13-33-30. Accredited schools required to accept transfer credits for courses taken from other accredited schools outside regular school term--Conditions.
Any school accredited by the Department of Education shall accept transfer credits earned by a student for any course taken by the student from another school accredited by the Department of Education outside the regular school term as established pursuant to §13-26-2. However, an accredited school is only required to accept the transfer credits if the student notifies a school administrator of the credits sought prior to taking the course. If the student fails to provide the advance notice, the school may refuse to accept the credits.
Each school district shall establish a policy for accepting transfer credits pursuant to this section. If upon review of the coursework for which transfer credit is sought, a school determines that the course rigor is not sufficient to meet the graduation requirements established by the Board of Education Standards pursuant to §13-1-12.1 or by the school, the transfer credits earned by the student for the course will count as elective credits, but the course will not count as a course required for graduation. If the school accepting the transfer credits determines that the credits do not meet graduation requirements, the school shall notify the student in writing to explain the reason for that determination and to cite the provisions of formally adopted school policy that apply.
Source: SL 2016, ch 92, §1; SL 2017, ch 81, §57.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 33 - Curriculum And Courses Of Instruction
Section 13-33-1 - Conformity to standards adopted by state board.
Section 13-33-3 - Adult education, summer school, kindergarten, and nursery schools.
Section 13-33-4 - Instruction on United States and state Constitutions required--Years when given.
Section 13-33-6.1 - Character development instruction.
Section 13-33-9 - Sectarian doctrine prohibited in public schools.
Section 13-33-10 - Released time for religious instruction.
Section 13-33-11 - Instruction to promote mastery of English language.
Section 13-33-20 - Distance learning defined.
Section 13-33-21 - Certificate authorizing distance learning provider to provide courses required.
Section 13-33-22 - Promulgation of rules relating to distance learning certificate.
Section 13-33-24 - South Dakota virtual school created.
Section 13-33-25 - South Dakota Virtual School Advisory Council established.
Section 13-33-26 - Council membership.
Section 13-33-27 - Council terms--Vacancies.
Section 13-33-28 - Promulgation of rules concerning virtual school.