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Chapter 1 - State Housing Law
Section 31-1-10. Short title. - This chapter shall be known as the "State Housing Law."...
Section 31-1-20. Declaration of legislative finding. - It is hereby declared that it is necessary in the...
Section 31-1-30. General duties of Secretary of Commerce with respect to housing. - The Secretary of Commerce, hereafter in this chapter sometimes called...
Section 31-1-40. Electrical power permits. - In municipalities and counties where building, construction, or tax permits...
Section 31-1-50. Penalties for violating Section 31-1-40. - It is unlawful for a person on or after April...
Section 31-1-110. Incorporation of limited dividend housing corporations. - Any number of natural persons, not less than three, a...
Section 31-1-120. Purposes of limited dividend housing corporations. - The purposes for which a limited dividend housing corporation is...
Section 31-1-130. Par value shares. - The shares of which the capital of a limited dividend...
Section 31-1-140. Declaration required in articles. - The articles of a limited dividend housing corporation shall contain...
Section 31-1-150. Income debentures. - The articles of a limited dividend housing corporation may authorize...
Section 31-1-160. Consideration for issuance of stocks, bonds, and income debentures. - No limited dividend housing company incorporated under this chapter shall...
Section 31-1-170. Limited return on stock. - No stockholder in any corporation formed hereunder shall receive any...
Section 31-1-180. Limitations on actions by companies. - No limited dividend housing company incorporated under this chapter shall:...
Section 31-1-190. Conveyances, leases, or subleases in violation of Section 31-1-180 shall be void. - Any conveyance, encumbrance, lease or sublease made in violation of...
Section 31-1-200. Regulation of limited dividend housing companies. - In pursuance of its power to supervise and regulate the...
Section 31-1-210. Investigation of limited dividend housing companies. - The director may investigate the affairs of limited dividend housing...
Section 31-1-220. Fees. - The Secretary of Commerce may charge and collect from a...
Section 31-1-230. Provisions of general corporation law applicable. - The provisions of the general corporation law shall apply to...
Section 31-1-410. Approval of projects. - No housing project proposed by a limited dividend housing company...
Section 31-1-420. Action by city council on plans, adoptions, or rejections by director. - The city council to which plans and specifications shall have...
Section 31-1-430. Charges included in term "cost". - Whenever reference is made in this chapter to the cost...
Section 31-1-440. Receipt and disbursement of funds by trustee. - A trustee to whom moneys are payable pursuant to requirements...
Section 31-1-450. Acquisition of required land. - When the director shall have approved a project for the...
Section 31-1-460. Prerequisites to condemnation. - The power of eminent domain shall not be exercised by...
Section 31-1-470. Sale or purchase of lands to or from municipality. - Whenever the council of any municipality in which a project...
Section 31-1-480. Purchases by one limited dividend housing corporation of property of another. - Before any limited dividend housing company incorporated under this chapter...
Section 31-1-490. Consolidated and extended projects; operation of more than one project. - The director may permit the consolidation of two or more...
Section 31-1-610. Control of rentals. - The director shall fix the maximum rental or charges per...
Section 31-1-620. Payments covered by rentals. - The payments to be made by such corporation shall be:...
Section 31-1-630. Reduction of rentals. - If in any calendar or fiscal year the gross receipts...
Section 31-1-640. Surplus; maximum payments on dissolution. - The amounts of net earnings transferable to surplus in any...
Section 31-1-650. Summary proceedings for mandamus or injunction against limited dividend housing corporations. - Whenever the director shall be of the opinion that any...
Section 31-1-660. Procedure in actions against limited dividend housing corporations. - The director shall begin such action or proceeding by a...
Section 31-1-670. Mortgages and mortgage bonds. - Any company incorporated under this chapter may, subject to the...
Section 31-1-680. Foreclosure. - In any foreclosure action the director shall be made a...
Section 31-1-690. Foreclosures free of restrictions of Section 31-1-680. - Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-1-680, whenever it shall appear...
Section 31-1-700. Enforcement of judgments not relating to mortgage indebtedness. - If a judgment is obtained against a limited dividend housing...
Section 31-1-710. Reorganization of limited dividend housing corporations. - Reorganization of limited dividend housing corporations shall be subject to...
Section 31-1-810. Standards of Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development adopted. - Notwithstanding any existing provisions of law, municipal or county ordinance,...
Chapter 3 - Housing Authorities Law
Section 31-3-10. Short title. - This chapter and Chapter 11 may be known as the...
Section 31-3-20. Definitions. - The following terms, wherever used or referred to in this...
Section 31-3-30. Declaration of public interest. - It is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination...
Section 31-3-40. Cooperation of two or more housing authorities. - Any two or more housing authorities may join or cooperate...
Section 31-3-50. Verification of eligibility for public housing program by obtaining information from Department of Revenue and Employment Security Commission; method of request and response. - A public housing authority may obtain information from the Department...
Section 31-3-310. Cities empowered to create housing authorities. - In each city of the State there may be created...
Section 31-3-320. Resolution of council required for creation of authority. - Such an authority may be created by the council of...
