South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 38 - Opticians
Section 40-38-260. Annual renewal of licenses and registrations; fees; revocation for default; reinstatement; continuing education requirements.

(A) A licensed optician or registered apprentice who desires to continue to be licensed or registered in this State annually, on or before the first day of October, shall pay a renewal fee, to be established by the board in regulation and in accordance with Section 40-1-50(D). In case of default in payment of the fee, the person's license or registration is automatically revoked if the board gives the licensee thirty days' notice in writing before the effective date of revocation. Deposit of the notice in the United States Postal Service addressed to the person at the person's last place of residence or business, registered with the board, with postage prepaid, constitutes legal service of the notice. No license or registration may be revoked for nonpayment of the renewal fee if within the thirty-day notice period the person pays a renewal fee and a penalty established by the board in regulation. A person whose license or registration has been revoked for failure to pay the renewal fee may apply to have it reinstated upon payment of all renewal fees and a penalty as established by the board in regulation. If the license or registration has been lapsed for more than two years, the person shall appear before the board, which shall determine if the license or registration should be reinstated and the terms under which the reinstatement is to be made. A person holding a license or registration in South Carolina not practicing in this State who wishes to keep the license or registration current, annually may pay an inactive license or registration fee established by the board in regulation. If the person decides to resume practice in this State, the person shall pay the fee being charged active practitioners in South Carolina at that time.
(B) An optician or apprentice annually shall attend a minimum of four hours of continuing education courses or meetings, one hour of which may be in office management or administration. The instruction must be on subjects relative to opticianry at board-approved and recognized educational seminars and courses or accredited institutions of learning. An optician holding a contact lens license must obtain one additional hour of continuing education courses or meetings, which must be in contact lens education at board-approved and recognized educational seminars and courses or accredited institutions of learning. Satisfactory proof of compliance with this subsection is a prerequisite for annual renewal.
HISTORY: 1998 Act No. 426, Section 1.

Editor's Note
Prior Laws:1982 Act No. 396, Section 1; 1976 Code Section 40-38-180.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 40 - Professions and Occupations

Chapter 38 - Opticians

Section 40-38-5. Application of chapter; conflict of laws.

Section 40-38-10. Board of Examiners in Opticianry; membership; nominations; terms; removal.

Section 40-38-20. Definitions.

Section 40-38-30. Unlawful to practice opticianry without license.

Section 40-38-50. Administration of Board by Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.

Section 40-38-60. Adoption of bylaws to govern board proceedings.

Section 40-38-70. Board responsibilities regarding examinations, investigations, and prosecutions.

Section 40-38-80. Collection of evidence for investigations and other board proceedings.

Section 40-38-90. Participation in hearing by board member filing complaint or conducting investigation.

Section 40-38-100. Injunctive actions allowed by board.

Section 40-38-110. Grounds for license revocation, suspension, or limitations, or for disciplinary action against licensee.

Section 40-38-115. Jurisdiction of board.

Section 40-38-120. Disciplinary actions permitted by board; procedures.

Section 40-38-130. Denial of license on same grounds as for disciplinary actions.

Section 40-38-140. Denial of license based on prior criminal record.

Section 40-38-150. Voluntary surrender of license by licensee under investigation.

Section 40-38-160. Right of aggrieved person to seek review of board decision.

Section 40-38-170. Payment of investigation and prosecution costs by violator.

Section 40-38-180. Collection of costs and fines.

Section 40-38-190. Confidentiality of proceedings under provisions of this chapter.

Section 40-38-200. Violations; penalty.

Section 40-38-210. Additional civil penalties and injunctive relief.

Section 40-38-230. Examinations; applications; fees; competency examinations; contact lens examinations.

Section 40-38-240. Qualifications for licensure as optician or contact lens optician.

Section 40-38-250. Apprentices and apprenticeships; promulgation of regulations.

Section 40-38-260. Annual renewal of licenses and registrations; fees; revocation for default; reinstatement; continuing education requirements.

Section 40-38-270. Fitting of contact lenses and professional determinations by opticians prohibited; exception.

Section 40-38-280. Ophthalmic dispensing of services and appliances; prescription required; exceptions.

Section 40-38-290. Dispensing of spectacles to public from manufacturing or warehouse locations prohibited.

Section 40-38-300. Use of optician's license by unlicensed persons unlawful; assistants under supervision of opticians; delegation of tasks.

Section 40-38-310. Unlawful advertising, sales, and pricing acts regarding ophthalmic goods and services; required disclosures.

Section 40-38-320. Use of third-party solicitations; restrictions.

Section 40-38-330. Regulations by board concerning employment, location and number of stores, advertising, and display of products prohibited.

Section 40-38-340. Advertising by dispensing optician under corporate name, trade name, or as successor to another optician.

Section 40-38-350. Display of certificate of licensure; effect of failure to display certificate.

Section 40-38-360. Service of required notices; prima facie evidence.

Section 40-38-370. Persons excepted from application of chapter.

Section 40-38-380. Immunity.

Section 40-38-390. Severability.