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Section 16-19-10. Setting up lotteries. - Whoever shall publicly or privately erect, set up, or expose...
Section 16-19-20. Adventuring in lotteries. - Whoever shall be adventurer in or shall pay any moneys...
Section 16-19-30. Selling lottery tickets. - It shall be unlawful to offer for sale any lottery...
Section 16-19-40. Unlawful games and betting. - If any person shall play at any tavern, inn, store...
Section 16-19-50. Keeping unlawful gaming tables. - Any person who shall set up, keep, or use any...
Section 16-19-60. Certain social games of tiles, cards, and dice not unlawful under certain circumstances. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, it...
Section 16-19-70. Keeping gaming tables open or playing games on the Sabbath. - Whoever shall keep or suffer to be kept any gaming...
Section 16-19-80. Forfeiture of wagers. - All and every sum or sums of money staked, betted...
Section 16-19-90. Betting on elections. - Any person who shall make any bet or wager of...
Section 16-19-100. Imprisonment in case of conviction. - Upon conviction of any person under any of the provisions...
Section 16-19-110. Exoneration for becoming State's evidence. - Any person who might be subject or liable to the...
Section 16-19-120. Officers shall destroy gambling devices after confiscation. - All officers of the law in whose care, possession or...
Section 16-19-130. Betting, pool selling, bookmaking and the like prohibited. - Any person within this State who: (1) Engages in betting...
Section 16-19-140. Violation of Section 16-19-130 constitutes a nuisance. - The violation of any of the provisions of Section 16-19-130...
Section 16-19-150. Punishment of offense covered by Section 16-19-40. - Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 16-19-130 and 16-19-140, wherever the...
Section 16-19-160. Punchboards for gaming. - It shall be unlawful for any person to use or...