1-13-4. Radio communications fund as continuing fund.
An unexpended balance remaining in the radio communications fund at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert but shall remain in said fund and be available for expenditure during the succeeding fiscal year.
Source: SL 1945, ch 321, §5; SDC Supp 1960, §55.1608-1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 1 - State Affairs and Government
Chapter 13 - State Communications System
Section 1-13-2 - Towers, repeater stations, and subheadquarters authorized.
Section 1-13-3 - Employment of personnel and equipment--Maintenance and operating costs.
Section 1-13-4 - Radio communications fund as continuing fund.
Section 1-13-5 - Federal funds--Acceptance and use.
Section 1-13-6 - Local law enforcement officers to be furnished receiving sets.
Section 1-13-7 - Officers with receiving sets to report to bureau.
Section 1-13-8 - Dispatches and reports to be broadcast.
Section 1-13-9 - Priority of messages to broadcasting station--Misdemeanor.
Section 1-13-10 - False report to broadcasting station as misdemeanor.
Section 1-13-11 - Unified data network authorized--Equipment purchased or leased.
Section 1-13-12 - Department and attorney general to receive necessary equipment.
Section 1-13-13 - County sheriffs to receive necessary equipment.
Section 1-13-14 - Municipal participation in law enforcement telecommunications system.
Section 1-13-15 - Participation by other law enforcement agencies.
Section 1-13-16 - Promulgation of rules.
Section 1-13-17 - Termination of service for risk of security or privacy violation.