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Section 2-12-1 - Names of lobbyists to be registered with secretary of state--Termination of employment . - 2-12-1. Names of lobbyists to be registered with secretary of...
Section 2-12-2 - Directory of lobbyists kept by secretary of state--Contents of entries--Open to inspection. - 2-12-2. Directory of lobbyists kept by secretary of state--Contents of...
Section 2-12-3 - Annual registration fee. - 2-12-3. Annual registration fee. Each lobbyist who registers and is...
Section 2-12-4 - Authorization to act as lobbyist for employer. - 2-12-4. Authorization to act as lobbyist for employer. Each lobbyist...
Section 2-12-5 - Specific legislation to be shown in directory entries--Employment of unregistered lobbyists prohibited. - 2-12-5. Specific legislation to be shown in directory entries--Employment of...
Section 2-12-6 - Contingent compensation employment prohibited. - 2-12-6. Contingent compensation employment prohibited. No person may be employed...
Section 2-12-7.1 - Employees of executive branch, a constitutional office, or the judicial system representatives required to register as public employee lobbyists--Budgetary testimony before appropriations committees excepted. - 2-12-7.1. Employees of executive branch, a constitutional office, or the...
Section 2-12-8 - Lobbyists not to go on floor except by invitation--Violation as petty offense. - 2-12-8. Lobbyists not to go on floor except by invitation--Violation...
Section 2-12-8.1 - Badges required of lobbyists within capitol complex--Fees--Composition--Petty offense. - 2-12-8.1. Badges required of lobbyists within capitol complex--Fees--Composition--Petty offense. Every...
Section 2-12-8.2 - Officials and personnel prohibited from lobbying within two years after termination of service--Violation as misdemeanor. - 2-12-8.2. Officials and personnel prohibited from lobbying within two years...
Section 2-12-9 - Improper influence of legislation or legislators as misdemeanor. - 2-12-9. Improper influence of legislation or legislators as misdemeanor. Any...
Section 2-12-10 - Restrictions on activities of state and federal agents and employees . - 2-12-10. Restrictions on activities of state and federal agents and...
Section 2-12-11 - Expense reports filed with secretary of state_Open to public inspection--Administrative penalty for untimely report. - 2-12-11. Expense reports filed with secretary of state--Open to public...
Section 2-12-13 - Elected board members of local government or federally recognized Indian tribe and church representatives exempt . - 2-12-13. Elected board members of local government or federally recognized...
Section 2-12-14 - Right of citizens to appear and speak in their own interests not infringed. - 2-12-14. Right of citizens to appear and speak in their...
Section 2-12-15 - Definition of terms in §§ 2-12-15 to 2-12-19. - 2-12-15. Definition of terms in §§2-12-15 to 2-12-19. Terms used...
Section 2-12-16 - Limitation on gifts from or through lobbyists--Violation as misdemeanor. - 2-12-16. Limitation on gifts from or through lobbyists--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 2-12-17 - Public official defined. - 2-12-17. Public official defined. For purposes of §§2-12-15 to 2-12-19,...
Section 2-12-18 - Gift defined. - 2-12-18. Gift defined. For purposes of §§2-12-15 to 2-12-19, inclusive,...
Section 2-12-19 - Index factor defined. - 2-12-19. Index factor defined. For the purposes of §§2-12-15 to...