A holder of a valid micro-distillery or manufacturer license issued by the State may permit tastings and retail sales of the alcoholic liquors produced at the licensed premises subject to the following limitations and any other limitations provided in this subarticle:
(1) tastings by and sales to consumers must be held in conjunction with a tour by the consumer of the on-site licensed premises and the micro-distillery or manufacturer may charge an amount in its discretion for the tour. The amount consumers are charged must be on a scale that accords with the amount of alcoholic liquors for on-premises consumption that is dispensed to consumers;
(2) the micro-distillery or manufacturer shall establish appropriate protocols to ensure that a consumer sold or served alcoholic liquors pursuant to this section is not under twenty-one years of age and that a consumer shall not attend more than one tasting in a day;
(3) the amount charged by micro-distilleries and manufacturers for tours must increase incrementally and accord with the amount of alcoholic liquors provided for on-premises consumption by one-half ounce, beginning with a base tour price corresponding with the provision of one ounce of alcoholic liquor;
(4) the micro-distillery or manufacturer may not dispense more than four and one-half ounces to an individual consumer in one day;
(5) tastings and sales may occur only between the hours of nine a.m. and seven p.m., Monday through Saturday;
(6) the micro-distillery or manufacturer may not charge for alcoholic liquors consumed at a tasting;
(7) the micro-distillery or manufacturer may provide mixers, which must be nonalcoholic and carry zero percent of alcohol by weight, in conjunction with the tasting, but the micro-distillery or manufacturer may not charge for the mixers;
(8) only brands of alcoholic liquors actually manufactured, distilled, or fermented at and distributed to wholesalers from the licensed premises may be sold or offered for tasting; and
(9) a micro-distillery or a manufacturer licensed pursuant to Section 61-6-1155 must comply with the discount pricing provisions of Section 61-6-4550, as applicable, and may not dispense alcoholic liquors for free at a tasting in subsection (6) of this section.
HISTORY: 2009 Act No. 11, Section 1, eff May 6, 2009; 2017 Act No. 62 (H.3137), Section 1, eff May 19, 2017; 2021 Act No. 60 (S.619), Section 10, eff May 17, 2021.
Editor's Note
2021 Act No. 60, Sections 1 and 11, provide as follows:
"SECTION 1. The General Assembly finds and declares that:
"(A) The State has a substantial interest in regulating alcoholic liquors and other beverages containing alcohol; the activities of manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, and retailers; and the influences that affect the consumption levels of alcoholic liquors and other beverages containing alcohol by the people of the State.
"(B) The State has a substantial interest in exercising its police power to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the State by regulating the business of manufacturing, distributing, and retail sales of alcoholic liquors and other beverages containing alcohol in the manner and to the extent allowed by law to promote and preserve public health and safety through legitimate, nonprotectionist measures, which include regulating and controlling alcoholic beverage transactions in this State and the means and manner in which licensed micro-distilleries and alcoholic liquor manufacturers may sell alcoholic beverages to the state's qualifying consumers.
"(C) Selling alcoholic liquors from manufacturers outside the State directly to residents of this State poses a serious threat to the state's efforts to prevent underage drinking, to state revenue collections, and to the public health and safety of the state's residents.
"(D) By this act, the General Assembly intends to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of residents of this State with laws intended to strictly regulate alcoholic liquors and other beverages containing alcohol by preserving and promoting a robust, stable system of distribution of beverages containing alcohol to the public that does not provide for economic protectionism. Excessive use of alcoholic liquors and other beverages containing alcohol has wide-ranging deleterious health effects, including death. The General Assembly acknowledges that, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control, during the period from 2011 to 2015, an average of one thousand six hundred seventy-nine of this state's residents suffered alcohol attributed deaths due to excessive alcohol use and the rate of binge drinking in this State is ranked among the highest in the nation. The General Assembly acknowledges that, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, this State had two hundred eighty-five alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in 2019, which accounted for twenty-eight percent of the total traffic fatalities in the State. Attributed deaths due to alcohol-impaired driving in this State is ranked among the highest in the nation.
