South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 37 - Special Assistance And Related Services
Section 13-37-35.1 - Definitions.

13-37-35.1. Definitions.
Terms used in chapter 13-37 mean:
(1)"Level one disability," a mild disability;
(2)"Level two disability," cognitive disability or emotional disorder;
(3)"Level three disability," hearing impairment, deafness, visual impairment, deaf-blindness, orthopedic impairment, or traumatic brain injury;
(4)"Level four disability," autism;
(5)"Level five disability," multiple disabilities;
(5A)"Level six disability," prolonged assistance;
(6)"Index factor," is the annual percentage change in the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers as computed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor for the year before the year immediately preceding the year of adjustment or three percent, whichever is less;
(7)"Local effort," shall be calculated for taxes payable in 2023 and thereafter using a special education levy of one dollar and thirty-nine and nine-tenths cents per one thousand dollars of valuation;
(8)"Allocation for a student with a level one disability," for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, is $6,532.00. For each school year thereafter, the allocation for a student with a level one disability shall be the previous fiscal year's allocation for such child increased by the index factor;
(9)"Allocation for a student with a level two disability," for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, is $15,411.00. For each school year thereafter, the allocation for a student with a level two disability shall be the previous fiscal year's allocation for such child increased by the index factor;
(10)"Allocation for a student with a level three disability," for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, is $19,682.00. For each school year thereafter, the allocation for a student with a level three disability shall be the previous fiscal year's allocation for such child increased by the index factor;
(11)"Allocation for a student with a level four disability," for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, is $15,981.00. For each school year thereafter, the allocation for a student with a level four disability shall be the previous fiscal year's allocation for such child increased by the index factor;
(12)"Allocation for a student with a level five disability," for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, is $34,293.00. For each school year thereafter, the allocation for a student with a level five disability shall be the previous fiscal year's allocation for such child increased by the index factor;
(12A)"Allocation for a student with a level six disability," for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, is $9,066.00. For each school year thereafter, the allocation for a student with a level six disability shall be the previous fiscal year's allocation for such child increased by the index factor;
(13)"Child count," is the number of students in need of special education or special education and related services according to criteria set forth in rules promulgated pursuant to §§13-37-1.1 and 13-37-46 submitted to the Department of Education in accordance with rules promulgated pursuant to §13-37-1.1;
(14)"Fall enrollment," the number of kindergarten through twelfth grade students enrolled in all schools operated by the school district on the last Friday of September of the previous school year minus the number of students for whom the district receives tuition, except any nonresident student who is in the care and custody of a state agency and is attending a public school and any student for whom tuition is being paid pursuant to §13-28-42.1, plus the number of students for whom the district pays tuition;
(15)"Nonpublic school," a sectarian organization or entity which is accredited by the secretary of education for the purpose of instructing children of compulsory school age. This definition excludes any school that receives a majority of its revenues from public funds;
(16)"Nonpublic fall enrollment," the number of children under age eighteen, who are approved for alternative instruction pursuant to §13-27-2 on the last Friday of September of the previous school year plus:
(a)For nonpublic schools located within the boundaries of a public school district with a fall enrollment of six hundred or more on the last Friday of September of the previous school year, the number of kindergarten through twelfth grade students enrolled on the last Friday of September of the previous regular school year in all nonpublic schools located within the boundaries of the public school district;
(b)For nonpublic schools located within the boundaries of a public school district with a fall enrollment of less than six hundred on the last Friday of September of the previous school year, the number of resident kindergarten through twelfth grade students enrolled on the last Friday of September of the previous school year in all nonpublic schools located within the State of South Dakota;
(17)"Special education fall enrollment," fall enrollment plus nonpublic fall enrollment;
(18)"Local need," an amount to be determined as follows:
(a)Multiply the special education fall enrollment by 0.1072 and multiply the result by the allocation for a student with a level one disability;
(b)Multiply the number of students having a level two disability as reported on the child count for the previous school fiscal year by the allocation for a student with a level two disability;
(c)Multiply the number of students having a level three disability as reported on the child count for the previous school fiscal year by the allocation for a student with a level three disability;
(d)Multiply the number of students having a level four disability as reported on the child count for the previous school fiscal year by the allocation for a student with a level four disability;
(e)Multiply the number of students having a level five disability as reported on the child count for the previous school fiscal year by the allocation for a student with a level five disability;
(f)Multiply the number of students having a level six disability as reported on the child count for the previous school fiscal year by the allocation for a student with a level six disability;
(g)When calculating local need at the statewide level, include the amount set aside for extraordinary costs defined in §13-37-40;
(h)When calculating local need at the statewide level, include the amount set aside for the South Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired;
(i)Sum the results of (a) to (h), inclusive;
(19)"Effort factor," the school district's special education tax levy in dollars per thousand divided by $1.399. The maximum effort factor is 1.0.

