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Chapter 1 - Consent To Acquisition Of Lands By United States Generally
Section 3-1-10. Jurisdiction ceded. - The jurisdiction of the State is hereby ceded to the...
Section 3-1-20. Retention of concurrent jurisdiction for service of civil and criminal process. - Such jurisdiction is granted upon the express condition that the...
Section 3-1-30. Exemption from taxation. - All lands and tenements which may be granted to the...
Section 3-1-40. Property on military base used for military housing exempt from property tax. - There is exempt from ad valorem taxation any real property,...
Section 3-1-110. General consent of State given to acquisition of lands by United States. - The consent of this State is hereby given, in accordance...
Section 3-1-120. Jurisdiction over lands acquired by United States; service of process. - (A) Exclusive jurisdiction in and over any land so acquired...
Section 3-1-130. Acquisition by United States of title to lands as prerequisite to vesting of jurisdiction ceded by State. - The jurisdiction ceded in any case pursuant to Section 3-1-120...
Section 3-1-140. Exemption from taxation. - So long as any land acquired by the United States...
Section 3-1-150. Acceptance of relinquishment of United States jurisdiction by Fiscal Accountability Authority. - Whenever a duly authorized official or agent of the United...
Section 3-1-310. Power of Governor to convey or cede tracts. - Whenever the United States desires to acquire title to land...
Section 3-1-320. Retention of concurrent jurisdiction for service of civil and criminal process. - The State shall retain concurrent jurisdiction so far that all...
Section 3-1-410. Consent of State given to acquisition. - The consent of the State is hereby given to the...
Section 3-1-420. Power of United States over acquired lands. - The United States may adopt such laws and make or...
Section 3-1-430. Retention of concurrent jurisdiction for service of civil and criminal process. - The State shall retain a concurrent jurisdiction with the United...
Section 3-1-440. National Forest Land Board. - The South Carolina National Forest Land Board is hereby created...
Section 3-1-450. Consent of board to extension of national forests. - There shall be no further expansion of the national forest...
Chapter 3 - Specific Grants Or Cessions Of Jurisdiction To United States
Section 3-3-10. Places ceded to the United States remain subject to concurrent jurisdiction. - In respect to the places within the boundaries of this...
Section 3-3-20. Certain beacon or lighthouse sites. - There has been ceded to the United States: (1) A...
Section 3-3-30. Other beacon or lighthouse sites. - There has been ceded to the United States: (1) A...
Section 3-3-40. Sites in cities of Chester, Anderson, and Greenwood. - The consent of this State has been given, in accordance...
Section 3-3-50. Sites in cities of Columbia, Spartanburg, Rock Hill, and Georgetown. - The consent of the State has been given in accordance...
Section 3-3-60. One acre on Otter Island in Colleton County; one acre on Station Creek in Beaufort County; one acre on Bob's Island in Beaufort County. - One acre of land on Otter Island in Colleton County...
Section 3-3-70. Lot in City of Aiken. - The right, title and interest of the State to, and...
Section 3-3-80. Marshland in Beaufort County for inland navigation. - There has been granted to the United States a strip...
Section 3-3-90. Other marshland in Beaufort County for inland navigation. - There has been granted to the United States a strip...
Section 3-3-100. Lands in Beaufort County for naval and military purposes. - The right, title and interest of the State in and...
Section 3-3-110. Other lands in Beaufort County for military purposes. - The following described lands situated in Beaufort County have been...
Section 3-3-120. Five acres in Charleston for a customhouse. - A lot, not to exceed five acres, in the City...
Section 3-3-130. One hundred feet on Haddrell's Point in Charleston County for erection of beacon. - One hundred feet square of land on Haddrell's Point in...
Section 3-3-140. Fort Mechanic in Charleston County for maintenance of military post. - The lots or tracts of land whereon Fort Mechanic is...
Section 3-3-150. "Charleston Club House," on Meeting Street in Charleston for courthouse or other purpose. - A lot of land for a courthouse and office connected...
Section 3-3-160. Fifty feet on South Battery in Charleston for beacon or harbor light. - A site, restricted to fifty feet square, on South Battery...
Section 3-3-170. Lands in Charleston County for naval purposes. - The jurisdiction and control of this State have been granted...