Section 31-3-330. Resolution conclusive as to establishment; certificate as evidence thereof. - In any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or...
Section 31-3-340. Commissioners. - When the council of a municipality adopts a resolution as...
Section 31-3-350. Compensation of commissioners. - No commissioner shall receive any compensation, whether in the form...
Section 31-3-360. Personal interest of commissioners or employees in projects or property prohibited. - No commissioner or employee of an authority shall acquire any...
Section 31-3-370. Removal of commissioners. - (A) For inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office...
Section 31-3-380. Organization; quorum; officers and employees. - As soon as possible after the creation of an authority,...
Section 31-3-390. Territorial jurisdiction. - The territorial jurisdiction of each authority, except as otherwise specially...
Section 31-3-400. Extraterritorial powers. - In addition to its other powers, a housing authority created...
Section 31-3-410. Public hearing and findings prerequisite to exercise of extraterritorial powers. - No council of any such other municipality shall adopt a...
Section 31-3-420. Consent required from housing authority having outstanding indebtedness or obligations before other housing authority may undertake project in municipality. - During the time that a housing authority of a municipality...
Section 31-3-430. Powers of authority vested in commissioners. - The powers of each authority shall be vested in the...
Section 31-3-440. General corporate powers. - Each authority created under this chapter and Chapter 11 shall...
Section 31-3-450. Specific powers with respect to projects, planning, and the like. - Each authority shall have the following powers in addition to...
Section 31-3-460. Acquisitions by purchase or eminent domain. - Whenever it is considered necessary by an authority in connection...
Section 31-3-500. Disposition of surplus real property. - (A) Whenever an authority created pursuant to this chapter or...
Section 31-3-510. Studies and investigations; dissemination of information. - In addition to all its other powers a housing authority...
Section 31-3-520. Power of examination; subpoenaing witnesses and production of books and records. - Each authority created under this chapter and Chapter 11 may...
Section 31-3-530. Management and operation of housing projects; profits unlawful. - It is hereby declared to be the policy of this...
Section 31-3-540. Rental and tenant selections. - In the operation or management of housing projects, an authority...
Section 31-3-545. Procedures for payment of rent. - Any municipal or county housing authority shall provide for procedures...
Section 31-3-550. Foreclosure frees projects from restrictions. - Nothing contained in this chapter and Chapter 11 shall be...
Section 31-3-560. Protection of deposits. - In order to protect funds deposited by an authority, all...
Section 31-3-570. Tax exemption; payments in lieu of taxes. - The property of an authority is declared to be public...
Section 31-3-580. Projects subject to planning, zoning and other laws. - All projects of an authority shall be subject to the...
Section 31-3-590. Provisions affecting other public bodies not applicable. - No provisions with respect to the acquisition, operation or disposition...
Section 31-3-600. Books and records. - An authority shall keep its books and records in such...
Section 31-3-710. Counties empowered to create housing authorities. - In each county of the State there may be created...
Section 31-3-720. Resolution of legislative delegation required for creation of authority. - Such an authority may be created by the legislative delegation...
Section 31-3-730. Functions, rights, powers, duties, and liabilities of authorities. - The housing authorities of the counties shall, within their territorial...
Section 31-3-740. Delegation and Senator authorized to perform functions of council and mayor. - As to the housing authorities of the counties the legislative...
Section 31-3-750. Territorial jurisdiction. - The territorial jurisdiction of a housing authority of a county...
Section 31-3-760. Territorial jurisdiction of authority may include city. - But the territorial jurisdiction of a housing authority of a...
Section 31-3-770. Creation of authority in excluded county. - At any time after a county is excluded from the...
Section 31-3-780. Performance of functions of legislative delegation, council, and mayor in county which has withdrawn from regional housing authority. - In any county which has withdrawn from a regional housing...
Section 31-3-910. Creation of regional housing authorities. - If the legislative delegation of each of two or more...
Section 31-3-920. Effect of outstanding obligations of county housing authority upon creation of regional housing authority. - The legislative delegation of a county shall not adopt a...
Section 31-3-930. Findings prerequisite to creation of regional housing authority. - The legislative delegation of each of two or more contiguous...
Section 31-3-940. Resolutions conclusive as to establishment; certificate as evidence thereof. - In any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or...
Section 31-3-950. Effect of creation of regional housing authority on rights, contracts, agreements, obligations, and property of county housing authority. - When the conditions prescribed in Section 31-3-920 are complied with...
Section 31-3-960. Appointment of commissioners. - The senator of each county included in a regional housing...
Section 31-3-970. Qualifications of commissioners. - No commissioner may be an officer or employee of a...
Section 31-3-980. Terms of office of commissioners. - (A) The commissioners of a regional housing authority appointed by...
Section 31-3-990. Removal of commissioners. - (A) For inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office,...
Section 31-3-1000. Quorum; right to hold and location of meetings. - A majority of the commissioners of a regional housing authority...
Section 31-3-1010. Area of operation. - The area of operation of a regional housing authority shall...
