1-13-13. County sheriffs to receive necessary equipment.
Each county within the state shall furnish to the sheriff of that county a data terminal and other necessary equipment of a type specified by the Department of Public Safety.
Source: SL 1975, ch 11, §2; SL 2001, ch 7, §2; SL 2015, ch 5, §7.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 1 - State Affairs and Government
Chapter 13 - State Communications System
Section 1-13-2 - Towers, repeater stations, and subheadquarters authorized.
Section 1-13-3 - Employment of personnel and equipment--Maintenance and operating costs.
Section 1-13-4 - Radio communications fund as continuing fund.
Section 1-13-5 - Federal funds--Acceptance and use.
Section 1-13-6 - Local law enforcement officers to be furnished receiving sets.
Section 1-13-7 - Officers with receiving sets to report to bureau.
Section 1-13-8 - Dispatches and reports to be broadcast.
Section 1-13-9 - Priority of messages to broadcasting station--Misdemeanor.
Section 1-13-10 - False report to broadcasting station as misdemeanor.
Section 1-13-11 - Unified data network authorized--Equipment purchased or leased.
Section 1-13-12 - Department and attorney general to receive necessary equipment.
Section 1-13-13 - County sheriffs to receive necessary equipment.
Section 1-13-14 - Municipal participation in law enforcement telecommunications system.
Section 1-13-15 - Participation by other law enforcement agencies.
Section 1-13-16 - Promulgation of rules.
Section 1-13-17 - Termination of service for risk of security or privacy violation.