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Section 51-15-10. Golf courses. - Any city or town in this State may construct, maintain...
Section 51-15-20. Municipal regulations as to public parks inside or outside corporate limits. - Municipalities may make, ordain and establish all necessary and proper...
Section 51-15-30. Violators subject to arrest. - The municipal courts of such municipalities shall have jurisdiction of...
Section 51-15-110. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) The term "such municipality"...
Section 51-15-120. Application of article. - This article shall apply to all cities of this State...
Section 51-15-130. Operation of recreational facilities shall be public and governmental functions. - The establishment, conduct, equipment and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, recreational...
Section 51-15-140. Establishment and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities; acquisition of property; police jurisdiction; personnel. - Any such municipality may use for parks, playgrounds, recreational centers...
Section 51-15-150. Additional authority to acquire real property. - For any or all of the purposes mentioned in this...
Section 51-15-160. Park and recreation board. - The governing body of any such municipality may of its...
Section 51-15-170. Members of board; qualifications; compensation; terms. - The park and recreation board shall be composed of five...
Section 51-15-180. Officers of board; meetings; rules and regulations. - The members of the park and recreation board, when such...
Section 51-15-190. Vacancy in membership of board. - As vacancies occur in the membership of the park and...
Section 51-15-200. Removal from office of board member. - The members of the park and recreation board of any...
Section 51-15-210. General duties and powers of board. - The planning of a park and recreation system, administration, improvement,...
Section 51-15-220. Additional powers may be conferred on board. - The governing body of any such municipality may, in addition...
Section 51-15-230. Gifts and loans. - Any such municipality, by and through its park and recreation...
Section 51-15-240. Contracts in which board members pecuniarily interested. - No member of the park and recreation board of any...
Section 51-15-250. Sales in which board members pecuniarily interested. - No member of the park and recreation board of any...
Section 51-15-260. Real estate transactions in certain board members pecuniarily interested. - No person who has been a member of the park...
Section 51-15-270. Tax levies; election. - Upon petition signed by at least five per cent of...
Section 51-15-280. Appropriations. - Each year during which there is not levied and collected...
Section 51-15-290. Entrance and other fees. - Reasonable fees or charges for access to or use or...
Section 51-15-300. Park and recreation fund. - The governing body of each such municipality shall cause to...
Section 51-15-310. Moneys going into fund. - All funds received from fees and charges authorized by Section...
Section 51-15-320. Limitations on obligations and pledge of general credit; applicable to all board powers. - The park and recreation board of any such municipality shall...
Section 51-15-330. Election on bond issue to acquire property and facilities. - If, in the opinion of the park and recreation board...
Section 51-15-340. Intergovernmental cooperation. - Any such municipality may, by and through its park and...
Section 51-15-350. Annual report of board; recommendations; budget. - The park and recreation board, at the end of each...
Section 51-15-360. Agencies exempt from article. - The provisions of this article may not apply to recreation...
Section 51-15-510. Acquisition of property for parks, playgrounds and athletic facilities. - All cities of more than fifty thousand inhabitants, as determined...
Section 51-15-520. Creation of corporations to acquire property for parks, playgrounds and athletic facilities. - Any such city or municipality may create corporations, own stock...
Section 51-15-530. Municipal stockholder not liable for debts or acts of corporation. - No city or municipality creating such a corporation or owning...
Section 51-15-540. Properties exempt from taxation. - For tax purposes these properties, whether owned by the municipality...