Section 31-3-1020. Increase of area of operation. - The area of operation of a regional housing authority shall...
Section 31-3-1030. Consent of county housing authority having outstanding obligations required as prerequisite to increase of area of operation. - Such resolutions shall not be adopted if there is a...
Section 31-3-1040. Findings prerequisite to increase of area of operation. - The legislative delegation of each of the counties in the...
Section 31-3-1050. Effect of increase of area of operation on property, obligations, and the like of county authority. - When the conditions prescribed by Section 31-3-1030 are complied with...
Section 31-3-1060. Decrease of area of operation. - The area of operation of a regional housing authority shall...
Section 31-3-1070. Consent of all holders of evidences of indebtedness prerequisite to decrease of area of operation. - No action may be taken pursuant to Section 31-3-1060 if...
Section 31-3-1080. Findings prerequisite to decrease of area of operation. - The legislative delegation of each of the counties in the...
Section 31-3-1090. Withdrawal of county from regional housing authority and creation of county housing authority; notice and hearing. - In addition to the procedure for decreasing the counties participating...
Section 31-3-1100. Circumstances precluding withdrawal of county from regional housing authority; assumption of share of obligations of regional authority. - If it is determined at the hearing that the regional...
Section 31-3-1110. Assumption of obligations by county of regional authority disclosed subsequent to withdrawal. - If any county withdraws from a regional authority under the...
Section 31-3-1120. Effect when area of operation is decreased to one county. - If such action decreases the area of operation of the...
Section 31-3-1130. Disposition of property in excluded county. - Any property held by a regional housing authority within a...
Section 31-3-1140. Hearings prerequisite to creation or change of regional housing authority. - The legislative delegation of a county shall not adopt any...
Section 31-3-1150. Functions, rights, powers, and duties of regional housing authority. - A regional housing authority shall have all of the functions,...
Section 31-3-1160. Books, records, and accounts open to inspection; reports. - A regional housing authority shall have its books, records and...
Section 31-3-1310. Construction of terms in provisions relating to regional housing authorities. - For the purposes of this article, the following words and...
Section 31-3-1320. Creation of consolidated housing authority. - If the council of each of two or more municipalities,...
Section 31-3-1330. Prerequisite to creation. - The council of a municipality for which a housing authority...
Section 31-3-1340. Applicability of provisions governing regional housing authorities. - The creation of a consolidated housing authority and the finding...
Section 31-3-1350. Area of operation. - The area of operation of a consolidated housing authority shall...
Section 31-3-1360. Functions, rights, powers, and the like of authority. - Except as otherwise provided herein, a consolidated housing authority and...
Section 31-3-1510. Loans or grants from Federal agencies. - Each authority created under this chapter and Chapter 11 may...
Section 31-3-1520. Provisions in contracts with United States. - In any contract or amendatory or superseding contract for a...
Section 31-3-1530. Agreement limiting powers in connection with governmental loans or grants. - In connection with any loan or grant by a government,...
Section 31-3-1540. Minimum wages and maximum hours. - A housing authority may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained...
Section 31-3-1550. Agreements for supervision and control of project by State or Federal Government. - An authority may, in connection with the borrowing of funds...
Section 31-3-1560. Issuance of bonds; security therefor. - An authority may issue bonds from time to time in...
Section 31-3-1570. Terms of bonds; negotiability. - Bonds of an authority shall be authorized by its resolution...
Section 31-3-1580. Provisions of bonds, trust indentures, and mortgages. - In connection with the issuance of bonds or the incurring...
Section 31-3-1590. Covenant as to extent of area of operation. - In connection with the issuance of bonds or the incurring...
Section 31-3-1600. Effect of recital in bond of purpose of issuance. - In any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or...
Section 31-3-1610. Tax exemption of bonds, notes, etc. - Bonds, notes, debentures and other evidences of indebtedness of an...
Section 31-3-1620. Sale of bonds. - The bonds of an authority may be sold at public...
Section 31-3-1630. Bonds or other obligations as investments. - Notwithstanding any restrictions on investments contained in any laws of...
Section 31-3-1640. Validity of bond signed by commissioner or officer leaving office before delivery. - In case any of the commissioners or officers of the...
Section 31-3-1650. Personal liability on bonds; bonds shall not constitute "indebtedness". - Neither the commissioners of an authority nor any person executing...
Section 31-3-1660. Remedies of obligee of housing authority. - An obligee of an authority shall have the right in...
Section 31-3-1670. Additional remedies conferrable on obligee. - An authority may by its resolution, trust indenture, mortgage, lease...
Section 31-3-1680. Debt insurance. - A housing authority may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained...
Section 31-3-1690. Relationship with State Fiscal Accountability Authority. - No authority shall be required to offer its securities to...
Section 31-3-1810. Housing authorities empowered to provide housing for low income families in rural areas. - Any housing authority which has rural areas under its jurisdiction...
Chapter 5 - Housing Co-operation Law
Section 31-5-10. Short title. - This chapter may be referred to as the "Housing Cooperation...
