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Section 40-38-5. Application of chapter; conflict of laws. - Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, Article 1, Chapter...
Section 40-38-10. Board of Examiners in Opticianry; membership; nominations; terms; removal. - (A) There is created the South Carolina Board of Examiners...
Section 40-38-20. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) "Optician" means one who...
Section 40-38-30. Unlawful to practice opticianry without license. - It is unlawful for a person to practice as an...
Section 40-38-50. Administration of Board by Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. - The board must be administered by the Department of Labor,...
Section 40-38-60. Adoption of bylaws to govern board proceedings. - The board may adopt bylaws governing its own proceedings and...
Section 40-38-70. Board responsibilities regarding examinations, investigations, and prosecutions. - The board shall examine or provide for the examination of...
Section 40-38-80. Collection of evidence for investigations and other board proceedings. - For the purpose of conducting an investigation or proceeding under...
Section 40-38-90. Participation in hearing by board member filing complaint or conducting investigation. - If a board member files a complaint or conducts the...
Section 40-38-100. Injunctive actions allowed by board. - The board may seek to enjoin violations of this chapter...
Section 40-38-110. Grounds for license revocation, suspension, or limitations, or for disciplinary action against licensee. - (A) In addition to the grounds for disciplinary action provided...
Section 40-38-115. Jurisdiction of board. - The board has jurisdiction over the action of licensees and...
Section 40-38-120. Disciplinary actions permitted by board; procedures. - In addition to the sanctions the board may take against...
Section 40-38-130. Denial of license on same grounds as for disciplinary actions. - As provided for in Section 40-1-130, the board may deny...
Section 40-38-140. Denial of license based on prior criminal record. - A license for opticianry may be denied based on a...
Section 40-38-150. Voluntary surrender of license by licensee under investigation. - A licensee under investigation for a violation of this chapter...
Section 40-38-160. Right of aggrieved person to seek review of board decision. - A person aggrieved by a final action of the board...
Section 40-38-170. Payment of investigation and prosecution costs by violator. - A person found in violation of this chapter or regulations...
Section 40-38-180. Collection of costs and fines. - All costs and fines imposed pursuant to this chapter must...
Section 40-38-190. Confidentiality of proceedings under provisions of this chapter. - All investigations and proceedings undertaken under the provisions of this...
Section 40-38-200. Violations; penalty. - A person who violates a provision of this chapter is...
Section 40-38-210. Additional civil penalties and injunctive relief. - In addition to initiating a criminal proceeding for a violation...
Section 40-38-230. Examinations; applications; fees; competency examinations; contact lens examinations. - (A) A person desiring to be examined by the board...
Section 40-38-240. Qualifications for licensure as optician or contact lens optician. - (A) A person is qualified to receive a certificate of...
Section 40-38-250. Apprentices and apprenticeships; promulgation of regulations. - The board shall promulgate regulations for apprentice registration requirements and...
Section 40-38-260. Annual renewal of licenses and registrations; fees; revocation for default; reinstatement; continuing education requirements. - (A) A licensed optician or registered apprentice who desires to...
Section 40-38-270. Fitting of contact lenses and professional determinations by opticians prohibited; exception. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, with respect to contact...
Section 40-38-280. Ophthalmic dispensing of services and appliances; prescription required; exceptions. - The services and appliances related to ophthalmic dispensing must be...
Section 40-38-290. Dispensing of spectacles to public from manufacturing or warehouse locations prohibited. - It is unlawful for an ophthalmic manufacturer, wholesale supply house,...
Section 40-38-300. Use of optician's license by unlicensed persons unlawful; assistants under supervision of opticians; delegation of tasks. - (A) It is unlawful for an optician to permit his...
Section 40-38-310. Unlawful advertising, sales, and pricing acts regarding ophthalmic goods and services; required disclosures. - (A) It is unlawful for a person to disseminate, directly...
Section 40-38-320. Use of third-party solicitations; restrictions. - Nothing in this chapter prevents opticians from using third-party solicitation...
Section 40-38-330. Regulations by board concerning employment, location and number of stores, advertising, and display of products prohibited. - The board has no authority to promulgate regulations governing the...
Section 40-38-340. Advertising by dispensing optician under corporate name, trade name, or as successor to another optician. - Dispensing opticians may hold themselves out as doing business and...
Section 40-38-350. Display of certificate of licensure; effect of failure to display certificate. - (A) A person to whom a certificate of licensure is...
Section 40-38-360. Service of required notices; prima facie evidence. - Notices required by this chapter may be sent by registered...
Section 40-38-370. Persons excepted from application of chapter. - This chapter does not apply to: (1) physicians licensed in...
Section 40-38-380. Immunity. - No member of the board, its committees, special examiners, agents,...
Section 40-38-390. Severability. - If a provision of this chapter or the application of...