South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Law Enforcement Agencies
Section 23-3-36 - Commission supported by appropriations.

23-3-36. Commission supported by appropriations.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in §§23-3-37 and 23-3-38, the commission shall be supported only by appropriations made by the Legislature.

Source: SL 1970, ch 145, §7 (a).

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 23 - Law Enforcement

Chapter 03 - Law Enforcement Agencies

Section 23-3-1 - Police in municipalities--Law governing--Size of force.

Section 23-3-3 - Attorney general--Jurisdiction concurrent with state's attorneys.

Section 23-3-4 - Papers filed and appearances by attorney general.

Section 23-3-5 - Duties of state's attorney in criminal matters unaffected by authority of attorney general.

Section 23-3-6 - Division of Criminal Investigation--Control by attorney general.

Section 23-3-7 - Personnel of division--Employment by attorney general--Compensation.

Section 23-3-8 - Equipment purchase by attorney general.

Section 23-3-9 - Expenditures of division limited to appropriation.

Section 23-3-10 - Police powers of division personnel.

Section 23-3-11 - Personnel of division--Direction of operations by Governor.

Section 23-3-12 - Duty of division to prevent and detect violations.

Section 23-3-13 - Apprehension of criminals and fugitives by division.

Section 23-3-14 - Cooperation of division with local peace officers.

Section 23-3-15 - Cooperation of division with agencies of other state, tribal governments, and FBI.

Section 23-3-15.1 - Cooperation with Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe--Certain positions to have criminal history checks.

Section 23-3-15.2 - Fingerprint check of applicants for certain tribal positions--Fee.

Section 23-3-15.3 - Exchange of information.

Section 23-3-16 - System of criminal identification and investigation--Maintenance by division.

Section 23-3-17 - Assistance by division in establishing local bureaus of identification.

Section 23-3-18 - Division as official agency to train law enforcement officers--Intra-departmental training encouraged.

Section 23-3-18.1 - Guidelines and procedures for reporting and investigation of missing persons, murdered indigenous women and children, and runaways--Training programs.

Section 23-3-18.2 - Collection and sharing of information on missing and murdered indigenous persons.

Section 23-3-18.3 - Definitions.

Section 23-3-18.4 - Missing persons clearinghouse--Establishment--Purpose.

Section 23-3-18.5 - Missing persons clearinghouse--Administration--Requirements.

Section 23-3-18.6 - Missing persons clearinghouse--Report--Notification.

Section 23-3-18.7 - Missing person clearinghouse--Purpose.

Section 23-3-18.8 - Missing person located--Purging of information.

Section 23-3-19 - Performance by division of other required duties.

Section 23-3-19.1 - State Forensic Laboratory created--Assignment to criminal investigation division--Employees.

Section 23-3-19.2 - Scientific examinations conducted by laboratory.

Section 23-3-19.3 - Copy of statement of laboratory's or certified chemist's findings as prima facie evidence of facts therein--Force and effect--Personal testimony at accused's request.

Section 23-3-26 - Training of law enforcement officers--Findings and policy.

Section 23-3-27 - Law enforcement officer defined.

Section 23-3-27.1 - Tribal law enforcement defined.

Section 23-3-28 - Law Enforcement Officers Standards Commission--Appointment--Terms of members.

Section 23-3-28.1 - Commission supported by attorney general's office.

Section 23-3-29 - Death, resignation, or incapacity of commission member--Appointment of successor.

Section 23-3-30 - Ex officio members of commission.

Section 23-3-31 - Commission membership compatible with other office.

Section 23-3-32 - Meetings of commission.

Section 23-3-33 - Reports of commission.

Section 23-3-35 - Powers of commission.

Section 23-3-35.1 - Definitions.

Section 23-3-35.2 - License required to question person using CVSA--Violation a misdemeanor.

Section 23-3-35.3 - Requirements for license as CVSA examiner.

Section 23-3-35.4 - Law enforcement canine team certification--Specialties.

Section 23-3-35.5 - Canine certification standards and criteria--Rules--Fees.

Section 23-3-36 - Commission supported by appropriations.

Section 23-3-37 - Acceptance of donations and grants--Report and deposit.

Section 23-3-38 - Administration of grants--Efficiency in operation.

Section 23-3-39 - Establishment and maintenance of training programs.

Section 23-3-39.1 - Airport security training to be provided--Maximum duration.

Section 23-3-39.2 - Criteria for accepting person not employed as an officer in training program.

Section 23-3-39.3 - Fee for person not employed as officer for training program.

Section 23-3-39.4 - Domestic abuse training for law enforcement officers.

Section 23-3-39.5 - Initial training to include domestic abuse.

Section 23-3-39.6 - Domestic abuse and mental health training for state's attorney or deputy state's attorney.

Section 23-3-39.7 - Domestic abuse training to utilize law enforcement officer training fund.

Section 23-3-39.8 - Policies on response to domestic abuse situations.

Section 23-3-39.9 - Response to resistance training.

Section 23-3-40 - Reimbursement of expenses of officers in training.

Section 23-3-41 - Probationary appointment of officers until training completed--Maximum probationary employment.

Section 23-3-42 - Qualifications prescribed for law enforcement officers.

Section 23-3-42.1 - Training in domestic abuse issues required.

Section 23-3-42.2 - Unified Judicial System to provide access to juvenile adjudications and dispositions.

Section 23-3-43 - Elected county sheriffs not exempt from prescribed qualifications--Education and training required.

Section 23-3-43.1 - Certification of qualification of candidate for county sheriff.

Section 23-3-44 - Certification of qualified officer trained in another state.

Section 23-3-45 - Exemption of officers already serving.

Section 23-3-46 - Division of Criminal Investigation to administer programs--Personnel.

Section 23-3-47 - Severability.

Section 23-3-48 - Legislative finding of necessity for law enforcement training center and other law enforcement facilities.

Section 23-3-49 - Attorney general to accept gifts for training center and facilities.

Section 23-3-50 - Division of Criminal Investigation to provide training and operate center--Supervision by attorney general.

Section 23-3-51 - Law enforcement officers training fund created.

Section 23-3-52 - Liquidated costs--Amount--Purposes--Waiver.

Section 23-3-53 - Collection by clerk of courts--Transmittal to state treasurer--Funds--Uses.

Section 23-3-55 - Annual appropriation from fund--Allocation.

Section 23-3-70 - Immunity from civil liability for certain good faith conduct.

Section 23-3-71 - County coroner training program.

Section 23-3-72 - Affidavit alleging fraud, bribery, or gifts violation by public official--Investigation--Referral to state's attorney or attorney general.

Section 23-3-73 - Referral to Government Operations and Audit Committee, secretary of state, or Judicial Qualifications Commission.