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Section 13-55-1 - Regents prohibited from granting scholarships except as expressly provided. - 13-55-1. Regents prohibited from granting scholarships except as expressly provided....
Section 13-55-2 - Veterans entitled to free tuition at state institutions--Period of entitlement. - 13-55-2. Veterans entitled to free tuition at state institutions--Period of...
Section 13-55-3 - Time allowed for use of veterans' benefits. - 13-55-3. Time allowed for use of veterans' benefits. The benefits...
Section 13-55-4 - Veterans' benefits not applicable if federal benefits available. - 13-55-4. Veterans' benefits not applicable if federal benefits available. Section...
Section 13-55-5 - Determination of eligibility for veterans' benefits. - 13-55-5. Determination of eligibility for veterans' benefits. It shall be...
Section 13-55-6 - Free education of children of residents who died during service in armed forces. - 13-55-6. Free education of children of residents who died during...
Section 13-55-7 - Agencies considered armed forces for purpose of qualifying orphans. - 13-55-7. Agencies considered armed forces for purpose of qualifying orphans....
Section 13-55-8 - Application for veteran's orphan benefits--Determination of eligibility--Rules. - 13-55-8. Application for veteran's orphan benefits--Determination of eligibility--Rules. Any person...
Section 13-55-9 - Certificate of eligibility of veteran's orphan--Action of board final. - 13-55-9. Certificate of eligibility of veteran's orphan--Action of board final....
Section 13-55-9.1 - Assistance to dependents of prisoners or missing in action--Definition of terms. - 13-55-9.1. Assistance to dependents of prisoners or missing in action--Definition...
Section 13-55-9.2 - Free tuition and fees to dependents. - 13-55-9.2. Free tuition and fees to dependents. Any dependent of...
Section 13-55-9.3 - Federal benefits considered. - 13-55-9.3. Federal benefits considered. No benefits shall accrue to a...
Section 13-55-9.4 - Application to board for benefits--Determination of eligibility--Promulgation of rules. - 13-55-9.4. Application to board for benefits--Determination of eligibility--Promulgation of rules....
Section 13-55-9.5 - Certificates of entitlement--Disposition of copies. - 13-55-9.5. Certificates of entitlement--Disposition of copies. Upon the Board of...
Section 13-55-9.6 - Benefits not lost by return or death of parent. - 13-55-9.6. Benefits not lost by return or death of parent....
Section 13-55-9.7 - State funds used for benefits. - 13-55-9.7. State funds used for benefits. The benefits authorized by...
Section 13-55-10 - Free tuition to child or spouse of National Guard member disabled or deceased in line of duty--Administration. - 13-55-10. Free tuition to child or spouse of National Guard...
Section 13-55-11 - Residents with visual impairment--Tuition and fee exemption--Credit hours to which entitled--Qualifying degree of impairment. - 13-55-11. Residents with visual impairment--Tuition and fee exemption--Credit hours to...
Section 13-55-11.1 - Certification of visual impairment of beneficiary. - 13-55-11.1. Certification of visual impairment of beneficiary. Before any person...
Section 13-55-11.2 - Exclusion from tuition and fee exemption. - 13-55-11.2. Exclusion from tuition and fee exemption. The exemption provided...
Section 13-55-12 - Visual impairment exemption not applicable to repeat work. - 13-55-12. Visual impairment exemption not applicable to repeat work. The...
Section 13-55-13 - Visual impairment exemption not applicable to private instruction charges. - 13-55-13. Visual impairment exemption not applicable to private instruction charges....
Section 13-55-21 - Firefighter, certified law enforcement officer, survivor and emergency medical technician defined. - 13-55-21. Firefighter, certified law enforcement officer, survivor and emergency medical...
Section 13-55-22 - Free tuition for survivors of certain firefighters, certified law enforcement officers and emergency medical technicians. - 13-55-22. Free tuition for survivors of certain firefighters, certified law...
Section 13-55-23 - Application of legislative exemptions. - 13-55-23. Application of legislative exemptions. Except as otherwise provided by...
Section 13-55-24 - Reduced tuition for elementary or secondary teachers or vocational instructors. - 13-55-24. Reduced tuition for elementary or secondary teachers or vocational...
Section 13-55-25 - Maximum credit hours of reduced tuition for teachers or vocational instructors. - 13-55-25. Maximum credit hours of reduced tuition for teachers or...
Section 13-55-26 - Space in courses limited for reduced tuition participants. - 13-55-26. Space in courses limited for reduced tuition participants. The...
Section 13-55-27 - Eligibility of teachers and vocational instructors for reduced tuition. - 13-55-27. Eligibility of teachers and vocational instructors for reduced tuition....
Section 13-55-28 - Benefits not to be used in conjunction with other benefits. - 13-55-28. Benefits not to be used in conjunction with other...
Section 13-55-29 - Loss of eligibility for state funded scholarships upon controlled substance violation. - 13-55-29. Loss of eligibility for state funded scholarships upon controlled...
Section 13-55-30 - Opportunity scholarship program established. - 13-55-30. Opportunity scholarship program established. There is established the South...
Section 13-55-31 - Eligibility requirements for opportunity scholarship. - 13-55-31. Eligibility requirements for opportunity scholarship. In order to be...
Section 13-55-31.1 - High school course requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility. - 13-55-31.1. High school course requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility. To...
