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Section 51-13-10. Riverbanks Parks Commission established; purpose. - There is hereby created and established the Riverbanks Parks Commission...
Section 51-13-20. Appointment and terms of Commission members. - The Commission shall consist of seven members. Two members shall...
Section 51-13-30. Powers of Commission. - The Commission shall have the authority to plan, establish, equip,...
Section 51-13-40. Exemption of Commission property from taxation. - All property owned by the Riverbanks Parks Commission shall be...
Section 51-13-50. Territory constituted special-purpose district and political subdivision of State; corporate name. - The territory embraced by the counties of Richland and Lexington...
Section 51-13-60. Corporate powers and duties shall be exercised by Commission. - The corporate powers and duties of the Richland-Lexington Riverbanks Parks...
Section 51-13-70. Officers of Commission. - The Commission shall appoint one of its members as chairman,...
Section 51-13-80. Prohibition of certain activities while on park property; penalties. - (A) A person who enters Riverbanks Park property may not,...
Section 51-13-210. Santee-Cooper Counties Promotion Commission created; purpose. - There is hereby created the Santee-Cooper Counties Promotion Commission which...
Section 51-13-220. Appointment and terms of Commission members; organization. - The commission shall be composed of four members from Berkeley...
Section 51-13-230. Powers of Commission. - In order to carry out the purposes for which it...
Section 51-13-240. Funds. - All funds used by the Commission to acquire lands and...
Section 51-13-250. Powers of Public Service Authority unaffected. - Nothing contained in this article shall in anywise affect the...
Section 51-13-260. Annual report. - The Commission shall make an annual report to the several...
Section 51-13-410. Lake Robinson Recreation Authority created; purpose. - There is hereby created the Lake Robinson Recreation Authority in...
Section 51-13-420. Appointment, terms and compensation of Authority members; vacancies; officers; powers and duties. - The Authority shall be composed of four resident electors of...
Section 51-13-430. Quorum; voting by chairman. - A majority of the said Authority shall constitute a quorum...
Section 51-13-510. Pendleton District Historical, Recreational, and Tourism Commission created; appointment and terms of members; employment and compensation of director and secretary. - There is hereby created an historical, recreational, and tourism commission...
Section 51-13-520. Powers of Commission generally. - The commission may, without regard to the laws and procedures...
Section 51-13-530. Acceptance of donations; cooperation with and assistance from other agencies. - The Commission is authorized to accept donations of money, property...
Section 51-13-540. Duties of Commission. - The Commission shall select markers and appropriately mark and designate...
Section 51-13-545. Century Farms Program. - The Century Farms Program is established as a statewide project...
Section 51-13-610. Pee Dee Tourism Commission created; purpose; appointment and terms of members. - There is hereby created the Pee Dee Tourism Commission (Commission)...
Section 51-13-620. Officers of Commission; meetings. - The Commission shall meet as soon after the appointment of...
Section 51-13-630. Powers and duties of Commission. - The Commission shall: (1) Take such action as necessary to...
Section 51-13-710. Patriot's Point Development Authority created; transfer of powers, obligations and accounts. - There is hereby created the Patriot's Point Development Authority, a...
Section 51-13-720. Appointment and terms of Board members; vacancies. - (A) Members of the authority must be appointed by the...
Section 51-13-725. Mt. Pleasant mayor to serve as ex officio member of authority. - In addition to the members of the Patriot's Point Development...
Section 51-13-730. Meetings of Board; quorum; compensation. - The Board shall meet upon the call of the chairman...
Section 51-13-740. Executive director and other employees. - The Authority may employ an executive director, a secretary, attorney...
Section 51-13-750. Jurisdiction of Authority; taking, use and occupancy of lands owned by State. - The Authority shall have jurisdiction over the lands, waters, shores,...
Section 51-13-760. Purposes of Authority. - The Authority is created as an instrumentality of the State...
Section 51-13-765. Maintenance of special accounts; fiscal reports; retention and use of earnings and interest. - (A) The Patriot's Point Development Authority may maintain special accounts...
Section 51-13-770. Powers of Authority. - In order to enable it to carry out the purposes...
Section 51-13-780. Power of Authority to acquire property by purchase or eminent domain. - For the acquiring of rights-of-way and property necessary for the...
