South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Law Enforcement Agencies
Section 23-3-1 - Police in municipalities--Law governing--Size of force.

23-3-1. Police in municipalities--Law governing--Size of force.
The organization and regulation of police in municipalities of this state are governed by the provisions of the Title 9, "Municipal Government" in this code.
The mayor or other officer having the direction of the police in a municipality must order a force sufficient to preserve the peace to attend any public meeting, when he is satisfied that a breach of the peace may be reasonably apprehended.

Source: SDC 1939 & Supp 1960, §34.0103; SL 1992, ch 60, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 23 - Law Enforcement

Chapter 03 - Law Enforcement Agencies

Section 23-3-1 - Police in municipalities--Law governing--Size of force.

Section 23-3-3 - Attorney general--Jurisdiction concurrent with state's attorneys.

Section 23-3-4 - Papers filed and appearances by attorney general.

Section 23-3-5 - Duties of state's attorney in criminal matters unaffected by authority of attorney general.

Section 23-3-6 - Division of Criminal Investigation--Control by attorney general.

Section 23-3-7 - Personnel of division--Employment by attorney general--Compensation.

Section 23-3-8 - Equipment purchase by attorney general.

Section 23-3-9 - Expenditures of division limited to appropriation.

Section 23-3-10 - Police powers of division personnel.

Section 23-3-11 - Personnel of division--Direction of operations by Governor.

Section 23-3-12 - Duty of division to prevent and detect violations.

Section 23-3-13 - Apprehension of criminals and fugitives by division.

Section 23-3-14 - Cooperation of division with local peace officers.

Section 23-3-15 - Cooperation of division with agencies of other state, tribal governments, and FBI.

Section 23-3-15.1 - Cooperation with Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe--Certain positions to have criminal history checks.

Section 23-3-15.2 - Fingerprint check of applicants for certain tribal positions--Fee.

Section 23-3-15.3 - Exchange of information.

Section 23-3-16 - System of criminal identification and investigation--Maintenance by division.

Section 23-3-17 - Assistance by division in establishing local bureaus of identification.

Section 23-3-18 - Division as official agency to train law enforcement officers--Intra-departmental training encouraged.

Section 23-3-18.1 - Guidelines and procedures for reporting and investigation of missing persons, murdered indigenous women and children, and runaways--Training programs.

Section 23-3-18.2 - Collection and sharing of information on missing and murdered indigenous persons.

Section 23-3-18.3 - Definitions.

Section 23-3-18.4 - Missing persons clearinghouse--Establishment--Purpose.

Section 23-3-18.5 - Missing persons clearinghouse--Administration--Requirements.

Section 23-3-18.6 - Missing persons clearinghouse--Report--Notification.

Section 23-3-18.7 - Missing person clearinghouse--Purpose.

Section 23-3-18.8 - Missing person located--Purging of information.

Section 23-3-19 - Performance by division of other required duties.

Section 23-3-19.1 - State Forensic Laboratory created--Assignment to criminal investigation division--Employees.

Section 23-3-19.2 - Scientific examinations conducted by laboratory.

Section 23-3-19.3 - Copy of statement of laboratory's or certified chemist's findings as prima facie evidence of facts therein--Force and effect--Personal testimony at accused's request.

Section 23-3-26 - Training of law enforcement officers--Findings and policy.

Section 23-3-27 - Law enforcement officer defined.

Section 23-3-27.1 - Tribal law enforcement defined.

Section 23-3-28 - Law Enforcement Officers Standards Commission--Appointment--Terms of members.

Section 23-3-28.1 - Commission supported by attorney general's office.

Section 23-3-29 - Death, resignation, or incapacity of commission member--Appointment of successor.

Section 23-3-30 - Ex officio members of commission.

Section 23-3-31 - Commission membership compatible with other office.

Section 23-3-32 - Meetings of commission.

Section 23-3-33 - Reports of commission.

Section 23-3-35 - Powers of commission.

Section 23-3-35.1 - Definitions.

Section 23-3-35.2 - License required to question person using CVSA--Violation a misdemeanor.

Section 23-3-35.3 - Requirements for license as CVSA examiner.

Section 23-3-35.4 - Law enforcement canine team certification--Specialties.

Section 23-3-35.5 - Canine certification standards and criteria--Rules--Fees.

Section 23-3-36 - Commission supported by appropriations.

Section 23-3-37 - Acceptance of donations and grants--Report and deposit.

Section 23-3-38 - Administration of grants--Efficiency in operation.

Section 23-3-39 - Establishment and maintenance of training programs.

Section 23-3-39.1 - Airport security training to be provided--Maximum duration.

Section 23-3-39.2 - Criteria for accepting person not employed as an officer in training program.

Section 23-3-39.3 - Fee for person not employed as officer for training program.

Section 23-3-39.4 - Domestic abuse training for law enforcement officers.

Section 23-3-39.5 - Initial training to include domestic abuse.

Section 23-3-39.6 - Domestic abuse and mental health training for state's attorney or deputy state's attorney.

Section 23-3-39.7 - Domestic abuse training to utilize law enforcement officer training fund.

Section 23-3-39.8 - Policies on response to domestic abuse situations.

Section 23-3-39.9 - Response to resistance training.

Section 23-3-40 - Reimbursement of expenses of officers in training.

Section 23-3-41 - Probationary appointment of officers until training completed--Maximum probationary employment.

Section 23-3-42 - Qualifications prescribed for law enforcement officers.

Section 23-3-42.1 - Training in domestic abuse issues required.

Section 23-3-42.2 - Unified Judicial System to provide access to juvenile adjudications and dispositions.

Section 23-3-43 - Elected county sheriffs not exempt from prescribed qualifications--Education and training required.

Section 23-3-43.1 - Certification of qualification of candidate for county sheriff.

Section 23-3-44 - Certification of qualified officer trained in another state.

Section 23-3-45 - Exemption of officers already serving.

Section 23-3-46 - Division of Criminal Investigation to administer programs--Personnel.

Section 23-3-47 - Severability.

Section 23-3-48 - Legislative finding of necessity for law enforcement training center and other law enforcement facilities.

Section 23-3-49 - Attorney general to accept gifts for training center and facilities.

Section 23-3-50 - Division of Criminal Investigation to provide training and operate center--Supervision by attorney general.

Section 23-3-51 - Law enforcement officers training fund created.

Section 23-3-52 - Liquidated costs--Amount--Purposes--Waiver.

Section 23-3-53 - Collection by clerk of courts--Transmittal to state treasurer--Funds--Uses.

Section 23-3-55 - Annual appropriation from fund--Allocation.

Section 23-3-70 - Immunity from civil liability for certain good faith conduct.

Section 23-3-71 - County coroner training program.

Section 23-3-72 - Affidavit alleging fraud, bribery, or gifts violation by public official--Investigation--Referral to state's attorney or attorney general.

Section 23-3-73 - Referral to Government Operations and Audit Committee, secretary of state, or Judicial Qualifications Commission.