor.

Section 25-7A-48 - Order to withhold income of obligor upon request from another state.

Section 25-7A-49 - Law applicable to withholding of income derived within state.

Section 25-7A-50 - Notice to other state where obligor ceases to derive income within state.

Section 25-7A-51 - Workfare program--Circumstances where participation required.

Section 25-7A-52 - Supplemental nature of rights and duties--Prior assignments not invalid.

Section 25-7A-54 - Department exempt from filing fee.

Section 25-7A-55 - Previous orders legalized, cured, and validated.

Section 25-7A-56 - Prohibition against issuance or renewal of professional license, registration, certification, or permit of applicant in child support arrearage--Adoption of rules by state agencies.

Section 25-7A-56.1 - Revocation, suspension, or restriction of licenses of child support obligors.

Section 25-7A-56.2 - Recordation of social security number of child support obligors.

Section 25-7A-56.3 - Administrative authority of Title IV-D agency in paternity and support actions.

Section 25-7A-56.4 - Administrative access of Title IV-D agency to motor vehicle or law enforcement locator systems.

Section 25-7A-56.5 - Disclosures to Title IV-D agencies.

Section 25-7A-56.6 - Title IV-D agency records access.

Section 25-7A-56.7 - Filing requirements.

Section 25-7A-56.8 - Jurisdiction of authorized tribunals.

Section 25-7A-56.9 - Reporting requirements of child support obligor's financial institution.

Section 25-7A-56.10 - Withholding from reemployment assistance benefits.

Section 25-7A-56.11 - Title IV-D agency as payee.

Section 25-7A-57 - Award of attorney fees and costs in child support modification hearings.

Section 25-7A-58 - Health insurance for dependent child.

Section 25-7A-59 - Withholding employee's compensation for dependent child's medical support--Required filing time--Limitation on amount--Penalty.

Section 25-7A-60 - Garnishment of wages for state expenditures for dependent child under the medical assistance program.

Section 25-7A-61 - Promulgation of rules to notify insurers and employers of child support orders that include medical support.

Section 25-7A-62 - Notice to obligor of national medical support notice--Procedure and grounds for contesting enrollment.