13-55-33. Allocation of scholarship funds--Early graduation--Proration of insufficient funds--Total scholarship amount.
One-half of the annual scholarship award shall be paid to public institutions on behalf of eligible students there enrolled or directly to eligible students enrolled at nonpublic institutions at the beginning of the fall semester and the other half shall be paid at the beginning of the spring semester. The amount of the annual award shall be as follows:
(1)One thousand dollars for the first year of attendance;
(2)One thousand dollars for the second year of attendance;
(3)One thousand dollars for the third year of attendance;
(4)Two thousand dollars for the fourth year of attendance unless the student attended full-time a regionally accredited university, college, or technical school located outside South Dakota prior to admission to the program, in which case the award shall be one thousand dollars.
For students first receiving a scholarship award after July 1, 2015, the amount of the annual award shall be as follows:
(1)One thousand three hundred dollars for the first year of attendance;
(2)One thousand three hundred dollars for the second year of attendance;
(3)One thousand three hundred dollars for the third year of attendance;
(4)Two thousand six hundred dollars for the fourth year of attendance unless the student attended full-time a regionally accredited university, college, or technical school located outside South Dakota prior to admission to the program, in which case the award shall be one thousand three hundred dollars.
If a scholarship recipient completes an undergraduate degree within three full years of attendance and subsequently enrolls in an eligible institution as defined in subdivision 13-55-31(4) in a graduate program and attains full-time graduate status as determined by the graduate program, the recipient is entitled to the remainder of the award the recipient would have received if the recipient had completed an undergraduate degree following four full years of attendance.
If, in any year, the total funds available to finance the scholarship awards are insufficient to permit each eligible recipient to receive the full amount provided in this section, the available moneys shall be prorated and distributed to each recipient in proportion to the entitlement contemplated by this section. The total amount of the scholarship may not exceed six thousand five hundred dollars.
Source: SL 2003, ch 110, §4; SL 2004, ch 136, §3; SL 2006, ch 89, §2; SL 2013, ch 90, §1; SL 2015, ch 100, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 55 - Scholarships And Free Tuition At State Institutions
Section 13-55-1 - Regents prohibited from granting scholarships except as expressly provided.
Section 13-55-2 - Veterans entitled to free tuition at state institutions--Period of entitlement.
Section 13-55-3 - Time allowed for use of veterans' benefits.
Section 13-55-4 - Veterans' benefits not applicable if federal benefits available.
Section 13-55-5 - Determination of eligibility for veterans' benefits.
Section 13-55-6 - Free education of children of residents who died during service in armed forces.
Section 13-55-7 - Agencies considered armed forces for purpose of qualifying orphans.
Section 13-55-8 - Application for veteran's orphan benefits--Determination of eligibility--Rules.
Section 13-55-9 - Certificate of eligibility of veteran's orphan--Action of board final.
Section 13-55-9.1 - Assistance to dependents of prisoners or missing in action--Definition of terms.
Section 13-55-9.2 - Free tuition and fees to dependents.
Section 13-55-9.3 - Federal benefits considered.
Section 13-55-9.5 - Certificates of entitlement--Disposition of copies.
Section 13-55-9.6 - Benefits not lost by return or death of parent.
Section 13-55-9.7 - State funds used for benefits.
Section 13-55-11.1 - Certification of visual impairment of beneficiary.
Section 13-55-11.2 - Exclusion from tuition and fee exemption.
Section 13-55-12 - Visual impairment exemption not applicable to repeat work.
Section 13-55-13 - Visual impairment exemption not applicable to private instruction charges.
Section 13-55-23 - Application of legislative exemptions.
Section 13-55-24 - Reduced tuition for elementary or secondary teachers or vocational instructors.
Section 13-55-25 - Maximum credit hours of reduced tuition for teachers or vocational instructors.
Section 13-55-26 - Space in courses limited for reduced tuition participants.
Section 13-55-27 - Eligibility of teachers and vocational instructors for reduced tuition.
Section 13-55-28 - Benefits not to be used in conjunction with other benefits.
Section 13-55-30 - Opportunity scholarship program established.
Section 13-55-31 - Eligibility requirements for opportunity scholarship.
Section 13-55-31.1 - High school course requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility.
Section 13-55-31.2 - Alternative testing requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility.
Section 13-55-34 - Continuing eligibility requirements for scholarship recipients.
Section 13-55-36 - Board of Regents to promulgate rules.
Section 13-55-37 - Hagen-Harvey memorial scholarship program established.
Section 13-55-38 - Scholarship board established--Terms--Meetings--Membership--Quorum.
Section 13-55-39 - Eligibility for scholarship--Criteria.
Section 13-55-39.1 - Authority of board to require information of scholarship applicants.
Section 13-55-40 - Scholarship award payments--Amounts.
Section 13-55-41.1 - Number of scholarships.
Section 13-55-42 - Maintaining eligibility--Criteria--Waiver of criteria--Rescission of award.
Section 13-55-42.1 - Alternate award of amount of rescinded scholarship.
Section 13-55-43 - Department to support board.
Section 13-55-44 - Expenditure authority appropriated to department.
Section 13-55-45 - Secretary to approve vouchers and draw warrants.
Section 13-55-46 - Department to promulgate rules, criteria.
Section 13-55-47 - Jump start scholarship program established.
Section 13-55-48 - Eligibility requirements for jump start scholarship program.
Section 13-55-49 - Amount of scholarship--Installment payments.
Section 13-55-51 - Secretary to transfer appropriated funds for jump start scholarships.
Section 13-55-62 - Teach for America grant program--Duration--Amount of grants.
Section 13-55-63 - Annual report to Governor and Legislature on Teach for America grant program.
Section 13-55-64 - Critical teaching needs scholarship program--Purpose.
Section 13-55-65 - Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship Board.
Section 13-55-66 - Basis for critical teaching needs scholarship awards.
Section 13-55-67 - Eligible postsecondary institutions.
Section 13-55-68 - Critical teaching needs scholarship eligibility criteria.
Section 13-55-69 - Grade point average--Written essay or other information.
Section 13-55-70 - Amount of critical teaching needs scholarship.
Section 13-55-71 - Maintenance of eligibility for critical teaching needs scholarship.