South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 16 - Ballots And Election Supplies
Section 12-16-20 - Delivery of unbroken package to election board--Receipts.

12-16-20. Delivery of unbroken package to election board--Receipts.
The precinct superintendent or precinct deputy receiving the package of ballots shall at the opening of the polls on election day cause the same to be delivered with the seal unbroken to the election board of the election precinct. The precinct superintendent or precinct deputy shall receive a receipt from a member of the precinct board and shall return the receipt to the county auditor with the election returns.

Source: SDC 1939, §16.1103; SL 1961, ch 100; SL 1999, ch 69, §15.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 12 - Elections

Chapter 16 - Ballots And Election Supplies

Section 12-16-1 - Printed ballots to be provided--Candidates listed--Sample ballots--Challenge--Submitted questions.

Section 12-16-1.1 - Automatic election of unopposed candidate--Certificate of election.

Section 12-16-2 - Paper and printing specifications--Columns for parties and independent candidates--Automatic tabulating systems.

Section 12-16-2.1 - Colors for ballots.

Section 12-16-3.1 - Order of party columns.

Section 12-16-5 - Order of offices placed on ballot.

Section 12-16-6 - Presidential and vice-presidential candidates listed--Single square to vote for electors.

Section 12-16-7 - Number stated where more than one to be chosen--More than one independent candidate.

Section 12-16-8 - Order of listing candidates for same office in same column.

Section 12-16-9 - Form for official ballot at general election.

Section 12-16-10 - Election of two or more candidates to same office--Official ballot.

Section 12-16-10.1 - Candidacy for more than one office prohibited--Exception.

Section 12-16-11 - Separate nonpolitical judiciary ballot.

Section 12-16-14 - Affidavit for correction of errors in ballot--Circuit court order--Patent errors corrected without order.

Section 12-16-15 - Posting of sample ballots.

Section 12-16-16 - Publication of facsimile ballots--Time for publication.

Section 12-16-16.1 - Publication of facsimile ballots by counties using same legal newspaper.

Section 12-16-16.2 - Publication of facsimile ballots--Compensation of newspapers.

Section 12-16-17 - Number of official and sample ballots provided to precincts--Reserve supply retained and delivered on request--Samples or photocopies used in emergency.

Section 12-16-18 - Delivery of ballots to precinct superintendents--Packaging and marking--Receipts.

Section 12-16-19 - Delivery of ballots and supplies at instruction meeting--Sheriff to receive in absence of precinct superintendent or precinct deputy.

Section 12-16-20 - Delivery of unbroken package to election board--Receipts.

Section 12-16-21 - Replacement of ballots lost, stolen, or not delivered--Additional ballots.

Section 12-16-23 - Voting rights notices and instructions.

Section 12-16-25 - Posting of instruction cards and posters in polling place.

Section 12-16-26 - Construction of ballot boxes--Openings.

Section 12-16-28 - Pollbooks--Voter registration lists.

Section 12-16-30 - Official stamp for ballots--Delivery of stamp and supplies.

Section 12-16-32 - Separate tally sheets provided.

Section 12-16-34 - Rules and columns on tally sheets.

Section 12-16-35 - Listing of candidates and submitted questions on tally sheets.

Section 12-16-36 - Space for tally marks and vote totals on tally sheets.

Section 12-16-37 - Space for tallying votes on submitted questions.

Section 12-16-38 - Tallying and marking of votes--Entry of total votes.

Section 12-16-39 - Tally sheets for candidates and submitted questions.

Section 12-16-41 - Tally lists govern over certificate.