13-37-2.1. Surrogate parent defined.
As used in this chapter, the term, surrogate parent, means any individual assigned by the district to act in place of the parent of a child in need of special education when the school district cannot identify or locate the parent or the child is a ward of the state.
Source: SL 1989, ch 150, §1; SL 1990, ch 195, §1; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), §63; SL 2010, ch 77, §13; SL 2013, ch 79, §6.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 37 - Special Assistance And Related Services
Section 13-37-1 - Children in need of special education or special education and related services.
Section 13-37-1.1 - Rules governing standards for special education.
Section 13-37-1.3 - Free education for special education children.
Section 13-37-2 - Special education defined--Conformity to approved program where possible.
Section 13-37-2.1 - Surrogate parent defined.
Section 13-37-8.4 - Cost paid by school district.
Section 13-37-8.6 - Costs of special education services--Sources--Provisions--Financial losses.
Section 13-37-8.10 - Crediting of state, local, and federal special education funds.
Section 13-37-13 - Expenditures for education of children in need in state-owned institutions.
Section 13-37-16 - District tax levy for special education--School district special education fund.
Section 13-37-16.2 - Levy equalization.
Section 13-37-16.3 - Basis for adjustment to certain levies.
Section 13-37-18 - Costs and statistical information included in annual financial report.
Section 13-37-20 - Payment of claims for direct services.
Section 13-37-27 - Surrogate parent acting in place of parent--Immunity--Exceptions.
Section 13-37-28 - Definition of autism spectrum disorder.
Section 13-37-28.1 - Dyslexia defined.
Section 13-37-30 - Braille literary assessment and educational services for blind students.
Section 13-37-31 - Competency of braille instructors--Promulgation of rules.
Section 13-37-35.1 - Definitions.
Section 13-37-35.2 - Department to recalculate allocations for disability levels biennially.
Section 13-37-36.1 - School district special education fund statutory carryover.
Section 13-37-36.2 - Level five disability criteria.
Section 13-37-36.3 - Computation of state aid to districts for special education.
Section 13-37-37 - Monthly payment of state aid for special education.
Section 13-37-40 - Portion of appropriation set aside for extraordinary expenses.
Section 13-37-40.1 - Certification required for funding.
Section 13-37-42 - Limitation on expenditure of funds set aside for extraordinary expenditures.
Section 13-37-44 - Reduction of district's aid for special education for excess balance in fund.
Section 13-37-45 - Allocation of undistributed appropriations.
Section 13-37-47 - Promulgation of rules.
Section 13-37-49 - Record of public school child count subject to examination by department.
Section 13-37-52 - Department may promulgate rules to define disabilities.
Section 13-37-54 - Promulgation of rules for reallocation of state aid to special education.
Section 13-37-55 - Coordinated early intervening services.
Section 13-37-56 - Approval for early intervening services.
Section 13-37-57 - Annual report on early intervening services.
Section 13-37-58 - Promulgation of rules on early intervening services.
Section 13-37-59 - District with early intervening services ineligible for other funds.
Section 13-37-60 - Extraordinary Cost Oversight Board established.