12-19-3. Forwarding of ballot to voter--Instructions and return envelope.
Upon receiving an application for absentee ballots, the person in charge of an election shall, within forty-eight hours, or if ballots are not then on hand, then within forty-eight hours after receipt of the ballots, after confirming from the master registration file that the applicant is registered as a voter pursuant to chapter 12-4, enclose one of each of the official ballots, a set of instructions on absentee balloting, and an unsealed return envelope. All of the enclosures shall be sealed in an envelope addressed to the applicant at the place stated in the application. If a registration form is received simultaneous with an absentee ballot request and prior to the registration deadline, the absentee ballot provided shall be based on the submitted registration form.
Source: SDC 1939, §16.0606; SL 1963, ch 110, §1; SL 1964, ch 59; SL 1967, ch 72; SL 1974, ch 118, §135; SL 1976, ch 105, §62; SL 1998, ch 78, §3; SL 2002, ch 40, §19; SL 2007, ch 75, §4.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 12-19-1 - Absentee ballot--Persons entitled to vote.
Section 12-19-1.1 - Affirmation of address by voter in inactive registration file.
Section 12-19-1.2 - Time for absentee voting.
Section 12-19-2.2 - Authorized messenger for more than one voter.
Section 12-19-2.4 - Multiple applications or requests for ballots and multiple ballots--Application.
Section 12-19-2.6 - Preference and selection of ballot style for independent in primary election.
Section 12-19-3 - Forwarding of ballot to voter--Instructions and return envelope.
Section 12-19-4 - Voter's statement on return envelope--Federal service voting forms.
Section 12-19-7.1 - Candidates and election officials not to serve as authorized messenger.
Section 12-19-7.2 - Display of campaign material by messenger as misdemeanor.
Section 12-19-9.2 - Marking and return of ballot on death of voter before opening of polls.
Section 12-19-10.1 - County auditor validation of absentee ballot signatures.
Section 12-19-11 - Preservation and return of application and return envelope.
Section 12-19-12 - Delivery of absentee ballot to polling place after close of polls.
Section 12-19-14 - Unlawful disposition of ballot or ballot link as misdemeanor.
Section 12-19-32 - Ballot not invalidated by federal censorship.
Section 12-19-33 - Failure to deliver or tampering with ballot as felony.
Section 12-19-34 - Informalities do not invalidate election--Liberal construction.
Section 12-19-37 - Absentee ballot precincts--Creation--Absentee ballot counting board.
Section 12-19-38 - Appointment of absentee ballot counting board--Number of members.
Section 12-19-39 - Oath of board members--Compensation.
Section 12-19-41 - Powers and duties of absentee ballot counting board.
Section 12-19-42 - Envelope containing voted ballots kept closed--Delivery to county board.
Section 12-19-43 - Review--Sorting--Processing--Absentee Ballots.
Section 12-19-44 - Counting process open.
Section 12-19-46 - Commencement of count when polls close--Place.
Section 12-19-47 - Processing of absentee ballots.
Section 12-19-48 - Delivery of absentee ballot after polls are closed.
Section 12-19-50 - Forms for recording tally--Special pollbook--Tally added to home precinct totals.
Section 12-19-52 - Electronic voting systems.
Section 12-19-53 - Contracting for services of county auditor from another county.