Section 31-5-20. Definitions. - The following terms, whenever used or referred to in this...
Section 31-5-30. Kinds of assistance available from State public bodies in planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of housing projects. - For the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the planning,...
Section 31-5-40. Conveyances authorized by Section 31-5-30; appraisals, public notices, etc. - Any law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding, any sale,...
Section 31-5-50. State public body precluded from requiring changes in housing projects acquired by housing authority from Federal Government. - With respect to any housing project which a housing authority...
Section 31-5-60. Municipal and county loans or donations to housing authorities. - Any city, town or county located in whole or in...
Section 31-5-70. Procedure for authorizing State public body to exercise powers herein granted. - The exercise by a State public body of the powers...
Chapter 6 - Tax Increment Financing For Redevelopment Projects
Section 31-6-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the "Tax Increment Financing...
Section 31-6-20. Declaration of legislative findings. - (A) The General Assembly finds that: (1) Section 14 of...
Section 31-6-30. Definitions. - Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) "Blighted area" means...
Section 31-6-40. Issuance of obligations for redevelopment costs; security; manner of retirement. - Obligations secured by the special tax allocation fund set forth...
Section 31-6-50. Application of proceeds of obligations. - The proceeds from obligations issued under authority of this chapter...
Section 31-6-60. Exemption of obligations and interest thereon from South Carolina taxes. - The obligations authorized by this chapter and the income from...
Section 31-6-70. Ordinance pertaining to allocation of taxes; distribution of surplus funds; termination of redevelopment area status and dissolution of tax allocation fund. - A municipality, within ten years after the date of adoption...
Section 31-6-80. Public hearing prior to approval of redevelopment plan; changes in plan; notice to, and objections by taxing districts; adoption of ordinance prior to issuance of obligations; changes to redevelopment plan. - (A) Prior to the issuance of any obligations under this...
Section 31-6-85. Intergovernmental agreement for redevelopment project. - The municipality and one or more taxing districts may at...
Section 31-6-90. Persons displaced by redevelopment project. - When there are any persons residing in the area covered...
Section 31-6-100. Assessment of value of real estate in redevelopment project area. - (A) If a municipality by ordinance approves a redevelopment plan...
Section 31-6-110. Disposition of revenues from municipal property within project area; deposit of revenues from sale of property acquired with proceeds of obligations. - Revenues received by the municipality from any property, building, or...
Section 31-6-120. Project located within more than one municipality. - If the redevelopment project area is located within more than...
Chapter 7 - Tax Increment Financing For Counties
Section 31-7-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the "Tax Increment Financing...
Section 31-7-20. Legislative findings and intent; essential government functions; powers jointly exercised. - (A) The General Assembly finds that: (1) Section 14(10) of...
Section 31-7-25. Additional findings. - The General Assembly further finds that: Vast expanses of land...
Section 31-7-30. Definitions. - Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) "Blighted area" means...
Section 31-7-40. Obligations and pledges authorized; surplus fund distributions. - Obligations secured by the special tax allocation fund set forth...
Section 31-7-50. Application of proceeds. - The proceeds from obligations issued under authority of this chapter...
Section 31-7-60. State tax exemptions. - The obligations authorized by this chapter and the income from...
Section 31-7-70. Ordinance adoption requirements and obligation retirement. - A county, within five years after the date of adoption...
Section 31-7-75. Municipal annexation; ad valorem tax valuation. - If a municipality annexes a tract of property located in...
Section 31-7-80. Conditions for issuing obligations; approving and modifying redevelopment plans. - (A) Prior to the issuance of any obligations under this...
Section 31-7-90. Residential displacement requirements, benefits, and protections. - When there are any persons residing in the area covered...
Section 31-7-100. County auditor certification; value assessments; extending taxes. - (A) If a county by ordinance approves a redevelopment plan...
Section 31-7-110. Revenues and grants; county powers. - Revenues received by the county from any property, building, or...
Section 31-7-120. Intergovernmental agreements. - Counties and municipalities through intergovernmental agreements may jointly adopt redevelopment...
Section 31-7-130. Government-owned telecommunications service providers. - Nothing in this chapter relieves any government-owned telecommunications service provider...
Chapter 9 - Improvement To Land By Municipalities
Section 31-9-10. Definitions. - Whenever used in this chapter, unless a different meaning clearly...
Section 31-9-20. Powers of cities. - Each city functioning through its governing board is empowered (1)...
Section 31-9-30. Terms, conditions, execution, sale, and other matters pertaining to bonds. - All bonds issued by a governing board under authority of...
Section 31-9-40. Security for payment of bonds. - The principal, interest and premium, if any, on any bonds...
Section 31-9-50. Loan agreements; obligations of developer; issuance of additional parity bonds. - Every loan agreement shall contain a covenant obligating the developer...
Section 31-9-60. Loan agreements; leases between city and developer. - Any loan agreement may provide that the land will be...
Section 31-9-70. Proceeds from sale of bonds. - The proceeds derived from the sale of any bonds shall...
