All funds received from fees and charges authorized by Section 51-15-290 shall be paid into and become a part of the park and recreation fund of such municipality. The proceeds from the sale of all bonds issued by any such municipality for park and recreation purposes shall be paid into and credited to such fund. All sums accruing from the special tax authorized by Section 51-15-270 shall be credited to the fund. In addition thereto, the fund shall be allowed all receipts and revenues arising from the operation of the various recreation activities under the administration of the board and whatever further amount, if any, the governing body of such municipality may set apart in its annual budget for the use and benefit of the board and any other funds arising from donations, legacies, bequests, devises or from any other sources.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-165.20; 1954 (48) 1809; 1958 (50) 1911.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 51 - Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Chapter 15 - Municipal Parks, Recreational Facilities And The Like
Section 51-15-10. Golf courses.
Section 51-15-20. Municipal regulations as to public parks inside or outside corporate limits.
Section 51-15-30. Violators subject to arrest.
Section 51-15-110. Definitions.
Section 51-15-120. Application of article.
Section 51-15-130. Operation of recreational facilities shall be public and governmental functions.
Section 51-15-150. Additional authority to acquire real property.
Section 51-15-160. Park and recreation board.
Section 51-15-170. Members of board; qualifications; compensation; terms.
Section 51-15-180. Officers of board; meetings; rules and regulations.
Section 51-15-190. Vacancy in membership of board.
Section 51-15-200. Removal from office of board member.
Section 51-15-210. General duties and powers of board.
Section 51-15-220. Additional powers may be conferred on board.
Section 51-15-230. Gifts and loans.
Section 51-15-240. Contracts in which board members pecuniarily interested.
Section 51-15-250. Sales in which board members pecuniarily interested.
Section 51-15-260. Real estate transactions in certain board members pecuniarily interested.
Section 51-15-270. Tax levies; election.
Section 51-15-280. Appropriations.
Section 51-15-290. Entrance and other fees.
Section 51-15-300. Park and recreation fund.
Section 51-15-310. Moneys going into fund.
Section 51-15-330. Election on bond issue to acquire property and facilities.
Section 51-15-340. Intergovernmental cooperation.
Section 51-15-350. Annual report of board; recommendations; budget.
Section 51-15-360. Agencies exempt from article.
Section 51-15-510. Acquisition of property for parks, playgrounds and athletic facilities.
Section 51-15-530. Municipal stockholder not liable for debts or acts of corporation.