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Section 38-17-10. Subscribers authorized to exchange reciprocal or interinsurance contracts. - Individuals, partnerships, and corporations of this State, designated as "subscribers",...
Section 38-17-30. Verified declaration to be filed with Director. - The subscribers shall, through their attorney, file with the department...
Section 38-17-40. Maximum liability of subscribers. - The maximum liability of any subscriber for losses and expenses...
Section 38-17-50. Deposit of securities. - The director or his designee shall require every reciprocal exchange...
Section 38-17-60. Director shall be appointed agent for service of process on exchanges. - When filing the declaration provided for in Section 38-17-30, the...
Section 38-17-70. Annual certificate of authority. - Each attorney by or through whom are issued any policies...
Section 38-17-80. Domestic corporations may exchange reciprocal or interinsurance contracts. - Any domestic corporation may, in addition to the rights, powers,...
Section 38-17-90. Maximum indemnity on fire risk; statement required. - The attorney shall file a sworn statement with the department...
Section 38-17-100. Maintenance of assets and guaranty fund. - There must at all times be maintained as a reserve...
Section 38-17-110. "Net annual advance premiums or deposits" defined. - "Net annual advance premiums or deposits", as used in this...
Section 38-17-120. Disposition of funds advanced to make up deficiencies. - When funds other than those which have accrued from premiums...
Section 38-17-130. Exchanges may sue and be sued. - A reciprocal exchange transacting business in this State may sue...
Section 38-17-140. Exchanges subject to examinations. - The business affairs and assets of reciprocal or interinsurance exchanges,...
Section 38-17-150. Annual report of business. - Each attorney shall annually make and file by March first...
Section 38-17-160. Fees, taxes, and bond of attorney. - Each attorney shall pay a license fee of four hundred...
Section 38-17-170. Violations of chapter; conditional permit to organize. - Any attorney who exchanges any contract for indemnity specified in...