Section 31-9-80. Bonds as lawful investments. - It shall be lawful for all executors, administrators, guardians, committees...
Section 31-9-90. Bonds, trust indentures, mortgages, and loan agreements shall be exempt from taxation; exceptions. - The bonds authorized by this chapter and the income therefrom...
Section 31-9-100. Publication of notice of bond issues; challenging validity of proceedings. - Upon the adoption of proceedings providing for the issuance of...
Section 31-9-110. Provisions in this chapter construed as cumulative. - Neither this chapter nor anything contained shall be construed as...
Chapter 10 - Community Development Law
Section 31-10-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the "Community Development Law"....
Section 31-10-20. Definitions. - The following terms where used in this chapter, shall have...
Section 31-10-30. Authority of municipalities to create redevelopment commissions; issuance of certificates of incorporation by Secretary of State. - (a) Each municipality is authorized to create one or more...
Section 31-10-40. Governance by commissioners or by governing body of parent municipality. - Upon adoption of an ordinance establishing a commission, the governing...
Section 31-10-50. Terms of office of commissioners; compensation; removal from office. - The term of office for each commissioner is two years,...
Section 31-10-60. Quorum at meeting of commissioners; selection of officers; employees; commissioners' personal liability. - The commissioners of each commission shall select from among themselves...
Section 31-10-70. Prohibition against acquisition of certain interests by member or employee of commission; exception. - No member or employee of a commission shall acquire any...
Section 31-10-80. Creation of joint redevelopment commission. - Two or more municipalities, whose territorial jurisdictions may be either...
Section 31-10-90. Powers of redevelopment commission, in general. - A commission shall constitute a public body, corporate and politic,...
Section 31-10-100. Contents of redevelopment plan; public hearing prior to adoption of plan; approval by governing body or parent municipality; modification. - (a) A redevelopment plan must be sufficiently complete to indicate...
Section 31-10-110. Contracting by commission for certain services; advertisement for bids from persons interested in purchasing or redeveloping property; commission's real estate transactions under redevelopment plan. - (a) A commission may contract for engineering, legal, surveying, professional,...
Section 31-10-120. Power of commission to issue and sell bonds; liability of commission and others thereon. - (a) The commission has the power to issue bonds from...
Section 31-10-130. Additional powers of commission with respect to issuance of bonds. - (a) In connection with the issuance of bonds or the...
Section 31-10-140. Powers of public body with respect to planning, undertaking, or carrying out redevelopment project. - (a) For the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the...
Section 31-10-150. Notice of intent to issue bonds; challenge to issuance. - Prior to issuing any bonds under this chapter, a commission...
Section 31-10-160. Availability of commission's books, records, bylaws, rules, and regulations for public inspection; annual report of commission's activities. - (a) The books and records of a commission are at...
Chapter 11 - Housing For National Defense Activities
Section 31-11-10. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) "Persons engaged in national...
Section 31-11-20. Undertakings of projects for persons engaged in national defense. - Any housing authority may undertake the development or administration, or...
Section 31-11-30. Housing authorities' powers in regard to projects for persons engaged in national defense. - In the ownership, development or administration of such projects a...
Section 31-11-40. Conditions rendering limitations in Sections 31-3-530 and 31-3-540 inapplicable to projects for persons engaged in national defense. - During the period (herein called the "national defense period") that...
Section 31-11-50. Additional powers conferred upon housing authorities. - This chapter shall constitute an independent authorization for a housing...
Section 31-11-60. Cooperation with Federal Government; sale of project to Federal Government. - A housing authority may exercise any of its powers for...
Section 31-11-70. Effect of other provisions relating to cooperation between State public body and housing authorities. - Any State public body, as defined in Chapter 5 of...
Section 31-11-80. Operation of projects during and after defense periods. - During the national defense period a housing authority may make...
Section 31-11-90. Bonds or other obligations of authorities as security or investment. - Bonds or other obligations issued by a housing authority for...
Section 31-11-100. Powers conferred herein supplemental to other powers. - The powers conferred by this chapter shall be in addition...
Chapter 12 - Redevelopment Of Federal Military Installations And Other Defense Sites
Section 31-12-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the "Federal Defense Facilities...
Section 31-12-20. Legislative findings. - The General Assembly finds that: (1) As a result of...
Section 31-12-30. Definitions. - As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates...
Section 31-12-40. Redevelopment authorities; creation; membership. - (A) The Governor may create separate and distinct bodies corporate...
Section 31-12-50. Redevelopment authority members; terms of office; filling vacancies; removal; reimbursement of expenses. - (A) The term of office for members appointed pursuant to...
Section 31-12-60. Officers; employees; quorum; personal liability of members; delegation of powers. - (A) The Governor's at-large appointment shall serve for a two-year...
Section 31-12-70. Powers of redevelopment authority. - (A) An authority is a public body, corporate and politic,...
Section 31-12-80. Powers of public body acting in cooperation with redevelopment authority. - (A) A public body, including the State and any political...
Section 31-12-90. Profits prohibited. - Notwithstanding any provision of law, neither the State nor any...
