12-16-39. Tally sheets for candidates and submitted questions.
The tally sheets for candidates for public office and submitted questions shall be prescribed by the State Board of Elections.
Source: SL 1893, ch 82, §3; RPolC 1903, §1898; RC 1919, §7246; SDC 1939, §16.1109; SL 1961, ch 101, §1; SL 1976, ch 105, §48.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 16 - Ballots And Election Supplies
Section 12-16-1.1 - Automatic election of unopposed candidate--Certificate of election.
Section 12-16-2.1 - Colors for ballots.
Section 12-16-3.1 - Order of party columns.
Section 12-16-5 - Order of offices placed on ballot.
Section 12-16-8 - Order of listing candidates for same office in same column.
Section 12-16-9 - Form for official ballot at general election.
Section 12-16-10 - Election of two or more candidates to same office--Official ballot.
Section 12-16-10.1 - Candidacy for more than one office prohibited--Exception.
Section 12-16-11 - Separate nonpolitical judiciary ballot.
Section 12-16-15 - Posting of sample ballots.
Section 12-16-16 - Publication of facsimile ballots--Time for publication.
Section 12-16-16.1 - Publication of facsimile ballots by counties using same legal newspaper.
Section 12-16-16.2 - Publication of facsimile ballots--Compensation of newspapers.
Section 12-16-18 - Delivery of ballots to precinct superintendents--Packaging and marking--Receipts.
Section 12-16-20 - Delivery of unbroken package to election board--Receipts.
Section 12-16-21 - Replacement of ballots lost, stolen, or not delivered--Additional ballots.
Section 12-16-23 - Voting rights notices and instructions.
Section 12-16-25 - Posting of instruction cards and posters in polling place.
Section 12-16-26 - Construction of ballot boxes--Openings.
Section 12-16-28 - Pollbooks--Voter registration lists.
Section 12-16-30 - Official stamp for ballots--Delivery of stamp and supplies.
Section 12-16-32 - Separate tally sheets provided.
Section 12-16-34 - Rules and columns on tally sheets.
Section 12-16-35 - Listing of candidates and submitted questions on tally sheets.
Section 12-16-36 - Space for tally marks and vote totals on tally sheets.
Section 12-16-37 - Space for tallying votes on submitted questions.
Section 12-16-38 - Tallying and marking of votes--Entry of total votes.
Section 12-16-39 - Tally sheets for candidates and submitted questions.