Any person who shall set up, keep, or use any (a) gaming table, commonly called A, B, C, or E, O, or any gaming table known or distinguished by any other letters or by any figures, (b) roley-poley table, (c) table to play at rouge et noir, (d) faro bank (e) any other gaming table or bank of the like kind or of any other kind for the purpose of gaming, or (f) any machine or device licensed pursuant to Section 12-21-2720 and used for gambling purposes except the games of billiards, bowls, chess, draughts, and backgammon, upon being convicted thereof, upon indictment, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and not less than two hundred dollars.
This section does not apply to the development, manufacture, processing, selling, possessing, provision of technical aid, or transporting of any printed materials, gaming equipment, devices, or other materials, software, or hardware used or designated for use in out-of-state jurisdictions by a gaming device manufacturer. A gaming device manufacturer is a manufacturing entity that is in good standing with the South Carolina Secretary of State's Office, is registered with the United States Department of Justice Gambling Device Registration Unit, is authorized to do business in the State of South Carolina, and has all appropriate business licensure and zoning authorization necessary to operate a manufacturing facility in the jurisdiction in which the manufacturing facility is located. Any transportation of gaming devices authorized in this section must comply with all applicable federal laws. This section may not be construed so as to prohibit communications between persons in this State and persons involved with such legal lotteries or gaming devices relative to such printed materials, equipment, devices, or other materials, software, or hardware.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 16-505; 1952 Code Section 16-505; 1942 Code Section 1739; 1932 Code Section 1739; Cr. C. '22 Section 721; Cr. C. '12 Section 705; Cr. C. '02 Section 507; G. S. 1716; R. S. 392; 1816 (6) 27; 1999 Act No. 125, Section 7; 2022 Act No. 190 (H.4161), Section 2, eff May 16, 2022.
Effect of Amendment
2022 Act No. 190, Section 2, added the second undesignated paragraph.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses
Chapter 19 - Gambling And Lotteries
Section 16-19-10. Setting up lotteries.
Section 16-19-20. Adventuring in lotteries.
Section 16-19-30. Selling lottery tickets.
Section 16-19-40. Unlawful games and betting.
Section 16-19-50. Keeping unlawful gaming tables.
Section 16-19-70. Keeping gaming tables open or playing games on the Sabbath.
Section 16-19-80. Forfeiture of wagers.
Section 16-19-90. Betting on elections.
Section 16-19-100. Imprisonment in case of conviction.
Section 16-19-110. Exoneration for becoming State's evidence.
Section 16-19-120. Officers shall destroy gambling devices after confiscation.
Section 16-19-130. Betting, pool selling, bookmaking and the like prohibited.
Section 16-19-140. Violation of Section 16-19-130 constitutes a nuisance.
Section 16-19-150. Punishment of offense covered by Section 16-19-40.