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Section 38-72-10. Purpose - The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public...
Section 38-72-20. Chapter not to supersede other insurance laws; exceptions; applications. - This chapter is not intended to supersede the obligations of...
Section 38-72-30. Short title. - This chapter may be known and cited as the "Long...
Section 38-72-40. Definitions. - Unless the context requires otherwise, as used in this chapter:...
Section 38-72-50. Group long term care insurance policy must meet requirements of chapter to be offered in state. - No group long term care insurance coverage may be offered...
Section 38-72-60. General assembly to approve regulations; terms and conditions applicable to long term care insurance policy and group policy; advertising restrictions. - (A) The director or his designee shall submit to the...
Section 38-72-65. Recision of policy or denial of claim upon showing of misrepresentation; policy may be field issued; recovery of benefit payments; applicability to life policy provisions accelerating benefits for long term care. - (A) For a policy or certificate that has been in...
Section 38-72-66. Required notice to avoid unintentional cancellations or lapse; reinstatement. - Each insurer offering long-term care insurance shall, as a protection...
Section 38-72-67. Offer of a nonforfeiture benefit; group long term care policies; promulgation regulations. - (A) Except as provided in subsection (B), a long term...
Section 38-72-69. License requirements; training. - (A)(1) An individual may not sell, solicit, or negotiate long...
Section 38-72-70. Regulations. - (A) The director may issue reasonable regulations to promote premium...
Section 38-72-75. Long-term care insurance providers; rate schedules. - (A) All premium rate schedules for long-term care insurance must...
Section 38-72-78. Required notice for proposed premium rate increases. - (A) An insurer must notify a policyholder of a long-term...
Section 38-72-80. Severability; application of chapter. - (A) If a provision of this chapter or the application...
Section 38-72-90. Penalties for violation of chapter. - Any insurer violating any provision of this chapter is subject...
Section 38-72-100. Long term care premiums excluded in determining contribution to cost of Medicaid services. - Any premiums paid for long term care insurance must be...