"(E) This act has been enacted pursuant to the authority granted to the State by the Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the powers reserved to the states under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, and the inherent powers of the State under the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, 1895, and the statutes promulgated thereunder. It is the intent of the General Assembly that this act do all of the following:
"(1) further regulate and control transactions in this State as to beverages containing alcohol under the control and supervision of the Department of Revenue;
"(2) strictly regulate alcoholic beverage transactions by fostering moderation and responsibility in the use and consumption of beverages containing alcohol;
"(3) promote and assure the public's interest in fair and efficient distribution and quality control of alcoholic beverages in this State;
"(4) promote orderly marketing of alcoholic beverages;
"(5) prevent unfair business practices, discrimination, and undue control of one segment of the alcoholic beverage industry by any other segment;
"(6) foster vigorous and healthy competition in the alcoholic beverage industry and protect the interests of consumers against fraud and misleading practices in the sale of alcoholic beverages, and avoid problems associated with indiscriminate price cutting and excessive advertising of alcoholic beverages;
"(7) provide for an orderly system of public revenues by facilitating the collection and accountability of this State and local excise taxes;
"(8) facilitate the collection of state and local revenue;
"(9) maintain trade stability and provide for the continuation of control and orderly processing by the State over the regulation of alcoholic beverage manufacturing locations and the process of selling alcoholic beverages to the state's consumers;
"(10) ensure that the Department of Revenue and State Law Enforcement Division are able to monitor licensed operations through on-site inspections to confirm compliance with state law and that any alcoholic beverages shipped into, distributed, and sold throughout this State:
"(a) have been registered for sale in this State with the Department of Revenue, as prescribed by law;
"(b) are not subject to a government-mandated or supplier-initiated recall;
"(c) are not counterfeit;
"(d) are labeled in conformance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations;
"(e) can be inspected and tested by the Department of Revenue or the State Law Enforcement Division; and
"(f) are not prohibited by this State;
"(11) promote and maintain a sound, stable, and viable three-tier system of distribution of beverages containing alcohol to the public; and
"(12) ensure that statutes and regulations relating to alcoholic beverages exist to serve the interests of the State of South Carolina and its citizens rather than to serve or protect the interests of market participants by adopting protectionist measures with no demonstrable connection to the state's legitimate interests in regulating alcoholic beverages."
"SECTION 11. A state agency with regulations specifying alcohol content percentages different from the percentages passed in this act must promulgate revised regulations to conform to the changes in this act. Until such time as the regulations are conformed, the percentages in the statutory provisions passed in this act supersede any differing percentages in the regulations."
Effect of Amendment
2017 Act No. 62, Section 1, amended the section, revising the ounce amount of alcoholic liquors dispensed at licensed premises and allowing mixers to be used in tastings.
2021 Act No. 60, Section 10, rewrote the section.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 61 - Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages
Chapter 6 - Alcoholic Beverage Control Act
Section 61-6-30. Excluded products; violations.
Section 61-6-40. Relationship with other laws.
Section 61-6-50. Wilful violation of rule or regulation.
Section 61-6-60. Administration and enforcement personnel.
Section 61-6-80. Annual reports.
Section 61-6-100. Authority to issue, suspend, and revoke licenses.
Section 61-6-110. Qualifications for license.
Section 61-6-120. Proximity to church, school, or playground; exception.
Section 61-6-130. Licensees per household.
Section 61-6-141. Maximum alcohol retail dealer licenses to one licensee.
Section 61-6-151. Prohibitions on licensee's interests in retail liquor stores.
Section 61-6-160. Unincorporated towns and communities.
Section 61-6-170. Retail dealer licenses per community.
Section 61-6-180. Notice of application.
Section 61-6-190. License tax.
Section 61-6-195. Retail dealer must certify purchases from wholesaler.
Section 61-6-505. Temporary retail liquor license upon purchase or acquisition of retail business.
Section 61-6-700. Food service establishments.
Section 61-6-710. Special food manufacturer's license.
Section 61-6-720. Licensing of bakeries using alcoholic beverages as ingredients; fee; restrictions.
Section 61-6-900. Death of licensee.
Section 61-6-910. Qualifications for license.
Section 61-6-920. Suspension or revocation of license.