Section 31-12-100. Dissolution of redevelopment authority; tax increment finance districts. - (A) An authority created pursuant to this chapter may dissolve...
Section 31-12-110. Authority is an "agency". - Notwithstanding any provision of law or regulation, an authority is...
Section 31-12-120. Compliance with Consolidated Procurement Code. - Notwithstanding any provision of law or regulation, an authority must...
Section 31-12-200. Property scheduled for disposal to constitute a tax increment finance district. - Upon creation of a redevelopment authority by the Governor, properties...
Section 31-12-210. Issuance of obligations for redevelopment project by municipality. - (A) Obligations secured by the special tax allocation fund set...
Section 31-12-250. Disposition of proceeds of obligations. - The proceeds from obligations issued under authority of Sections 31-12-200...
Section 31-12-260. Obligations exempt from taxation. - The obligations authorized by this chapter and the income from...
Section 31-12-270. Adoption of ordinance concurring in redevelopment plan; issuance of obligations; retirement of obligations; disposition of funds. - (A) A municipality, after the adoption of an ordinance pursuant...
Section 31-12-280. Prerequisites to issuance of obligations. - (A) Before the issuance of obligations under this chapter, the...
Section 31-12-290. Special tax allocation fund; carrying forward of unexpended funds. - During the existence of the special tax allocation fund created...
Section 31-12-300. Certification by county auditor; determination of value taxable property in project area. - (A) If a municipality authorizes by ordinance the issuance of...
Section 31-12-310. Disposition of revenues. - (A) Revenues received by the municipality or authority from any...
Section 31-12-320. Joint approval of redevelopment plan covering more than one municipality. - If the redevelopment project area is located within more than...
Chapter 13 - Moderate To Low Income Housing
Section 31-13-10. Short title. - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 31-13-20. South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority created. - There is hereby created a public body corporate and politic...
Section 31-13-30. Appointment, qualifications, and terms of commissioners; appointment certificates; ex officio commissioners. - The Governor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of...
Section 31-13-40. Organization; executive director. - As soon as possible after their appointment, the commissioners shall...
Section 31-13-50. Powers and duties; application of other provisions. - Except as otherwise provided in this article, the Authority and...
Section 31-13-60. Authority authorized to operate in any and all counties; operation where there is county housing authority; approval of local governing bodies. - The Authority may conduct its operations in any or all...
Section 31-13-70. Housing Finance and Development Authority allocated state ceiling to issue bonds. - Pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 103A (g) (6) (A), the...
Section 31-13-80. Authority may provide advice or technical assistance. - The State Housing Finance and Development Authority may provide advice...
Section 31-13-90. Issuance of notes or bonds for multi-family housing; approval by State Fiscal Accountability Authority. - It is intended by the provisions of this section and...
Section 31-13-170. Definitions. - Unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, as...
Section 31-13-180. Declaration of legislative findings and purpose. - The General Assembly further finds: (a) That there exists within...
Section 31-13-190. Powers conferred upon South Carolina State Housing, Finance, and Development Authority. - In addition to all other powers, functions, rights, duties and...
Section 31-13-200. Notes and bonds. - Whenever the Authority shall have determined by resolution that sufficient...
Section 31-13-210. Maximum interest rate. - Notwithstanding any limitation or restriction now existing by statute heretofore...
Section 31-13-220. Information required by State Fiscal Accountability Authority. - Following a determination made by the Authority that a series...
Section 31-13-230. Maximum amount of bonds and notes. - Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the total amount...
Section 31-13-240. Information required by Bond Committee. - Information furnished to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority under the...
Section 31-13-250. Rental projects authorized. - If the Authority, by resolution, shall determine that a rental...
Section 31-13-260. Refunding notes and bonds. - The Authority may provide for the issuance of refunding notes...
Section 31-13-270. Selling or exchanging refunding notes and bonds. - Refunding notes and bonds issued pursuant to this chapter may...
Section 31-13-280. Liability of state and political subdivisions. - The notes, bonds or other obligations of the Authority shall...
Section 31-13-290. Applicability of Section 31-3-1630. - The provisions of Section 31-3-1630 of the 1976 Code shall...
Section 31-13-300. Agreements with holders of notes or bonds not subject to future alteration. - The State pledges and agrees with the holders of any...
Section 31-13-310. Chapter cumulative to any other powers conferred upon Authority. - Except with respect to the provisions of Section 31-13-250, the...
Section 31-13-320. Provisions of this chapter controlling over other provisions. - If the provisions of this chapter are inconsistent with the...
Section 31-13-330. Savings clause. - If any provision of this chapter is held invalid or...
Section 31-13-340. State Housing, Finance, and Development Authority Program Fund. - Whenever the South Carolina State Housing, Finance, and Development Authority...
Section 31-13-400. Short title. - This article may be cited as the South Carolina Housing...
Section 31-13-410. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Affordable housing" means residential...
Section 31-13-420. Establishment of fund; trustee; records; payments from fund; annual report. - (A) There is established the South Carolina Housing Trust Fund....
