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Section 38-15-10. Special authority required for writing certain bonds; forms of the bonds. - No surety insurer authorized to transact business in this State...
Section 38-15-20. Withdrawal of special authority for writing certain bonds. - The director or his designee and the Attorney General shall...
Section 38-15-30. Deposit of securities required. - Insurers doing business in this State who offer or undertake...
Section 38-15-40. Effect of reduction in value of bonds deposited by surety. - When the bonds required to be deposited by an insurer...
Section 38-15-50. Deposit of cash in trust in lieu of giving bond or depositing securities. - In lieu of depositing bonds with a market value of...
Section 38-15-60. Power to become surety; release; rights and liabilities. - A surety insurer having an unrevoked certificate of authority may,...
Section 38-15-70. Estoppel to deny power to execute bond or assume liability. - An insurer which executes any bond or undertaking of surety...
Section 38-15-80. Persons considered agents of surety insurers. - A person is considered as acting agent for a surety...
Section 38-15-90. Approval of public officer's books and accounts does not release his surety; remedy in case of default. - No insurer is relieved of its liability upon any bond...
Section 38-15-100. Venue for suit on bonds or obligations. - If a fidelity insurer or other corporation or company doing...