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Section 16-21-10. Altering, forging or counterfeiting certificate of title, registration card or license plate; misrepresentation or concealment in application. - (A) It is unlawful for a person to: (1) alter,...
Section 16-21-20. Permitting misuse of certificate of title, registration card or license plate; failing to deliver certificate or application; fraudulent application. - A person is guilty of a misdemeanor who: (1) with...
Section 16-21-30. Lending certificate of title. - No person shall lend to another any certificate of title...
Section 16-21-40. Removing or falsifying identification number of vehicle or engine; buying, receiving or selling vehicle or engine. - (A) A person who: (1) wilfully removes or falsifies an...
Section 16-21-50. Removing or affixing license plates to conceal or misrepresent identity of vehicle or owner. - A person who removes a license plate from a vehicle...
Section 16-21-60. Use of vehicle without permission. - (A) It is unlawful for a person not entitled to...
Section 16-21-70. Use of bicycle or certain other vehicles without permission. - Whoever knowingly and wilfully shall take and use any bicycle...
Section 16-21-80. Receiving, possessing, concealing, selling, or disposing of stolen vehicle. - A person not entitled to the possession of a vehicle...
Section 16-21-90. Damaging or tampering with vehicle. - A person who, with intent and without right to do...
Section 16-21-100. False reports of stolen or converted vehicles. - A person who knowingly makes a false report of the...
Section 16-21-110. Failing to report unclaimed vehicle in garage, repair shop and the like. - A person who fails to report a vehicle as unclaimed...
Section 16-21-120. Other violations. - A person is guilty of a misdemeanor who wilfully violates...
Section 16-21-130. Penalties. - A person who violates the provisions of this chapter, except...
Section 16-21-140. Accessories, aiders or abettors. - A person who, whether present or absent, aids, abets, induces,...
Section 16-21-150. Admissibility of evidence of prior similar acts. - In a prosecution for a crime specified in this chapter...