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Section 15-61-10. Partition is compellable between certain joint tenants and tenants in common; Determination if property is heirs' property. - (A) All joint tenants and tenants in common who hold,...
Section 15-61-11. Waiver of partition of land which is site of electric generating plant. - Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15-61-10, the right to compel...
Section 15-61-20. Only parties to proceeding are affected by partition. - No severance or partition shall be prejudicial or hurtful to...
Section 15-61-25. Right of first refusal of joint tenant or tenant in common to purchase property prior to partition; procedure. - (A) For the purposes of this section, "joint tenants and...
Section 15-61-30. State as owner of escheated interest is not necessary party. - If one having a vested interest in real estate as...
Section 15-61-40. Validation of certain titles. - All titles to real estate conveyed prior to March 18...
Section 15-61-50. Jurisdiction to partition in kind or by sale. - The court of common pleas has jurisdiction in all cases...
Section 15-61-100. Sale may be ordered without writ upon testimony taken. - Nothing in Rule 71, South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure,...
Section 15-61-110. Attorneys' fees. - The court of common pleas may fix attorneys' fees in...
Section 15-61-310. Short title. - This article may be cited as the "Clementa C. Pinckney...
Section 15-61-320. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Ascendant" means an individual...
Section 15-61-330. Preliminary determination whether property is heirs' property; construction with Article 1. - (A) In an action to partition real property under Article...
Section 15-61-340. Service of pleading; notice by publication. - (A) This article does not limit or affect the method...
Section 15-61-350. Sale may be ordered without writ upon testimony taken. - Pursuant to Rule 71, South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure,...
Section 15-61-360. Determination of value of property. - (A) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (B) and (C),...
Section 15-61-370. Cotenant requesting partition by sale. - (A) If any cotenant requests partition by sale, after the...
Section 15-61-380. Partition in kind or by allotment. - (A) If all the interests of the cotenants that requested...
Section 15-61-390. Determination of manifest prejudice or injury to cotenants as a group. - (A) In determining pursuant to Section 15-61-380(A) whether partition in...
Section 15-61-400. Sale of heirs' property; open-market sale; sale by sealed bids. - (A) If the court orders a sale of heirs' property,...
Section 15-61-410. Report of broker appointed to offer heirs' property for open-market sale. - (A) Unless required otherwise to do so within a shorter...
Section 15-61-420. Construction of article. - This article modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal Electronic Signatures...