Source: SL 1999, ch 90, §2; SL 2000, ch 50, §2; ch 84, §3; SL 2001, ch 85, §2; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), §63; SL 2004, ch 131, §1; SL 2004, ch 132, §1; SL 2005, ch 60, §2; SL 2006, ch 84, §1; SL 2008, ch 78, §5; SL 2008, ch 84, §1; SL 2009, ch 87, §1; SL 2010, ch 82, §2; SL 2011, ch 98, §1; SL 2012, ch 99, §1; SL 2013, ch 79, §11; SL 2014, ch 91, §2; SL 2015, ch 95, §2; SL 2016, ch 93, §2; SL 2017, ch 76, §5; SL 2018, ch 92, §4; SL 2019, ch 85, §2; SL 2020, ch 59, §2; SL 2021, ch 78, §4; SL 2022, ch 41, §4.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 13 - Education

Chapter 37 - Special Assistance And Related Services

Section 13-37-1 - Children in need of special education or special education and related services.

Section 13-37-1.1 - Rules governing standards for special education.

Section 13-37-1.2 - Department as agency responsible for special education--Regulatory and coordinating authority.

Section 13-37-1.3 - Free education for special education children.

Section 13-37-2 - Special education defined--Conformity to approved program where possible.

Section 13-37-2.1 - Surrogate parent defined.

Section 13-37-8.4 - Cost paid by school district.

Section 13-37-8.6 - Costs of special education services--Sources--Provisions--Financial losses.

Section 13-37-8.9 - Mileage allowance in lieu of transportation for special education--Actual cost in lieu of mileage--Source of payment.

Section 13-37-8.10 - Crediting of state, local, and federal special education funds.

Section 13-37-13 - Expenditures for education of children in need in state-owned institutions.

Section 13-37-16 - District tax levy for special education--School district special education fund.

Section 13-37-16.2 - Levy equalization.

Section 13-37-16.3 - Basis for adjustment to certain levies.

Section 13-37-18 - Costs and statistical information included in annual financial report.

Section 13-37-20 - Payment of claims for direct services.

Section 13-37-27 - Surrogate parent acting in place of parent--Immunity--Exceptions.

Section 13-37-28 - Definition of autism spectrum disorder.

Section 13-37-28.1 - Dyslexia defined.

Section 13-37-29 - Blind student defined for purposes of braille literary assessment and educational services.

Section 13-37-30 - Braille literary assessment and educational services for blind students.

Section 13-37-31 - Competency of braille instructors--Promulgation of rules.

Section 13-37-35.1 - Definitions.

Section 13-37-35.2 - Department to recalculate allocations for disability levels biennially.

Section 13-37-36.1 - School district special education fund statutory carryover.

Section 13-37-36.2 - Level five disability criteria.

Section 13-37-36.3 - Computation of state aid to districts for special education.

Section 13-37-37 - Monthly payment of state aid for special education.

Section 13-37-40 - Portion of appropriation set aside for extraordinary expenses.

Section 13-37-40.1 - Certification required for funding.

Section 13-37-41 - Establishing guidelines for expenditure of state aid for special education--Annual report.

Section 13-37-42 - Limitation on expenditure of funds set aside for extraordinary expenditures.

Section 13-37-44 - Reduction of district's aid for special education for excess balance in fund.

Section 13-37-45 - Allocation of undistributed appropriations.

Section 13-37-46 - Rules defining special education process--Appeal of local district's determinations--Hearing.

Section 13-37-47 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 13-37-49 - Record of public school child count subject to examination by department.

Section 13-37-50 - Overreporting child count data--Recovery of twice amount of state aid--Intentional overreporting as misdemeanor.

Section 13-37-52 - Department may promulgate rules to define disabilities.

Section 13-37-54 - Promulgation of rules for reallocation of state aid to special education.

Section 13-37-55 - Coordinated early intervening services.

Section 13-37-56 - Approval for early intervening services.

Section 13-37-57 - Annual report on early intervening services.

Section 13-37-58 - Promulgation of rules on early intervening services.

Section 13-37-59 - District with early intervening services ineligible for other funds.

Section 13-37-60 - Extraordinary Cost Oversight Board established.

Section 13-37-61 - Oversight board members--Terms.