Section 31-13-430. Advisory committee; composition; meetings; expenses. - (A) An advisory committee is established consisting of nine members,...
Section 31-13-440. Duties of executive director. - (A) Pursuant to this article and in accordance with the...
Section 31-13-445. No more than 20 percent of fund monies allocable to any one county in fiscal year. - No more than twenty percent of trust fund monies expended...
Section 31-13-450. Use of monies in fund; eligible projects. - (A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all monies...
Section 31-13-460. Units of state, regional, and local governments eligible to receive monies from fund. - Units of state, regional, and local governments, including municipal corporations...
Section 31-13-470. Funding cycles; applications eligible for priority. - (A) Monies within the fund must be allocated to eligible...
Chapter 15 - Dwellings Unfit For Human Habitation
Section 31-15-10. Definitions. - The following terms whenever used or referred to in this...
Section 31-15-20. Repairing, closing, or demolishing unfit dwellings. - Whenever any municipality of this State finds that there exist...
Section 31-15-30. Provisions permitted to be included in ordinances relating to unfit dwellings. - Upon the adoption of an ordinance finding that dwelling conditions...
Section 31-15-40. Power of municipality to declare nuisances not impaired. - Nothing in Section 31-15-30 shall be construed to impair or...
Section 31-15-50. Standards in ordinances for determining fitness of dwelling for human habitation. - An ordinance adopted by a municipality under this article shall...
Section 31-15-60. Service of complaints or orders; posting and filing copies. - Complaints or orders issued by a public officer pursuant to...
Section 31-15-70. Rights of persons affected by orders. - Any person affected by an order issued by a public...
Section 31-15-80. Provisions in ordinances with respect to powers of public officer. - An ordinance adopted by the governing body of a municipality...
Section 31-15-90. Sale of materials of removed or demolished dwelling. - If a dwelling is removed or demolished by a public...
Section 31-15-100. Funds for enforcement; estimate of amount needed. - The governing body of any municipality adopting an ordinance under...
Section 31-15-110. Establishment by municipality of commission to exercise powers of public officer. - Any municipality adopting an ordinance under the provisions of this...
Section 31-15-120. Article provisions are cumulative. - Nothing in this article shall be construed to abrogate or...
Section 31-15-310. Definitions. - For the purposes of this article: (1) "County" shall mean...
Section 31-15-320. Repairing, closing, or demolishing unfit dwellings. - Whenever the governing body of any county of this State...
Section 31-15-330. Provisions permitted to be included in ordinances relating to unfit dwellings. - Upon the adoption of an ordinance finding that dwelling conditions...
Section 31-15-340. Power of county to declare nuisances not impaired. - Nothing in Section 31-15-330 shall be construed to impair or...
Section 31-15-350. Standards in ordinances for determining fitness of dwelling for human habitation. - An ordinance adopted by the county governing body under this...
Section 31-15-360. Service of complaints or orders; posting and filing copies. - Complaints or orders issued by a public officer pursuant to...
Section 31-15-370. Rights of persons affected by orders. - Any person affected by an order issued by a public...
Section 31-15-380. Provisions in ordinances with respect to powers of public officer. - An ordinance adopted by the county governing body may authorize...
Section 31-15-390. Sale of materials of removed or demolished dwelling. - If a dwelling is removed or demolished by a public...
Section 31-15-400. Article provisions are cumulative. - Nothing in this article shall be construed to abrogate or...
Chapter 17 - Mobile Homes And House Trailers
Section 31-17-310. "Mobile home" defined. - "Mobile home" as used in this article shall have the...
Section 31-17-320. License required for mobile homes; proof of title required; proof of license required prior to connecting electricity. - (A) Within fifteen days after bringing a mobile home into...
Section 31-17-330. Exceptions. - No such license shall be required with respect to mobile...
Section 31-17-340. Period of validity of license issued by licensing agent; decal; license fee. - A mobile home license issued by the licensing agent shall...
Section 31-17-350. New license required upon transfer of mobile home. - If the title to a mobile home is transferred to...
Section 31-17-360. Moving permit; certificate concerning taxes; notice to electric supplier. - If the mobile home is to be relocated, the owner,...
Section 31-17-370. Permit shall accompany mobile home during move; regulations; responsibility for displaying permit. - The moving permit shall accompany the mobile home while it...
Section 31-17-380. Submission of moving permit to licensing agent of new county; issuance of new license; transmission of papers to new county. - If the relocation is from one county to another, the...
Section 31-17-390. Copies of applications and permits to be given to county assessor and county auditor. - A copy of all license applications and moving permits must...
Section 31-17-400. Penalty. - Any person violating any of the provisions of this article,...
Section 31-17-410. Submission to county auditor of copy of application for title on mobile or manufactured home; penalties for noncompliance. - (A) Contemporaneously with the submission of an application for a...
Section 31-17-510 to 31-17-580. Repealed. - HISTORY: Former Section 31-17-510, titled Definitions, had the following history:...