Section 13-55-31.2 - Alternative testing requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility. - 13-55-31.2. Alternative testing requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility. Any student...
Section 13-55-31.3 - Opportunity scholarship eligibility requirements for students who received alternative instruction. - 13-55-31.3. Opportunity scholarship eligibility requirements for students who received alternative...
Section 13-55-31.4 - Opportunity scholarship requirements for students who have completed one semester at university, college, or technical college. - 13-55-31.4. Opportunity scholarship requirements for students who have completed one...
Section 13-55-33 - Allocation of scholarship funds--Early graduation--Proration of insufficient funds--Total scholarship amount. - 13-55-33. Allocation of scholarship funds--Early graduation--Proration of insufficient funds--Total scholarship...
Section 13-55-34 - Continuing eligibility requirements for scholarship recipients. - 13-55-34. Continuing eligibility requirements for scholarship recipients. In order to...
Section 13-55-35 - Board of Regents to allocate appropriated funds and other funds received for program. - 13-55-35. Board of Regents to allocate appropriated funds and other...
Section 13-55-36 - Board of Regents to promulgate rules. - 13-55-36. Board of Regents to promulgate rules. The Board of...
Section 13-55-37 - Hagen-Harvey memorial scholarship program established. - 13-55-37. Hagen-Harvey memorial scholarship program established. Pursuant to the donation...
Section 13-55-38 - Scholarship board established--Terms--Meetings--Membership--Quorum. - 13-55-38. Scholarship board established--Terms--Meetings--Membership--Quorum. The Richard Hagen-Minerva Harvey memorial scholarship...
Section 13-55-39 - Eligibility for scholarship--Criteria. - 13-55-39. Eligibility for scholarship--Criteria. In order to be eligible for...
Section 13-55-39.1 - Authority of board to require information of scholarship applicants. - 13-55-39.1. Authority of board to require information of scholarship applicants....
Section 13-55-40 - Scholarship award payments--Amounts. - 13-55-40. Scholarship award payments--Amounts. Scholarship award payments shall be made...
Section 13-55-41.1 - Number of scholarships. - 13-55-41.1. Number of scholarships. The board shall determine the number...
Section 13-55-42 - Maintaining eligibility--Criteria--Waiver of criteria--Rescission of award. - 13-55-42. Maintaining eligibility--Criteria--Waiver of criteria--Rescission of award. In order to...
Section 13-55-42.1 - Alternate award of amount of rescinded scholarship. - 13-55-42.1. Alternate award of amount of rescinded scholarship. If the...
Section 13-55-43 - Department to support board. - 13-55-43. Department to support board. The Department of Education shall...
Section 13-55-44 - Expenditure authority appropriated to department. - 13-55-44. Expenditure authority appropriated to department. There is hereby continuously...
Section 13-55-45 - Secretary to approve vouchers and draw warrants. - 13-55-45. Secretary to approve vouchers and draw warrants. The secretary...
Section 13-55-46 - Department to promulgate rules, criteria. - 13-55-46. Department to promulgate rules, criteria. The Department of Education...
Section 13-55-47 - Jump start scholarship program established. - 13-55-47. Jump start scholarship program established. There is hereby established...
Section 13-55-48 - Eligibility requirements for jump start scholarship program. - 13-55-48. Eligibility requirements for jump start scholarship program. To be...
Section 13-55-49 - Amount of scholarship--Installment payments. - 13-55-49. Amount of scholarship--Installment payments. The amount of the scholarship...
Section 13-55-50 - Application for admission to approved institution--Determination of scholarship eligibility--Distribution of funds. - 13-55-50. Application for admission to approved institution--Determination of scholarship eligibility--Distribution...
Section 13-55-51 - Secretary to transfer appropriated funds for jump start scholarships. - 13-55-51. Secretary to transfer appropriated funds for jump start scholarships....
Section 13-55-62 - Teach for America grant program--Duration--Amount of grants. - 13-55-62. Teach for America grant program--Duration--Amount of grants. There is...
Section 13-55-63 - Annual report to Governor and Legislature on Teach for America grant program. - 13-55-63. Annual report to Governor and Legislature on Teach for...
Section 13-55-64 - Critical teaching needs scholarship program--Purpose. - 13-55-64. Critical teaching needs scholarship program--Purpose. There is hereby created...
Section 13-55-65 - Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship Board. - 13-55-65. Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship Board. The South Dakota critical...
Section 13-55-66 - Basis for critical teaching needs scholarship awards. - 13-55-66. Basis for critical teaching needs scholarship awards. From the...
Section 13-55-67 - Eligible postsecondary institutions. - 13-55-67. Eligible postsecondary institutions. All accredited South Dakota public and...
Section 13-55-68 - Critical teaching needs scholarship eligibility criteria. - 13-55-68. Critical teaching needs scholarship eligibility criteria. In order to...
Section 13-55-69 - Grade point average--Written essay or other information. - 13-55-69. Grade point average--Written essay or other information. In addition...
Section 13-55-70 - Amount of critical teaching needs scholarship. - 13-55-70. Amount of critical teaching needs scholarship. The amount of...
Section 13-55-71 - Maintenance of eligibility for critical teaching needs scholarship. - 13-55-71. Maintenance of eligibility for critical teaching needs scholarship. In...
Section 13-55-78 - Board of Regents to promulgate rules. - 13-55-78. Board of Regents to promulgate rules. The Board of...