2-12-2. Directory of lobbyists kept by secretary of state--Contents of entries--Open to inspection.
The secretary of state shall prepare and keep a directory of registered lobbyists, in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, in which shall be entered the names of all persons employed for any purpose in connection with any legislation included within the terms of this chapter. The directory shall contain the name and business address of the employer, the name, city and state of residence, email address, phone number, and occupation of the person employed, the date of the employment or agreement therefor, the length of time the employment is to continue, if such time can be determined, and the special subject or subjects of legislation, if any, to which the employment relates. The directory shall be a public record and open to the inspection of any citizen, upon demand, at any time during the regular business hours of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Source: SDC 1939, §55.0702; SL 1977, ch 23, §2; SL 1991, ch 23, §2; SL 2018, ch 28, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 2 - Legislature and Statutes
Section 2-12-3 - Annual registration fee.
Section 2-12-4 - Authorization to act as lobbyist for employer.
Section 2-12-6 - Contingent compensation employment prohibited.
Section 2-12-8 - Lobbyists not to go on floor except by invitation--Violation as petty offense.
Section 2-12-9 - Improper influence of legislation or legislators as misdemeanor.
Section 2-12-10 - Restrictions on activities of state and federal agents and employees .
Section 2-12-14 - Right of citizens to appear and speak in their own interests not infringed.
Section 2-12-15 - Definition of terms in §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19.
Section 2-12-16 - Limitation on gifts from or through lobbyists--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 2-12-17 - Public official defined.