Section 51-13-790. Exchange or purchase of property; removal of structures. - The Authority may exchange any property acquired under the provisions...
Section 51-13-800. Transfer of property to United States Government. - The Board of the Authority may assign, transfer, lease, convey,...
Section 51-13-810. Authorization to borrow money. - As a means of raising the funds needed in the...
Section 51-13-820. Receipts and expenditures. - All funds of the Authority shall be deposited in a...
Section 51-13-830. Financial report. - At least once in each year the Authority shall report...
Section 51-13-840. Exemption of Authority property from taxation. - The property of the authority is not subject to any...
Section 51-13-850. Penalties. - If any person using or going upon the property or...
Section 51-13-860. State Fiscal Accountability Authority authorized to make loan to authority for purpose of settling certain claims and litigation. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may transfer to the authority...
Section 51-13-870. Report and recommendations of authority. - On or before January 1, 1994, the authority shall submit...
Section 51-13-880. USS Laffey. - Members of the USS Laffey Association who are temporarily present...
Section 51-13-910. Old Abbeville District Historical Commission created; appointment and terms of members; vacancies. - There is hereby created the Old Abbeville District Historical Commission...
Section 51-13-920. Commission to be corporate body. - The commission is hereby declared to be a body politic...
Section 51-13-930. Powers of Commission. - The commission is empowered to: (a) sue and be sued;...
Section 51-13-940. Exemption of Commission property from taxation. - All property of the commission shall be exempt from all...
Section 51-13-950. Deeds of conveyance to contain restrictive covenants to preserve historical value. - Every deed to a historical building conveyed by the commission...
Section 51-13-960. Meetings of Commission; quorum. - Any action required of the commission may be taken at...
Section 51-13-1110. Old Ninety Six Tourism Commission created; appointment of members. - There is hereby created the Old Ninety Six Tourism Commission...
Section 51-13-1120. Duties of commission. - The commission shall: (1) Take such action as necessary to...
Section 51-13-1130. Commission meetings; officers. - The commission shall meet as soon after the appointment of...
Section 51-13-1310 to 51-13-1440. Repealed by 1986 Act No. 351, Section 1. - Editor's Note Former Sections 51-13-1310 to 51-13-1440 were derived from...
Section 51-13-1610. Creation of commission; membership; vacancies. - There is created the Olde English District Commission (Commission) for...
Section 51-13-1620. Meetings; officers. - The Commission shall meet as soon after the appointment of...
Section 51-13-1630. Powers and duties; bylaws. - The Commission shall: (1) Take such action as necessary to...
Section 51-13-1710. Historic district created; composition. - There is hereby created the Old Jacksonborough Historic District (District)...
Section 51-13-1720. Board of regents; composition; terms; vacancies. - The authority must be governed by a board of regents...
Section 51-13-1730. Meetings; quorum; compensation; director and employees. - The board of regents shall meet upon the call of...
Section 51-13-1740. Powers to make studies, surveys and maps. - The Authority is authorized to: (a) Make studies, surveys, maps...
Section 51-13-1750. Power to make contracts and procure historic materials. - The Authority may, without regard to the laws and procedures...
Section 51-13-1760. Power to accept donations; coordination with other agencies. - The Authority is authorized to accept donations of money, property...
Section 51-13-1770. Designation of places of historical interest; operation and maintenance; historical pamphlets. - The Authority shall select markers and appropriately mark and designate...
Section 51-13-1810. Lowcountry and Resort Islands Tourism Commission created; membership of commission; terms of office. - There is created the Lowcountry and Resort Islands Tourism Commission...
Section 51-13-1820. Duties of commission. - The commission shall: (1) take necessary action to establish the...
Section 51-13-1830. Officers; meetings. - The commission shall meet as soon after the appointment of...
Section 51-13-2000 to 51-13-2030. Repealed. - HISTORY: Former Section 51-13-2000, titled Enoree River Greenway Commission; creation;...
Section 51-13-2110. Francis Marion Trail Commission created; powers and duties. - There is created the Francis Marion Trail Commission for the...
Section 51-13-2120. Commission membership. - The commission shall consist of the following seven members: (1)...
Section 51-13-2130. Advisory committee. - The presidents of the historical societies located in each of...