Chapter 18 - Shooting Range Protection Act
Section 31-18-10. Chapter title. - This chapter may be cited as the "South Carolina Shooting...
Section 31-18-20. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) "shooting range" or "range"...
Section 31-18-30. Nuisance action. - (A) Except as provided in this subsection, a person may...
Section 31-18-40. Application of noise control ordinance. - (A) A county, municipal, or state noise control ordinance, rule,...
Section 31-18-50. Local regulation of location and construction of new shooting range. - Except as otherwise provided in this chapter or the law...
Section 31-18-60. Notification of proximity of shooting range. - Each county in this State in which there is an...
Chapter 19 - Investments In Housing Obligations
Section 31-19-10. Financial institutions authorized to make loans eligible for Federal housing insurance. - Banks, savings banks, trust companies, insurance companies, Federal Housing Administration...
Section 31-19-20. Investments in mortgages, debentures, and securities insured or issued by Federal Housing Administrator or national mortgage associations. - Banks, savings banks, trust companies, insurance companies and other financial...
Section 31-19-30. Laws requiring security not applicable to loans or investments made pursuant to Sections 31-19-10 or 31-19-20. - No law of this State (a) requiring security upon which...
Section 31-19-40. Investments in bonds of Home Owners' Loan Corporation. - The State and any of its departments, institutions and agencies,...
Section 31-19-50. Municipalities authorized to accept bonds in payment of taxes, assessments, and other claims on property. - The municipal authorities of cities and towns of this State...
Chapter 21 - Fair Housing Law
Section 31-21-10. Short title. - This chapter is known and may be cited as the...
Section 31-21-20. State policy. - It is the policy of this State to provide, within...
Section 31-21-30. Definitions. - For purposes of this chapter: (1) "Commission" means the South...
Section 31-21-40. Discrimination in relation to sale or rental of property. - It is unlawful: (1) to refuse to sell or rent...
Section 31-21-50. Discrimination in relation to membership or participation in multiple listing service, real estate brokers' organization, or related service, organization, or facility. - It is unlawful to deny any person access to, or...
Section 31-21-60. Discrimination in relation to residential real estate-related transactions. - (A) It is unlawful for any person or other entity...
Section 31-21-70. Application and exceptions. - (A) Nothing in Section 31-21-40 or 31-21-60 applies to rooms...
Section 31-21-80. Interference with the exercise of any right under this chapter. - It is unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with...
Section 31-21-90. Administration of chapter. - (A) The commission shall administer the provisions of this chapter....
Section 31-21-100. Powers of commission. - The commission has the power to: (1) promulgate regulations necessary...
Section 31-21-110. Investigations by commission; subpoenas. - (A) In conducting an investigation, the commission shall have access...
Section 31-21-120. Complaints; process and handling; conciliation; effect of local laws; civil action. - (A) A person who claims to have been injured by...
Section 31-21-130. Investigator's report and recommendation; dismissal of or hearing on complaint; civil action; amending of complaint; subpoenas; hearing by commission; opinion and order; review; court appeals; enforcement orders. - (A) If not sooner resolved, the investigator, upon completion of...
Section 31-21-140. Civil action; damages. - (A) A civil action must be commenced within one year...
Section 31-21-150. Coordination regarding complaint filed with multiple agencies. - Before accepting any complaint under this chapter, the commission shall...
Chapter 22 - William C. Mescher Local Housing Trust Fund Enabling Act
Section 31-22-10. Legislative findings. - (A) The General Assembly finds: (1) Throughout this State, there...
Section 31-22-20. Definitions. - For purposes of this chapter: (1) "Affordable housing" means residential...
Section 31-22-30. Authority to create Local Housing Trust Fund or Regional Housing Trust Fund. - (A) A local government, including a municipality or county, may...
Section 31-22-35. Effect of legislation on existing local or regional housing trust funds. - An LHTF or RHTF existing on the effective date of...
Section 31-22-40. Conflicting laws. - The provisions of this chapter must control where inconsistent with...
Chapter 23 - South Carolina Community Land Trust
Section 31-23-10. Short title. - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 31-23-20. Definitions. - Unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, as...
Section 31-23-30. General Assembly findings regarding affordable housing. - The General Assembly finds: (1) A shortage of adequate and...
Section 31-23-40. Purpose of community land trust; funding; bylaws; leasing by community land trust; assessment of real estate deed recording fee. - (A) A CLT must have as its primary purpose to...
Section 31-23-50. Provisions of chapter controlling. - The provisions of this chapter shall control where inconsistent with...
Chapter 24 - Nuisance Suits Related To Manufacturing And Industrial Uses Of Real Property
Section 31-24-110. Definitions. - (A) "Manufacturing sector" means establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical,...
Section 31-24-120. Manufacturing or industrial facilities; public or private nuisance; transferability and waiver of protected status. - (A) A manufacturing or industrial facility, or expansion of such...
Section 31-24-130. Construction of chapter. - The provisions of this chapter may not be construed as...
Section 31-24-140. Application of chapter. - The provisions of this chapter do not apply to nuisance...