Section 61-6-930. Revocation of wholesaler's license.
Section 61-6-940. Indebtedness of retailer to wholesaler.
Section 61-6-950. Sale of alcoholic liquors by former licensee.
Section 61-6-1035. Sampling of wines.
Section 61-6-1095. Definitions
Section 61-6-1100. Restrictions upon manufacturers.
Section 61-6-1110. Manufacturer's license; fee.
Section 61-6-1120. Micro-distillery licenses; fee.
Section 61-6-1140. Tastings and retail sales on licensed premises; limitations.
Section 61-6-1150. Tastings and retail sales; additional limitations and requirements.
Section 61-6-1155. Micro-distilleries; on-premises consumption of liquors.
Section 61-6-1160. Violation of provisions of subarticle; penalties.
Section 61-6-1300. Restrictions upon wholesalers.
Section 61-6-1310. Separate store or warehouse.
Section 61-6-1320. Monthly statements.
Section 61-6-1500. Restrictions upon retail dealers; unlawful practices; penalties.
Section 61-6-1505. Retail dealer may be licensed to cash checks.
Section 61-6-1510. Separate store or place of business; advertising encouraging underage drinking.
Section 61-6-1530. Signs required to be posted.
Section 61-6-1540. Nonalcoholic merchandise.
Section 61-6-1550. Carriers engaged in interstate travel.
Section 61-6-1560. Discounts on alcoholic liquors or nonalcoholic items.
Section 61-6-1600. Nonprofit organizations; time when sale of alcoholic beverages prohibited.
Section 61-6-1620. Possession or consumption of alcoholic liquors on premises open to public.
Section 61-6-1630. License restriction; retail dealer; liquor by the drink licensee.
Section 61-6-1636. Purchasing and sale of alcoholic liquor by the drink.
Section 61-6-1637. Substituting brands of alcoholic liquor.
Section 61-6-1640. Sampling of wine, cordials, and distilled spirits.
Section 61-6-1800. License required.
Section 61-6-1810. Applications.
Section 61-6-1820. Criteria for license; notice.
Section 61-6-1830. Suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of license.
Section 61-6-2000. Temporary permits for nonprofit organizations; criminal background checks.
Section 61-6-2005. Temporary retail liquor license upon purchase or acquisition of business.
Section 61-6-2010. Temporary permits upon referendum vote.
Section 61-6-2200. Age of server.
Section 61-6-2220. Sales to intoxicated persons.
Section 61-6-2230. Drinking contests or games prohibited; definitions.
Section 61-6-2300. Definitions.
Section 61-6-2310. Qualified facilities; hospitality cabinets; notification of approval.
Section 61-6-2320. Limitations on alcoholic beverages contained in cabinets.
Section 61-6-2330. Portion of cabinets containing nonalcoholic beverages or food; restrictions.
Section 61-6-2340. Locking of cabinet containing alcoholic beverages; limits on access.
Section 61-6-2350. Alcoholic beverage restock and replenishment supplies.
Section 61-6-2360. Regulations.
Section 61-6-2370. Civil penalties.
Section 61-6-2410. Restaurants with Class A licenses.
Section 61-6-2420. Restaurants with Class B licenses.
Section 61-6-2430. Discounting of prices by wholesale distributor.
Section 61-6-2610. Further penalties.
Section 61-6-2800. Applicability.
Section 61-6-2810. Exemption for South Carolina manufacturers.
Section 61-6-2820. Importation by registered producers.
Section 61-6-2830. Registration of brand names.
Section 61-6-2840. Applications for certificates of registration.
Section 61-6-2850. Certificates of registration of brand names.
Section 61-6-2860. Affirmation of corporate policy.
Section 61-6-2870. Biennial certificate of registration.
Section 61-6-2880. Interest in wholesale or retail liquor business.
Section 61-6-2890. Warehouses.
Section 61-6-2900. Shipment or transfer of imported liquors.
Section 61-6-2910. Invoices covering shipments into State.
Section 61-6-2920. Invoices covering shipments out of State or to wholesaler.
Section 61-6-2930. Contraband liquors.
Section 61-6-2940. Issuance of certificates or licenses.
