There must at all times be maintained as a reserve assets in cash or securities equal to fifty percent of the net annual advance premiums or deposits collected and credited to the accounts of subscribers on policies having one year or less to run and prorata on those for longer periods or, in lieu thereof, one hundred percent of the net unearned premiums or deposits collected and credited to the accounts of subscribers. There must also be maintained as a guaranty fund or surplus an additional sum in cash or securities in the amount required of mutual insurers by Section 38-9-20 or 38-9-30. In addition to the foregoing requirements, in the case of liability insurance there must be maintained as a claim or loss reserve in cash or securities assets sufficient to discharge all liabilities on all outstanding losses arising under policies issued, these losses to be calculated in accordance with the law of the state relating to similar reserve companies insuring similar risks. The securities referred to in this section must be securities authorized by the laws of the state in which the principal office of the attorney is located for the investments of similar funds of insurers doing the same kind of business. If at any time the amounts on hand are less than the foregoing requirements, the subscribers or their attorney shall make up the deficiency.
HISTORY: Former 1976 Code Section 38-17-100 [1962 Code Section 37-571; 1972 (57) 2776] recodified as Section 38-29-100 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; Former 1976 Code Section 38-45-100 [1947 (45) 322; 1952 Code Section 37-810; 1962 Code Section 37-810; 1964 (53) 2054] recodified as Section 38-17-100 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 17 - Reciprocal Insurance
Section 38-17-10. Subscribers authorized to exchange reciprocal or interinsurance contracts.
Section 38-17-30. Verified declaration to be filed with Director.
Section 38-17-40. Maximum liability of subscribers.
Section 38-17-50. Deposit of securities.
Section 38-17-60. Director shall be appointed agent for service of process on exchanges.
Section 38-17-70. Annual certificate of authority.
Section 38-17-80. Domestic corporations may exchange reciprocal or interinsurance contracts.
Section 38-17-90. Maximum indemnity on fire risk; statement required.
Section 38-17-100. Maintenance of assets and guaranty fund.
Section 38-17-110. "Net annual advance premiums or deposits" defined.
Section 38-17-120. Disposition of funds advanced to make up deficiencies.
Section 38-17-130. Exchanges may sue and be sued.
Section 38-17-140. Exchanges subject to examinations.
Section 38-17-150. Annual report of business.
Section 38-17-160. Fees, taxes, and bond of attorney.
Section 38-17-170. Violations of chapter; conditional permit to organize.