Section 3-3-180. Lands in Charleston County for inland waterway. - The right, title and interest of this State to, and...
Section 3-3-190. Lighthouse on Middle Bay Island in Charleston Harbor. - The lighthouse on Middle Bay Island, within the bar of...
Section 3-3-200. Land for Charleston jetties. - So much land of the State, not exceeding one hundred...
Section 3-3-210. Lands in Charleston County for migratory bird refuge. - Subject to the rights of the South Carolina Department of...
Section 3-3-220. Marshlands adjacent to Castle or Fort Pinckney ceded for sanatorium. - Certain marshlands next adjacent to Castle or Fort Pinckney, not...
Section 3-3-230. Fortification sites on Sullivan's Island, James Island and Shutes Folly Island in Charleston County. - The lands, forts, fortifications and sites for the erection of...
Section 3-3-240. Lands on Sullivan's Island for Fort Moultrie. - The right, title and interest of this State to, and...
Section 3-3-250. Land in Berkeley County. - The jurisdiction and control of this State has been granted...
Section 3-3-260. The National Cemetery in Florence County. - The jurisdiction of the State has been ceded to the...
Section 3-3-270. Lot in Florence for erecting public buildings. - The right, title and interest of this State to, and...
Section 3-3-280. Seven acres of land on North Island in Georgetown County. - Seven acres of land on North Island, in Georgetown County,...
Section 3-3-290. Lot on South Island in Georgetown County for lighthouse. - A lot on South Island in Georgetown County, on the...
Section 3-3-300. Lands in City of Georgetown. - All of the land lying below high-water mark in the...
Section 3-3-310. Land for Georgetown jetties. - There has been ceded to the United States, for the...
Section 3-3-320. Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter County. - The State hereby consents to acquisition by the United States...
Section 3-3-330. Lot in City of Sumter for public building. - The right, title and interest of this State to, and...
Section 3-3-340. Other lands ceded. - Other lands that have been ceded to the United States...
Section 3-3-350. Concurrent jurisdiction; National Advocacy Center, the Inn at USC, and the Kirkland Apartment building. - (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, concurrent law enforcement...
Chapter 5 - Grants Of Perpetual Rights And Easements To United States For Development Of Waterways
Section 3-5-10. Governor and Secretary of State authorized to issue grants to United States for projects. - For the purpose of aiding in the construction and maintenance...
Section 3-5-20. Right of United States to use previously submerged lands raised by projects. - Whenever in the construction or maintenance of such intracoastal waterway...
Section 3-5-30. Governor and Secretary of State authorized to issue to United States grants of easements with respect to previously submerged lands raised by projects. - The Governor and Secretary of State may issue to the...
Section 3-5-40. Acquisition of land needed from private persons or public service companies. - If the title to any part of the lands, including...
Section 3-5-50. Condemnation of lands needed from private persons or public service companies by Department of Health and Environmental Control. - If for any reason the South Carolina Department of Health...
Section 3-5-60. Condemnation by United States of lands needed from private persons or public service companies. - If the United States Government shall so determine, it may...
Section 3-5-70. Uses for which property is condemned declared to be for purposes paramount to other uses. - In such condemnation proceedings the uses for which such easements...
Section 3-5-80. Surveys for purpose of determining property uses. - For the purpose of determining the lands, easements and property...
Section 3-5-90. State shall retain jurisdiction over property granted. - Neither this article, nor any part thereof, nor any grant...
Section 3-5-100. Areas leased for cultivation and gathering of oysters; rights of lessees. - If any of the lands or property, the use of...
Section 3-5-110. Damages to oysters and oyster beds beyond area of waterway. - All persons engaged in the cultivation of oysters on oyster...
Section 3-5-120. Survey and determination of damage to oyster beds or oysters. - If and when any such oyster beds or oysters growing...
Section 3-5-130. Coastal Division to make determination of actual damages. - Staff of the Coastal Division of the Department of Health...
Section 3-5-140. Review of and appeal of damage determinations; recording final award. - If the person in whose favor or the person against...
Section 3-5-150. Cost of survey to be repaid. - Upon the filing with the clerk of court of any...
