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Section 13-33-1 - Conformity to standards adopted by state board. - 13-33-1. Conformity to standards adopted by state board. All the...
Section 13-33-3 - Adult education, summer school, kindergarten, and nursery schools. - 13-33-3. Adult education, summer school, kindergarten, and nursery schools. The...
Section 13-33-4 - Instruction on United States and state Constitutions required--Years when given. - 13-33-4. Instruction on United States and state Constitutions required--Years when...
Section 13-33-6.1 - Character development instruction. - 13-33-6.1. Character development instruction. Unless the governing body elects, by...
Section 13-33-9 - Sectarian doctrine prohibited in public schools. - 13-33-9. Sectarian doctrine prohibited in public schools. No sectarian doctrine...
Section 13-33-10 - Released time for religious instruction. - 13-33-10. Released time for religious instruction. A child may, on...
Section 13-33-11 - Instruction to promote mastery of English language. - 13-33-11. Instruction to promote mastery of English language. Instruction in...
Section 13-33-17 - American sign language recognized--Authorized in high school and colleges--Encouraged in elementary schools. - 13-33-17. American sign language recognized--Authorized in high school and colleges--Encouraged...
Section 13-33-19 - Recommended high school program and basic high school program--Enrollment and completion requirements. - 13-33-19. Recommended high school program and basic high school program--Enrollment...
Section 13-33-20 - Distance learning defined. - 13-33-20. Distance learning defined. For purposes of ยงยง13-33-20 to 13-33-23,...
Section 13-33-21 - Certificate authorizing distance learning provider to provide courses required. - 13-33-21. Certificate authorizing distance learning provider to provide courses required....
Section 13-33-22 - Promulgation of rules relating to distance learning certificate. - 13-33-22. Promulgation of rules relating to distance learning certificate. The...
Section 13-33-23 - Promulgation of rules establishing priorities and eligibility for distance learning courses. - 13-33-23. Promulgation of rules establishing priorities and eligibility for distance...
Section 13-33-24 - South Dakota virtual school created. - 13-33-24. South Dakota virtual school created. There is created the...
Section 13-33-25 - South Dakota Virtual School Advisory Council established. - 13-33-25. South Dakota Virtual School Advisory Council established. The South...
Section 13-33-26 - Council membership. - 13-33-26. Council membership. The council shall consist of seven members...
Section 13-33-27 - Council terms--Vacancies. - 13-33-27. Council terms--Vacancies. Members of the council shall be appointed...
Section 13-33-28 - Promulgation of rules concerning virtual school. - 13-33-28. Promulgation of rules concerning virtual school. The Department of...
Section 13-33-29 - Granting of credit for distance learning courses not offered by South Dakota Virtual School prohibited--Exceptions. - 13-33-29. Granting of credit for distance learning courses not offered...
Section 13-33-30 - Accredited schools required to accept transfer credits for courses taken from other accredited schools outside regular school term--Conditions. - 13-33-30. Accredited schools required to accept transfer credits for courses...