South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Children's Services Agencies
Section 63-11-1750. Funding.

(A) A separate fund must be established to accept nongovernmental grants, gifts, and donations from any public or private source for the South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness initiative. Each donor may designate up to one-half of their contribution to specific counties or a county. Both the designated and undesignated funds may be used to meet the local match required in Section 59-152-130. All funds may be carried forward from fiscal year to fiscal year. The State Treasurer shall invest the monies in this fund in the same manner as other funds under his control are invested and all interest derived from the investment of these funds shall remain in the fund. The South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness Board of Trustees shall administer and authorize any disbursements from the fund. Private individuals and groups must be encouraged to contribute to this endeavor.
(B) In addition, a separate fund within the state general fund must be established for monies that may be appropriated by the General Assembly for the South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness initiative. These funds may be carried forward from fiscal year to fiscal year. The State Treasurer shall invest the monies in this fund in the same manner as other funds under his control are invested. The South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness Board of Trustees shall administer and authorize any disbursements from the fund.
(C) All interest derived from the investment of the funds in subsections (A) and (B) shall remain a part of each respective fund.
HISTORY: 2008 Act No. 361, Section 2.

Editor's Note
2013 Act No. 101, Section 117.114, provides as follows:
"117.114. (GP: First Steps Reauthorization) Act 99 of 1999, the South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness Act, is reauthorized for the duration of Fiscal Year 2013-2014."
2014 Act No. 286, Section 117.108, provides as follows:
"117.108. (GP: First Steps Reauthorization) Act 99 of 1999, the South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness Act, is reauthorized for the duration of Fiscal Year 2014-2015."
2018 Act No. 152, Section 8, provides as follows:
"SECTION 8. Section 20B. of Act 287 of 2014 [reauthorizing the South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness Act until July 1, 2016] is repealed. Act 99 of 1999, South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness Act, as amended by this act, is reauthorized until June 30, 2025."

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 63 - South Carolina Children's Code

Chapter 11 - Children's Services Agencies

Section 63-11-10. "Child welfare agency" defined.

Section 63-11-20. Exemptions.

Section 63-11-30. Department of Social Services to administer article.

Section 63-11-40. Temporary crisis placements.

Section 63-11-50. License revocation or refusal to renew.

Section 63-11-60. Placing children in family homes.

Section 63-11-70. Background checks; pardons.

Section 63-11-80. Prohibition against certain disclosures of information; exception.

Section 63-11-90. Penalties.

Section 63-11-310. Children's advocacy centers.

Section 63-11-400. Short title.

Section 63-11-410. South Carolina Children's Advocacy Medical Response System.

Section 63-11-420. Definitions.

Section 63-11-430. Program requirements.

Section 63-11-500. Creation, purpose, and administration of program.

Section 63-11-510. Responsibilities of guardian ad litem.

Section 63-11-520. Persons prohibited from appointment as guardians ad litem.

Section 63-11-530. Guardian ad litem to represent best interests of the child; removal of volunteer guardian ad litem.

Section 63-11-540. Right of access to information and records.

Section 63-11-550. Confidentiality of records and information.

Section 63-11-560. Immunity from liability for guardian ad litem.

Section 63-11-570. Funds.

Section 63-11-700. Division for Review of the Foster Care of Children; board.

Section 63-11-710. Local boards for review.

Section 63-11-720. Functions and powers of local boards.

Section 63-11-730. Background checks for employees and board members.

Section 63-11-740. Meetings of local boards; staffing.

Section 63-11-750. Participation in child abuse and neglect proceedings.

Section 63-11-760. Immunity from liability.

Section 63-11-770. Cooperation of public and private agencies.

Section 63-11-780. Petitions for relief.

Section 63-11-790. Effect of article on other agencies.

Section 63-11-910. Fund established.

Section 63-11-920. Board of directors; terms; filling vacancies; compensation; reports.

Section 63-11-930. Powers and duties.

Section 63-11-940. Director.

Section 63-11-950. Disbursement of funds.

Section 63-11-960. Deposit and distribution of contributions pursuant to Section 12-6-5060.

Section 63-11-1110 to 63-11-1160. Repealed.

Section 63-11-1310. Purpose.

Section 63-11-1320. Clients.

Section 63-11-1330. Duties.

Section 63-11-1340. Director and other staff; promulgation of regulations.

Section 63-11-1350. Confidentiality.

Section 63-11-1360. Annual report.

Section 63-11-1510. System established.

Section 63-11-1520. State agency responsibilities.

Section 63-11-1530. Services Fund.

Section 63-11-1710. Board established; administrative responsibilities.

Section 63-11-1720. Board of trustees; composition; oversight.

Section 63-11-1725. Advisory council.

Section 63-11-1730. Board of trustees; promulgation of comprehensive long-term initiative; regulations; policies.

Section 63-11-1735. Repealed.

Section 63-11-1740. Director and staff; salary duties.

Section 63-11-1750. Funding.

Section 63-11-1900. Policy.

Section 63-11-1910. Definitions.

Section 63-11-1920. Department established.

Section 63-11-1930. Committee established.

Section 63-11-1940. Purpose and duties of department.

Section 63-11-1950. Purpose and duties of committee.

Section 63-11-1960. Access to information.

Section 63-11-1970. Subpoena power.

Section 63-11-1980. Confidentiality of meetings.

Section 63-11-1990. Confidentiality of information.

Section 63-11-2110. Military-Connected Children's Welfare Task Force.

Section 63-11-2210. Department of Children's Advocacy established.

Section 63-11-2215. Administrative support of department.

Section 63-11-2220. Composition of department; salaries.

Section 63-11-2230. Definitions.

Section 63-11-2240. State Child Advocate; responsibilities; qualifications.

Section 63-11-2250. Confidentiality.

Section 63-11-2260. Compensation of State Child Advocate.

Section 63-11-2270. Duties; reports; access.

Section 63-11-2280. Critical incidents; reporting requirements; investigation.

Section 63-11-2290. Toll-free public telephone number and electronic complaint submission form; agencies required to post number and web address.

Section 63-11-2295. Complaints regarding State Child Advocate and department.

Section 63-11-2400. South Carolina Child Abuse Response Protocol; failure to comply with protocol.

Section 63-11-2410. Establishment of Child Abuse Protocol Review Committee; membership; meetings.

Section 63-11-2420. Maintenance of protocol.