Section 3-5-160. Accounting for moneys recovered. - The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall account for...
Section 3-5-170. Removal of cultivated oysters which might be damaged to different leased area. - Should any person cultivating oysters upon an area leased from...
Section 3-5-180. Remedies with respect to oysters beyond limits of acquired areas exclusive. - The remedies herein given with respect to oysters lying beyond...
Section 3-5-190. Compensation for damage to oysters precludes further claims for damage. - Any person, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, who...
Section 3-5-310. Right of way from Little River to Winyah Bay. - For the purpose of aiding in the construction of the...
Section 3-5-320. Acquisition of lands from private persons or public service companies. - If the title to any part of the lands required...
Section 3-5-330. Condemnation of lands needed from private persons or public service companies by Department of Health and Environmental Control. - If for any reason the Department of Health and Environmental...
Section 3-5-340. Condemnation by United States of lands needed from private persons or public service companies. - If the United States Government shall so determine, it may...
Section 3-5-350. Uses for which property is condemned declared to be for purposes paramount to other uses. - In such condemnation proceedings the uses for which such land...
Section 3-5-360. Surveys for purpose of determining property uses. - For the purpose of determining the lands and property necessary...
Section 3-5-370. State shall retain concurrent jurisdiction over lands for purpose of civil and criminal process. - The State retains concurrent jurisdiction with the United States over...
Chapter 7 - Agreements With United States
Section 3-7-10. State and political subdivisions authorized to enter into agreements with United States Government. - The State, the agencies of the State, the governing bodies...
Section 3-7-110. Definitions. - The following definitions shall be applied to the terms used...
Section 3-7-120. Counties authorized to agree to perform services for projects and receive payments in lieu of taxes. - The governing body of any county in this State may...
Section 3-7-130. Agreement to provide for division of payments; notice. - Each agreement entered into pursuant to Section 3-7-120 shall contain...
Section 3-7-140. Political subdivisions authorized to act in lieu of counties if United States declines to deal with governing body of county. - If the United States declines to deal with the governing...
Section 3-7-150. Basis of payments of sums in lieu of taxes. - The amount of any payment of sums in lieu of...
Section 3-7-160. Collection by county treasurer. - The governing body of the county shall file one copy...
Section 3-7-170. Disbursement of funds by county treasurer. - Immediately after receiving a payment in lieu of taxes the...
Section 3-7-180. Deposit of funds by political subdivisions. - All money received by a political subdivision pursuant to Sections...
Section 3-7-190. Services which political subdivisions are required to furnish. - No provision of this article shall be construed to relieve...
Chapter 9 - Acquisition And Distribution Of Federal Surplus Property
Section 3-9-10. Authority and duties of Division of General Services of Department of Administration. - (a) The Division of General Services of the Department of...
Section 3-9-20. Delegation of authority; bonds. - The Director of the Division of General Services may delegate...
Section 3-9-30. Fees and charges. - Any charges made or fees assessed by the Division of...
Section 3-9-40. Applicability of chapter. - The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the...
Chapter 11 - Gambling Cruise Act
Section 3-11-100. Definitions. - For purposes of this chapter: (1) "Gambling vessel" means a...
Section 3-11-200. Delegation of power to regulate gambling vessels to counties and municipalities; exception. - (A) Except as provided for in subsection (B), the General...
Section 3-11-210. Penalties under ordinances adopted pursuant to Section 3-11-200. - A county or municipality adopting an ordinance regulating or prohibiting...
Section 3-11-300. Grant of additional authority; vessels outside territorial waters of state; passenger cruise liner exception. - (A) The authority delegated to a county or municipality pursuant...
Section 3-11-310. Penalties under ordinances adopted pursuant to Section 3-11-300. - A county or municipality adopting an ordinance regulating or prohibiting...
Section 3-11-320. Cruise liners. - Any county or municipal ordinance prohibiting or regulating gambling or...
Section 3-11-400. Applicability to United States and foreign-flagged vessels; surcharges on gambling vessel ticket sales; enactment of prohibiting ordinance. - (A) This chapter does not apply to any gambling activity...
Section 3-11-500. Prior ordinances; text of ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels. - (A) A county or municipal ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels enacted...