South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 19 - Absentee Voting
Section 12-19-46 - Commencement of count when polls close--Place.

12-19-46. Commencement of count when polls close--Place.
The Absentee Ballot Counting Board shall commence counting the absentee voters' ballots immediately upon close of the polls at a central place designated by the county auditor.

Source: SL 1976, ch 108, ยง4.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 12 - Elections

Chapter 19 - Absentee Voting

Section 12-19-1 - Absentee ballot--Persons entitled to vote.

Section 12-19-1.1 - Affirmation of address by voter in inactive registration file.

Section 12-19-1.2 - Time for absentee voting.

Section 12-19-2 - Application for absentee ballot--Contents--Address to which ballot sent--Stamping date of receipt--Delivery.

Section 12-19-2.1 - Application in person or by authorized messenger--Delivery of ballot to messenger or by mail.

Section 12-19-2.2 - Authorized messenger for more than one voter.

Section 12-19-2.3 - Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act--Application or request for absentee ballot.

Section 12-19-2.4 - Multiple applications or requests for ballots and multiple ballots--Application.

Section 12-19-2.5 - Form of application for absentee ballot and combined application/return envelope.

Section 12-19-2.6 - Preference and selection of ballot style for independent in primary election.

Section 12-19-3 - Forwarding of ballot to voter--Instructions and return envelope.

Section 12-19-4 - Voter's statement on return envelope--Federal service voting forms.

Section 12-19-5 - Mailing of ballot and enclosures to voter--Free air mail for federal service voters.

Section 12-19-7 - Marking and folding ballot--Officer before whom marked--Mailing or delivering ballot.

Section 12-19-7.1 - Candidates and election officials not to serve as authorized messenger.

Section 12-19-7.2 - Display of campaign material by messenger as misdemeanor.

Section 12-19-9 - Delivery of absentee ballot--Personal delivery when transmission time insufficient--Receipt.

Section 12-19-9.1 - Nursing facility, assisted living center, or hospital having multiple absentee ballot requests.

Section 12-19-9.2 - Marking and return of ballot on death of voter before opening of polls.

Section 12-19-10 - Preservation and delivery of ballot to precinct superintendent--Comparison of statement and application--Deposit in ballot box--Unopened ballots--Unauthorized examination as misdemeanor.

Section 12-19-10.1 - County auditor validation of absentee ballot signatures.

Section 12-19-11 - Preservation and return of application and return envelope.

Section 12-19-12 - Delivery of absentee ballot to polling place after close of polls.

Section 12-19-14 - Unlawful disposition of ballot or ballot link as misdemeanor.

Section 12-19-32 - Ballot not invalidated by federal censorship.

Section 12-19-33 - Failure to deliver or tampering with ballot as felony.

Section 12-19-34 - Informalities do not invalidate election--Liberal construction.

Section 12-19-37 - Absentee ballot precincts--Creation--Absentee ballot counting board.

Section 12-19-38 - Appointment of absentee ballot counting board--Number of members.

Section 12-19-39 - Oath of board members--Compensation.

Section 12-19-41 - Powers and duties of absentee ballot counting board.

Section 12-19-42 - Envelope containing voted ballots kept closed--Delivery to county board.

Section 12-19-43 - Review--Sorting--Processing--Absentee Ballots.

Section 12-19-44 - Counting process open.

Section 12-19-45 - Record of applicants' names, addresses, and voting precincts--Delivery to counting board--Record of authorized messengers.

Section 12-19-46 - Commencement of count when polls close--Place.

Section 12-19-47 - Processing of absentee ballots.

Section 12-19-48 - Delivery of absentee ballot after polls are closed.

Section 12-19-49 - Death of absentee voter prior to opening of polls--Ballot returned to person in charge--Election not invalidated by casting of ballot.

Section 12-19-50 - Forms for recording tally--Special pollbook--Tally added to home precinct totals.

Section 12-19-52 - Electronic voting systems.

Section 12-19-53 - Contracting for services of county auditor from another county.

Section 12-19-54 - Payment for assisting voters based on number of voters assisted prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 12-19-55 - Receipt of payment for assisting voters based on number of voters assisted prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.