Section 61-6-2950. Suspension or revocation of certificates or licenses.
Section 61-6-2960. Audit or examination of records.
Section 61-6-2965. Relationship with other laws.
Section 61-6-2970. Monies received.
Section 61-6-2980. Proof-of-purchase promotions.
Section 61-6-4000. Relationship with other laws.
Section 61-6-4010. Unlawful manufacture, possession, or sales.
Section 61-6-4020. Transportation in motor vehicle.
Section 61-6-4030. Transportation of alcoholic liquors in taxi or other vehicle for hire.
Section 61-6-4040. Rendering aid in unlawful transportation.
Section 61-6-4050. Purchase from unlicensed retail dealer.
Section 61-6-4060. Storage in place of business.
Section 61-6-4070. Transfer to person under the age of twenty-one years.
Section 61-6-4075. Purchase of alcoholic beverage for minor; penalty.
Section 61-6-4085. Charges against seller and minor purchaser; compliance tester exception.
Section 61-6-4090. Effect of conviction or plea.
Section 61-6-4100. Distilleries.
Section 61-6-4110. Distilling or manufacturing; violations.
Section 61-6-4120. Materials used in the manufacture of alcoholic liquors.
Section 61-6-4130. Presence at distillery, prima facie evidence of guilt.
Section 61-6-4140. Employment of persons under the age of twenty-one years.
Section 61-6-4150. Sale from vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.
Section 61-6-4155. Unlawful use of alcohol without liquid device; penalties; exceptions.
Section 61-6-4157. Powdered or crystalline alcohol; penalties; exceptions.
Section 61-6-4160. Sunday sales; Christmas Day sales; penalties.
Section 61-6-4170. Billboards encouraging underage drinking; penalty.
Section 61-6-4180. Possession of firearm or weapon.
Section 61-6-4190. Refusal or frustration of inspection.
Section 61-6-4200. Dispossession or attempted dispossession of alcoholic liquors.
Section 61-6-4210. General penalties.
Section 61-6-4220. Effect of conviction, plea, or bond forfeiture as prior offense.
Section 61-6-4230. Sentencing.
Section 61-6-4240. Reports of convictions, pleas, or bond forfeitures.
Section 61-6-4250. Certificates of convictions, pleas, or bond forfeiture.
Section 61-6-4260. Effect of conviction, plea, or bond forfeiture upon license.
Section 61-6-4270. Monetary penalties.
Section 61-6-4280. Transferability of licenses or permits.
Section 61-6-4290. Suspension of driver's license.
Section 61-6-4300. Seizure of alcoholic liquors or vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.
Section 61-6-4310. Sale of seized items.
Section 61-6-4320. Destruction of alcoholic liquors.
Section 61-6-4330. Bidding process.
Section 61-6-4340. Confiscation of certain vehicles, vessels, and aircraft.
Section 61-6-4350. Storage of seized chattel.
Section 61-6-4360. Notice of motor vehicle seizure.
Section 61-6-4370. Sale of chattel.
Section 61-6-4380. Proceeds of sale.
Section 61-6-4390. Actions to recover possession of chattel.
Section 61-6-4400. Stay of sale; appraisals.
Section 61-6-4410. Bonds for immediate possession of chattel.
Section 61-6-4420. Proof of claim.
Section 61-6-4430. Release of seized chattel.
Section 61-6-4440. Settlement of claims; joint claimants.
Section 61-6-4450. Distribution of proceeds.
Section 61-6-4460. Clear title.
Section 61-6-4470. Proceedings against confiscated alcoholic liquors.
Section 61-6-4480. Sheriffs' reports of seized chattels.
Section 61-6-4490. Preemption of field.
Section 61-6-4500. Municipal court jurisdiction.
Section 61-6-4510. Municipal police officers.
Section 61-6-4520. Federal labeling law.
Section 61-6-4530. Notes of indebtedness.
Section 61-6-4540. Search warrants.
Section 61-6-4550. Discount prices.
Section 61-6-4700. Consumption of alcoholic liquor on premises.
Section 61-6-4710. Lawful possession or consumption.
Section 61-6-4720. Consumption of alcoholic liquor in public conveyance.