(A) Except as provided in subsection (B), a long term care insurance policy may not be delivered or issued for delivery in this State unless the policyholder or certificate holder has been offered the option of purchasing a policy or certificate including a nonforfeiture benefit. The offer of a nonforfeiture benefit may be in the form of a rider that is attached to the policy. If the policyholder or certificate holder declines the nonforfeiture benefit, the insurer shall provide a contingent benefit upon lapse that must be available for a specified period of time following a substantial increase in premium rates.
(B) When a group long term care insurance policy is issued, the offer required in subsection (A) must be made to the group policyholder. However, if the policy is issued as group long term care insurance as defined in Section 39-72-40(5)(d) other than to a continuing care retirement community or other similar entity, the offering must be made to each proposed certificate holder.
(C) The director may promulgate regulations specifying the type or types of nonforfeiture benefits to be offered as part of long term care insurance policies and certificates, the standards for nonforfeiture benefits, and the rules regarding contingent benefit upon lapse, including a determination of the specified period of time during which a contingent benefit upon lapse will be available and the substantial premium rate increase that triggers a contingent benefit upon lapse as described in subsection (A).
HISTORY: 2008 Act No. 274, Section 1, eff June 4, 2008.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 72 - Long Term Care Insurance Act
Section 38-72-20. Chapter not to supersede other insurance laws; exceptions; applications.
Section 38-72-30. Short title.
Section 38-72-40. Definitions.
Section 38-72-66. Required notice to avoid unintentional cancellations or lapse; reinstatement.
Section 38-72-69. License requirements; training.
Section 38-72-70. Regulations.
Section 38-72-75. Long-term care insurance providers; rate schedules.
Section 38-72-78. Required notice for proposed premium rate increases.
Section 38-72-80. Severability; application of chapter.